Hearing Chen Feng's words, Luo Chen just smiled and said:

"In this matter, you said that I have an unknown prophet, then there must be none. All I can say is that I have already prepared all the options to deal with all the difficulties.

Just the requirements and instructions left to us above, I can easily deal with it, this is probably also the test for us from above, right?

I believe that if we can do it well, it will allow us to see more clearly by the people above, and maybe there will be benefits at that time.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's really not clear, but the only thing we can do now is to prepare everything well and make the show perfect!

Chen Feng naturally shot his heart at this time:

"Boss, leave it to me, I listen to you, I believe it is absolutely fine!"

Chen Feng naturally gave his strongest support at this time.

Because he has seen the future of Luo Chen, he is indeed very strong, and there is likely to be better development in the future.

Such a bigwig-level figure, just a few words to destroy the Zhou family, follow him, even if there is any problem with the TV station this time, there will definitely be other opportunities for a comeback in the future!

Anyway, his own master will definitely not pit him.

Uncle Liu said that their Chen family was nothing in front of Luo Chen, and Chen Feng might have been a little suspicious before.

But after the incident of the Zhou family, he really felt what his master meant by what he said.

Luo Chen is definitely a very powerful and low-key existence.

If it weren't for people provoking him, maybe everyone wouldn't know that there was such a big guy as Luo Chen this time.

Luo Chen would definitely be famous, but no one expected that his energy was so great!

Now Luo Chen's influence is still spreading rapidly, and interestingly, the Zhou family seems to want to convey a message of reconciliation through Bai Ru.

But Luo Chen refused, if he wanted to get it directly, he would directly kill and let the tiger return to the mountain, Luo Chen would definitely not do it!

And now it's not that he said to stop and stop, the role of high-level bad luck talismans is absolutely terrifying! Can't stop at all!

Plus so many enemies in the last week's family, is it he who can stop it with a word? No kidding.

In fact, no one expected that Luo Chen could carry out dimensionality reduction strikes in various ways.

The bad luck charm of the system, when it works, is really terrible!

And Luo Chen's side, after arranging Chen Feng's affairs.

Naturally, I also paid attention to the ratings of the hundred forums yesterday.

The technical department quickly counted the ratings, which immediately excited the entire TV station.

Because everyone has seen that yesterday's 100 Schools Forum only broadcast to the second episode, and directly topped the national ranking and directly topped the first place in the same type of program.

And it broke the ratings record of similar TV programs, directly reaching 2.1%!

You know, because there is too much competitive pressure now, local stations are rising.

Although it is an educational program, it is already very impressive to be able to achieve such a rating.

Usually reaching a rating of 1% is already a big hit, and there are many TV series that do not meet this requirement, let alone just an educational program?

The day before they were able to get 1% of the rating, many people think that this is because of the blessing of other stars, maybe the popularity on the second day is not so great.

Who knew that the ratings on Day 2 directly soared again, rising 1.1 points.

This is a very powerful breakthrough in the entire industry, and the news about Roselle TV is in the TV circle for a while, and it is instantly stormy.

The most important thing is that Luo Chen used such a unique way to make himself famous before.

The Zhou family collapsed because of this, and he was also a well-known figure in another circle.

At this moment, he seemed to be pushed to the strongest front desk, a talented, handsome and powerful young man, naturally able to attract people's attention.

The most important thing is that his strength is unfathomable! Now no one knows the true details of Luo Chen.

Many people can't figure out what kind of person Luo Chen is, so they have more attention to him and pay more attention!

Last night, the Zhou family was hit by a devastating blow, such a unique ability, instantly let everyone see Luo Chen's strength!

So today there are more people who are coming to the 100 pulpits, and some of them come from other fields.

Of course, there are historians and some literary scholars who want to come and listen to Luo Chen's lectures.

Because they found that some of the points of Luo Chen's lecture were very interesting, which they had never thought of before.

So in addition to some unique stars and celebrities, people in academia also began to notice the existence of Luo Chen.

This unique show has become famous!

This is undoubtedly a very good start for Luo Chen and Roselle TV.

And today to shoot the new "Hundred Family Forum", Chen Feng led his team and naturally began a new run-in.

After all, they are also the first time to cooperate with Luo Chen, and they have tried it from such a simple production.

So today's hundred pulpits have become extraordinarily lively, and the stars all want to come over and get a piece of the pie, because they seem to see the possibility of an alternative explosion.

Being able to show his face in this show proves that he still has a little relationship and status in the imperial capital circle, and at the same time, he can listen to the class with so many big coffee, and it is very high at a glance.

For a while, traffic stars from all over the country and so on want to show themselves here, the learned side.

The most important point of Luo Chen's show is that he never gives the venue fee, he is talking about it himself.

The first time the person came was to give face, and the second time was to come over to rub the heat, so there was no need to give any appearance fee at all.

As long as Luo Chen lectures, then countless people will come to listen to the lecture!

For a while, whether it was academia or the entertainment industry, Luo Chen's name suddenly exploded.

And today's lecture is undoubtedly very smooth.

But more importantly, Luo Chen began to prepare his own new show, which was what he and Chen Feng valued the most.

After all, one of the previous instructions has come down.

This undoubtedly adds a new challenge for them, so they came to the show today.

In addition to these stars, there are also some established artists.

These veteran singers are the main starting lineup of Luo Chen's next heavyweight show: "I am a Singer".

At the same time that they came to see the venue, they were also the planners who came to see this show.

After all, after such a day or two, Luo Chen's reputation instantly expanded, forming an explosive effect.

More explosive is still to come, because "I Am a Singer", as Luo Chen's killer app, as a means for him to prepare to blow up the entire Roselle TV, will soon appear!

Today, Uncle Liu brought guests not only himself, but also a group of his old friends and brothers.

Of course, Luo Chen's face can also invite some powerful singers, but someone like Uncle Liu has so much influence in the industry, and countless people will naturally respond as soon as they speak out!

And it's a new way for him to get old friends together again.

At this moment, no one expected that a new program format, a competition that had never been seen before, had slowly kicked off.

And now Luo Chen has to face another thing, that is, Jiang Yingxue, who has already been arranged.

This young lady was afraid that Luo Chen would pay her bills, and she had been following Luo Chen since the beginning.

The key is that her figure and appearance are too wow, and as soon as she came out, she naturally attracted the attention of countless people!

Luo Chen is not only around such a little sister, Bai Ru, Gedina, and Tong Yaya are all by his side, just like a protector!

For a while, there were new rumors about Luo Chen's confidante beside him.

This time, the name of Luo Chen's wind flow can be regarded as completely spread!

However, at this time, Jiang Yingxue naturally secretly signaled to Luo Chen:

"Good husband, no matter how busy I am today, you can't forget the overtime work with me at night!" Tonight is a night of our fate! I'm keeping an eye on you, if you dare to abandon my little friend, I will definitely dare to suffocate you with my 36E! "


-The author has something to say:

Today's update is finished, good night readers, see you tomorrow! Is it okay to have a wave of five-star reviews before going to bed?

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