Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh:

"I said Xiaoxue'er, you are too anxious, this is still a long time before the night?"

Jiang Yingxue was unconvinced: "Who let you perform so prominently today, I didn't see when you lectured just now."

The girls in the audience have already seen their eyes shining, and they all seem to be looking at you like wolves, and I'm a little worried! Jiang

Yingxue's words undoubtedly also said the thoughts of a group of young ladies, but after Luo Chen's communication and assurance, Gedina believed Luo Chen's person.

After all, Luo Chen did this before, and when he was with Yang Mier, he didn't do anything to be sorry for his ex-wife.

Later, the divorce aside, now it's completely a bunch of young sisters, coming to him together, so this is not what he provokes, right?

But now that they have accepted them one by one, and finally made such a balanced state, naturally they don't want any possibility of breaking it.

After all, at this moment, they really value everything about Luo Chen too much.

And since Luo Chen said such a promise, he would naturally abide by it, and Luo Chen felt that it was time to tell this group of young ladies what he thought.

Bai Ru had secretly told Luo Chen before that the bet was nullified, and she was willing to follow Luo Chen, no matter what kind of state she was, she wanted to stay by Luo Chen's side.

Luo Chen is naturally very happy, mainly because this series of obstacles before can have too much impact on Luo Chen.

However, Bai Ru himself did not expect that Luo Chen could use his own strength to directly destroy the Zhou family.

She thought it would take a long time, maybe there would be a confrontation and maneuver between them.

As a result, in just one night, the Zhou family turned the world upside down and disappeared from the top forces of the imperial capital.

Such a thing also gave Bai Ru a very big shock, because the Zhou family was actually almost the same as their Bai family.

As a result, the people destroyed the Zhou family at once, does that mean that their Bai family is nothing in Luo Chen's eyes.

No wonder Luo Chen is so calm and calm, it turns out that he has already planned everything and completely mastered it in the palm of his hand.

So with such a powerful man, Bai Ru's heart is also much more stable, and at the same time, she can already feel that the Bai family's attitude towards Luo Chen has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially after yesterday's incident, the family also gave Bai Ru news, so that Bai Ru would take Luo Chen home to see when she was free.

Obviously, he has fully accepted Luo Chen's identity, even if there are several women around Luo Chen.

But the strong have such treatment, who makes Luo Chen really strong and perverted?

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Jiang Yingxue naturally felt a little relieved.

Luo Chen made such a choice, they were still willing to choose to believe.

And at this moment, Luo Chen still has to deal with the big guys from all walks of life who come here.

The people who came yesterday are not missing today, especially those bigwig-level figures in the entertainment industry, and this time has a completely different attitude towards Luo Chen.

Yesterday, there may have been a feeling of peer discussion, and now they all nodded and bowed:

"Oh Luo Shao, when will our cooperation start?" If you can, then as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes, I heard that Luo Shao, you are going to film a TV series recently, if there is anything you need to use us, just say!"

"We have any actor or talent for any variety show you want!"

These bosses, they saw it very clearly, yesterday they also spoke out in support of Luo Chen, just speaking out.

They are actually very clear that there are also some forces and family shadows behind them.

As soon as yesterday's incident came out, the people behind it let them deal with Luo Chen well.

Of course, now, these bosses know that their identities are simply impossible to compare with Luo Chen, and it is still necessary for the masters behind them to be able to talk to Luo Chen.

But now give Luo Chen a little wind to see if there is any chance for cooperation.

After all, it seems that Luo Chen was not very difficult to get along with yesterday, if it weren't for Zhou Can and the Zhou family pressing step by step, jumping directly on his head, it is estimated that he would not have been slapped to death.

However, even so, Luo Chen's reputation was already in the circle of the imperial capital, and it became a hit all of a sudden!

Everyone can't understand why a person with such a strong strength should come to the front desk and show his head like an entertainment star.

But this is not too strange, there are some strong people, some unique hobbies are also excusable, the hobbies of the strong sometimes make people incomprehensible.

Seeing the performance of this group of people, Luo Chen just smiled, did not say yes or no, anyway, everything is discussed.

Now he has too many choices, and sure enough, the strong are stronger and the weak are weaker.

Luo Chen now clearly feels what kind of rules this world of the jungle is.

After getting these so-called superficial entertainment, Luo Chen finally had time to come to the guests of the general program that he was preparing to shoot recently:

"Uncle Liu, seniors, hello, I'm sorry, there are too many people here today, I can't greet you, please forgive me!"

Uncle Liu smiled at this time: "Haha, Xiao Luo, you are becoming more and more good at being a person now, so many people are revolving around you, it seems that I haven't seen anyone you snubbed."

This time you are really hot, this time the old uncle will act according to your face, and you will have to carry the old uncle more in the future.

Luo Chen suddenly cried and laughed and responded: "Uncle Liu, you really bothered me when you said this, you have always been my elder and my most valued relative!" If you can record the show well this time, thank you very much! And

at this time, several people have appeared behind Uncle Liu, and everyone is familiar with the existence of the queen of songs.

They are all veteran singers, and these people, one by one, have their own unique tricks, characteristic voices, and a series of singing methods behind.

Luo Chen saw that they were able to say their names one by one, and even say their masterpieces.

It's just that for a long time they didn't have the kind of program that appeared directly in front of TV.

"Thanks to Young Master Luo for giving us a chance, we old guys have not shown up for a long time."

"This time, I heard that Young Master Luo filmed a show for us, and I couldn't believe it at the beginning."

There are men and women here, all of them are very powerful characters, and at this time, they all know that although Luo Chen is young, he is definitely not a simple person.

Especially they also have some news channels in the capital, knowing that Luo Chen, a young man, is definitely a hidden super young man, and must not be offended.

None of those who can be in this circle for so long are fools.

Some people are even more good at drilling camp, and these rock veterans, veterans of the music industry, one by one, have actually become famous for a long time.

Being able to come here to accept a new challenge, on the one hand, is to see Uncle Liu's face, and on the other hand, he has heard Luo Chen's reputation.

I feel that if you cooperate well with such a young man, maybe they will have a chance to become popular in the future.

And in fact, they really became popular, and because of Luo Chen's show, they suddenly became popular fried chicken again!

Next, Luo Chen's first variety show that made the whole country sensational and the entire entertainment industry exploded, finally appeared!


The author has something to say:

the first more sent, good noon, all readers, by the way, ask for five-star praise

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