When he saw this task, Luo Chen knew that he really had to show 12 points of strength today!

Now he will not let go of every system task, after all, with such a task, some subsequent rewards are likely to bring him a new opportunity.

These previous tasks have helped him get through a lot of difficulties, so at this moment, he pays more attention to his current performance.

In addition, in the more than a year that he had been in the Yang family before, although he was at home every day, only he lived alone, Yang Mier basically did not see anyone, that is, occasionally came back at night, and the two had little communication.

When Luo Chen was alone at home, he didn't do nothing.

In the past year, he has practiced a lot of skills, all of which are skills sent by the system, as well as some special attributes.

So now in terms of singing, he does have very good strength.

This is also an important reason why he, under a chance display opportunity, attracted Tong Yaya.

Without this talent, Tong Yaya would not like him at all, would not want to understand him, and would not be obsessed with it.

Now Luo Chen has come to such a stage, only the employees and staff in his own stage, as well as the guests who are about to participate in this show, as well as these young sisters of his confidants.

But now he is like a bright star, exuding unparalleled brilliance!

He just gave Yuan Wei a gesturing look, indicating that he was ready, and gave Yuan Youwei a gesture, indicating the first song.

The inscription version shows that as well as various lights have shone on him, this stage is based on the artistic conception of each song, showing the best side of the singer.

So it is also according to the meaning of each song to design the stage effect.

Now this love song sung by Luo Chen also has a very good reputation in another world.

It was also a famous classic song of a super well-known singer in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"I was at the airport station in 1995, you borrowed me, and I didn't want to return it..." The

moment Luo Chen sang such a sentence in a subwoofer-like voice, everyone present had a feeling of goosebumps.

That kind of beautiful sound that made people feel excited, so that everyone couldn't help but immerse themselves in Luo Chen's singing.

This is a very emotional song, and most importantly, it should be sung to a crush.

Or people simply do not receive this aspect of the feelings, or dare not express them.

But Luo Chen showed such a rich emotion with his singing!

Only listened to the main song part of the previous song, and several young ladies have been completely immersed in it!

This is a man with a lot of stories.

It's a song with a great story....

A song should sing such a rich emotion, in order to be refreshing!

At the same time, it resonates strongly with all listeners.

The key is that Luo Chen's singing voice is too emotional, and among the veterans present, the veterans of the music industry look at each other one by one.

Sincere feelings, singing skills, high-quality songs, all of which come together to make a classic!

They have never heard Luo Chen's song, which is obviously a new song, and many people may sing it in another time and space.

But in this parallel time and space, Luo Chen showed such a song with strong feelings for the first time.

"Your backpack! It's not rotten yet..." As soon as the chorus part came out, the group of people immediately felt that this song was going to explode!

That Yun sister, who was known as the queen of the music world, burst into tears when she heard it.

She seemed to hear her own story at once.

It seems that some emotions in the hearts of many people have been sung, and this Sister Yun doesn't know if she was hit by the song to a soft place in her heart.

I recall some unforgettable experiences in my heart, and I don't know what happened, so I can't cry.

Of course, she was also listening well, but when she heard the end, she couldn't help crying.

Old Qin next to him also had tears in his eyes, and he seemed to remember some of his youthful past.

Where is that one of her now? Who is carrying her backpack? Are you doing well....

People are always like this, in some unforgettable stages, experiencing all kinds of regrets.

Once missed, it's hard to turn back....

These singers in the music arena are all people with stories, and the more people with stories, the easier it is to be touched by songs with stories.

When Uncle Liu heard this song, his eyes also sighed a little, and his thoughts followed the song and went far, far away.

He also had a woman that he cherished very much, and even for this woman, he has never married for life, and he is also an infatuated lover, where is that she now? Are you okay?

At this time, several young ladies also burst into tears when they listened.

At the same time, tears are because of Luo Chen's strong emotional rendering!

More importantly, there was a faint fear in their hearts.

Is there a very important woman in Luo Chen's heart? They used to be together and finally separated?

And Luo Chen hasn't put her down yet?

For a moment, they all thought of the same name: "Yang Mier!" "

This woman should be Luo Chen's first woman, and it is the existence that Luo Chen wants to get but can't get.

In the end, it is even more regrettable to separate, is Luo Chen's song written to Yang Mier?

If so, does that mean that Luo Chen still has these ideas?

In fact, these young ladies really thought too much, Luo Chen sang this song just to try the acoustics.

There are more kinds of bitter love songs in his mind, and if they are all written because of such experiences, then he really can't explain it.

Sometimes it's really people who sing just want to get the money, but people who listen to songs think too much....

However, now the young ladies don't know ah, and the vigilance in their hearts has risen.

His husband, the man he values the most, can't let other women join in.

Now these young ladies are already very good, just reaching a balanced state, if you add other women, how do they deal with themselves.

Most importantly, Yang Mier must not be allowed to join in!

Even if any woman under the sky joins in, she can't let Yang Mier come back!

Otherwise, this is too embarrassing, once they were husband and wife, after the divorce, as best friends, they robbed this ex-husband.

The relationship is too complicated, making people cut continuously, and the reason is still messy!

The point is that if Yang Mier has such a powerful position in Luo Chen's heart, then they will be even more unacceptable.

Now the position of several young ladies in Luo Chen's heart should be very even, so everyone didn't say anything, suddenly came an important woman, they have to be strictly guarded no matter what, and they can't let her come back!

For a moment, several young ladies did not say anything, but there seemed to be a common determination in their eyes.

However, Luo Chen's singing this time is still continuing, because he has heard one after another in his mind, and the system's prompt sound:

"Congratulations to the master for gaining the recognition of the rock veteran!"

"Congratulations to the host for gaining the recognition of the queen of the music world!"

"Congratulations to the master for obtaining the super high recognition of the 4 goddesses!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the recognition of the music director..." As

more and more people recognize Luo Chen's voice, the rewards of this task will become more and more abundant, Luo Chen can't help but look forward to it, what kind of reward performance will there be next?

PS: This chapter is an additional chapter, thank you to every reader who supports this book, and thank you even more to the readers who gave a tip today!

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