"How about sister, excited? Can't help it? Bai Ru seemed to see through Jiang Yingxue's state at a glance.

She couldn't help but whisper in Jiang Yingxue's ear, exhaling like a lan, so that Jiang Yingxue next to her couldn't help but tremble.

"Cut, Sister Bai, aren't you excited? Our husband is so handsome! Now that the seniors in so many circles are only following his lead, I feel that only such a man can conquer me!

And sister, you have already tasted the taste of your husband, of course not hungry, I am very hungry now, I will say it in vain, if there is no one now, I want to pounce on my husband!

Jiang Yingxue did not hide his thoughts at all, and there was nothing embarrassing, a group of sisters usually made any jokes.

At this time, it is still the worship of his husband, naturally there will be no problem.

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Bai Ru couldn't help but continue to smile and said: "You know that you are powerful tonight, don't play too much, affect your husband's work tomorrow."

Jiang Yingxue said unconvinced: "Cut, don't you guys have fun?" Don't think I don't know, but I can watch people's skills, you and Gedina must have gained a lot of benefits from your husband, right? The most important thing is that you all turned over! That's why it became so beautiful the next day.

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but roll a beautiful hygienic eye at this time, and the sisters muttered whispered in the back.

But it did not affect Luo Chen's platoon layout on this side at all.

After all, today I took you to see the stage effect, so at this time he wanted to go up and walk in person.

After all, he had to go up and walk in person to feel the impact behind this stage.

There are also a group of orchestra members who came here today, and these orchestras are all invited from the imperial capital symphony orchestra, which is also very valuable.

This also used some of Bai Ru's connections in the middle, just to help Luo Chen create such a top music program!

At this time, the members of this orchestra began to regulate their instruments one by one, so that their instruments could enter the best state.

The music director on that side is also a master invited by Uncle Liu, named Yuan Youwei, who is a very senior stage designer and music director.

This time, inviting such a big coffee also used Uncle Liu's great favor.

And this big coffee at this time, also came to see for the sake of money, after all, the price given by Luo Chen is not low.

Recording it in the first quarter can make him enjoy it very dashingly for a while.

Yuan Youwei is also very curious at this time, what kind of young man and what kind of program makes Liu Zhen, a rock veteran and a big coffee figure, have to open the way for him.

And a group of veterans in the music scene, as well as a music director, couldn't help but set their sights on Luo Chen at this time, because this time is the moment to test the real strength of this stage.

And Luo Chen has already distributed a sheet music to this orchestra, and at the same time asked Yuan Youwei to look at the conductor score.

This orchestra was handed over to Yuan Youwei to conduct, and Luo Chen only needed to be responsible for running in with this orchestra and a subsequent sound deployment!

"Everyone on site, sound teacher, lighting teacher, on-site director, all ready to debug!"

“5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Now it's time for the official rehearsal stage! At

this time, Luo Chen walked out from the corridor in the backstage.

At the beginning, it was a hazy figure, and Luo Chen's tall figure could be seen through the weak light, followed by a laser lamp and a focused lamp forming a very unique arc.

Like a dream, the lighting scene quickly opened, and the entire stage seemed to enter a neon-like state.

Below the stage is a series of monitoring groups, including several veteran singers who are about to join the starting lineup, and of course, several of Luo Chen's confidantes.

They were all in the audience at this time, closely watching Luo Chen's next move.

And at this moment, Luo Chen had already taken firm steps, walked leisurely, and walked out gracefully.

At this time, Luo Chen, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looked very capable, and at the same time had the charm of a mature man.

Still so young, a strong sense of masculine charm emanates like this.

The people present couldn't help but see their eyes shining, many of the staff here were of the opposite sex, and one by one they couldn't help but exclaim: "So handsome!"

And these male staff members present also had to sigh here: "Muggle, why is our boss so handsome?" It's just a handsome one! "

Fortunately, he has other confidantes, otherwise some of us men would not have a way to live..."

And then, Luo Chen walked to the center of the stage at this time and directly used the microphone to direct the entire stage: "The microphone is ready, the band is ready!"

"I'll try the sound..." A gentle melodious sound sounded.

The band was just a test session, and Luo Chen also followed with a harmony.

However, just such a simple process and step made the people in the audience hear a wonderful music, and Luo Chen's harmony resonance and the mutual cooperation of the orchestra were instantly like the sound of heaven.

These veteran singers couldn't help but be extremely shocked at this time!

"Oh my God, this is the stage we want, I want to go up and sing, I want to go now!" , one of the rock veterans, couldn't help but say very excitedly.

Uncle Liu smiled: "Haha, old Qin, this is just the beginning, what's the hurry, there will definitely be a moment for you to perform in the future."

Singing General Lao Qin: "I haven't been so excited for a long time, this stage is so good, if you add that kind of fighting format, I feel reluctant to leave."

Uncle Liu: "The show created by my nephew is not rotten, I invite you to come, I can afford to see you, my brothers and sisters." At this time, Uncle Liu couldn't help it, very proud.

Because just looking at the current preliminary preparation, he has a hunch that this show will definitely catch fire!

However, it was Luo Chen's performance that shocked everyone.

Of course, no one knows that Luo Chen is still experiencing another thing:

"Congratulations to the master for activating the random task and gaining the recognition of the veteran in the music industry!"

"Gain the recognition of all the famous singers present through a song, as long as three people recognize the master's singing skills, they will be rewarded!"

"The more people recognized, the greater the rewards!"

"If you can get your music enjoyed by everyone, you will be rewarded supremely!"

Hearing this unique task, Luo Chen couldn't help but be even more interested!

At this moment, he is a little glad that he has prepared two scores for the band, both of which they have practiced before.

That way he can have two chances! Both songs are a bit difficult, one of them is super difficult, and he wants to test the acoustics.

Unexpectedly, a new task was triggered, and this time he was even more energetic!

PS: The third more sent up, followed by the plus chapter, will be sent at eight o'clock. Thank you to many readers for giving gifts to the author today, and add more for you today! Thank you to the following readers who gave gifts: three knives in hand; Look at the light red dust; Hearts that can't be kept; The wind groans on the river; Shi Mingli; Inspectors; Attachment; Laughing and sighing like a dream; User 37863467; User 30518402; Pretentious; User 29595114; Daydreaming.

Special thanks: Linjiang Xian; User 55690388 (thanks for the reminder)!

Thank you all for your great support, and the authors are working hard to update in return. Love you guys!

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