Seeing Luo Chen's instructions, several veterans of the music industry have actually been in the circle for a long time, and naturally know some news.

Sister Yun couldn't help but laugh at this time: "Yo, I said Young Master Luo, you are really powerful, the eldest princess of this imperial capital has been snatched away by you, what other woman can't you get?" Isn't it a matter of you to want a song?

Luo Chen smiled: "Haha, I do have this decision, but women, you still have to give them a little autonomy and make them happy, otherwise, this family can't go back." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, these veterans of the music industry present couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha, it's amazing, does Young Master Luo still have this kind of mood, it's rare! Heck, I can only say that you are all lucky, this little girl Bai Ru is lucky to meet you, and you can also get such a virtuous help, it is really a match made in heaven. "

Sister Yun is very good at talking, at this time, she naturally wants to have a good relationship with Luo Chen, after all, such a young man, she has already seen it, she will definitely be the lord of flying in the future, just inviting her to this variety show can bring her a new influence!"

Her status in the entertainment industry is indeed very special, she has earned enough money and her reputation, but she also lacks her original intention and passion in the past.

At this time, suddenly came to such a unique program, which made the fire in Sister Yun's heart burn again.

If she wants to make music and make good music, she naturally needs the best musicians.

Luo Chen understands music, and there are so many high-quality resources in his hand, whether it is programs, new songs, various arrangements, or some other cooperative operations, etc., are all first-class.

Plus Bai Ru's reputation, who has not heard of anyone present?

Although they all know that Bai Ru is young, they are already big sisters in the industry, and even have a much greater influence in the industry than them.

However, after cooperating with such a magical man as Luo Chen, this little couple of them is definitely a strong combination, and the two swords are combined, and they are invincible!

Now they seem to have been able to see the future of this little couple in the entertainment industry in the future.

Luo Chen actually said this, and everyone knew what he thought.

It's best to be able to work with him, and if you can't, you can make a good relationship.

Anyway, Luo Chen's reputation has been very powerful recently, and the influence in the entertainment industry is even greater than that in the golden circle.

Because everyone knows that these forces in the entertainment industry actually have various backs.

The influence of these forces has penetrated into other major families.

This unique influence makes them also very clear that Luo Chen's subsequent actions are definitely not ordinary, and the influence will become more and more.

After all, no one knows what means such a big guy will use to enter the entertainment industry in the end.

Anyway, what I see now is already very strong.

Of course, there are many people who still don't know about Luo Chen, at this time, the best thing to do is to wait and see if we can have more cooperation with Luo Chen!

In fact, many bigwigs in the entertainment industry are now on the sidelines.

Because Luo Chen is the big guy among the big guys, they all need to look back.

At the very least, look at the master behind him and what kind of relationship there is between Luo Chen, and then make a decision.

At this time, Luo Chen also handled the affairs of these veterans in the music industry.

Naturally, today's schedule is more than halfway over.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a wonderful prompt sound from the system:

"Congratulations master, random mission, recognition of the veteran of the music industry, mission is over!"

"Mission completion, SS level!"

"Get Mission Rewards (1): Ventriloquist Sound Immersion! The owner can simulate a wide variety of sounds through his ventriloquism, making it feel as if you are there! It has a special blessing effect in terms of voice acting! , the specific use of the owner, explore by yourself. "

Mission Reward (2): Gain the ability to score a film and television soundtrack, and you can make the most appropriate soundtrack according to the live environment! Let the atmosphere of film and television works be more people, easy to blend! Seeing

these two skills, Luo Chen couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

Although it is not a particularly powerful skill, it still has a great auxiliary effect on the creation of his film and television works.

After all, it is just an ordinary random reward, singing two songs, taking two skills is already very satisfied.

Luo Chen can't speak, and every mission before will have a huge outbreak, after all, there are very few pies in the sky.

In fact, even with these tasks, Luo Chen needs to go through a variety of efforts to succeed.

So now to be able to have such a performance, he is already satisfied.

At this time, a group of veterans in the music industry have been sent away by him, and then a group of young ladies are left here to accompany him and complete some of today's last work schedule.

These young ladies have slowly recovered, and Luo Chen's TV overalls are tied around their waist, as if they are also declaring their sovereignty.

It perfectly covered up their little embarrassment just now.

And the staff of the TV station, seeing these goddesses appear, couldn't help but be more respectful.

As long as people with discerning eyes can see that the relationship between every goddess and Luo Chen is very unusual.

A group of male compatriots can't help but worship Luo Chen even more, their own little boss is really powerful, these female stars are the most popular existence now.

And that comic girl is also very famous in China.

One by one, they are now following Luo Chen, bowing their heads, just like the little daughter-in-law.

Very obedient!

Such a blessing, such a wife-taming technique, only Luo Chen, the strongest man, can have.

The admiration of a group of male compatriots is really like a gushing river, endlessly.

Chen Feng came here today and also saw the shocking effect of the variety show "I am a Singer" that he was about to create.

And he is also cooperating with Luo Chen, quickly carrying out various production and deployment.

He was already full of confidence and felt that the possibility of his explosion this time was very high!

On the other hand, Luo Chen gave him this opportunity to undoubtedly look at him, and he would definitely seize it.

However, in such an environment, there is still a little bit of dissonance.

The sound comes from the high-level shooting team brought by Jiang Yingxue.

The leader of this team is naturally also Jiang Yingxue's right-hand man: Sister Mei.

At this time, she couldn't help but find this side, because today's variety show shooting, she also wanted to come over to see Luo Chen's level.

As a result, Sister Mei was shocked, and this sister is also a very famous variety show producer in the industry.

Being brought over by Jiang Yingxue at this moment naturally has various influences and reasons.

But after seeing this performance, she couldn't sit still: "Miss, I brought me here, you have to give me an equally powerful variety show filming and production, or what am I doing here?"

"Look at that Chen Feng, the popularity in the industry is not as high as mine, right? Now that I have taken such a good resource, how can it be my turn now? At

this time, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but relax the heart of this producer: "Sister Mei, don't worry, I will give you a letter tonight, my husband likes me the most, as long as I say this request, he will definitely meet us!"

"Don't worry, follow your husband to have meat to eat!" My husband and I will definitely take you, as well as our brothers and sisters, to the highest position on the altar of variety shows! "

And Jiang Yingxue at this time, he was already secretly plotting, tonight he wanted to do everything he could, exhaust eighteen martial arts, and let Luo Chen hand over a blood! Completely break the work!

She is going to seize the bridgehead of Luo Chen's first woman!

PS: Add more chapters, the fourth more to send! There is another chapter, which is delivered around eleven.

Special thanks: The old driver Master Bian for his reminder and mountain climbing invitation, thank you very much!

Special thanks: Codename 007 for the reminder, likes, and mountain climbing invitations. Thank you very much!

Special thanks: User 25593115 for the reminder. Thank you very much!

Thank you to all the readers who liked the author's gift and invited to climb the mountain, thank you for your support!

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