He didn't know that Xiao Xue'er on this side was already preparing, and he tried all kinds of methods to make him break the work.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he knows, anyway, he has already practiced two young sisters.

Just now, Gedina also gave such a message, saying that Xiao Xue'er was worse than them.

It is estimated that Xiao Xue'er who came today is still a fast girl who is easy to explain.

Now Luo Chen has a little headache, 4 beautiful women with beautiful colors, there won't be none of them who can fight, right?

Do you really have to pick four to be satisfied then?

When you think about it, it feels a little hard.

Luo Chen didn't dare to think more, and after a few young ladies walked with him just now, they also rested in his office.

Waiting for him to go back to the courtyard, after dinner, he may have to bring Jiang Yingxue to work overtime?

Of course, overtime is just a start, and everyone knows what's going on.

Anyway, the two young ladies have already tasted the sweetness, and they are still discussing how to allocate their time in the future.

After all, Luo Chen is too strong, and sometimes a little sister is really difficult to handle.

Of course, Luo Chen has not broken the skill yet, and they still have some time to adapt.

According to Luo Chen's own words, it is not far from the day when his "divine skill" will be accomplished....

Think about a group of young ladies, now Luo Chen is already a little overwhelmed without breaking the skill, how can Luo Chen return it after he becomes a big success?

So the general young lady has already discussed it in private.

Especially Bai Ru has already acquiesced to such a state, and several young sisters have also acquiesced.

Although they didn't say it explicitly, they didn't want to go one by one, and Luo Chen wouldn't let them go.

So in the end, it is likely that this is the state of affairs to be maintained.

And after Luo Chen sang such a song "Your Backpack" today, the mentality of a group of young ladies was a little tense.

I was afraid that Luo Chen's previous ex-wife Yang Mier would kill back!

Now, they all don't want Luo Chen to be too showy, because the more famous Luo Chen is, the more women he will inevitably attract, and there will inevitably be Yang Mier.

Imagine that there was such a sincere love in front of her, but she didn't know how to cherish it, and when she looked back, she found that everything was too late to regret!

That regret, that unwillingness, will definitely make Yang Mier, want to eat back grass, want to come back to play a trick of chasing the crematorium!

At that time, how should their best friends and sisters deal with themselves?

In fact, now they have foreseen that with Yang Mier, it is estimated that they will not be able to become sisters in the future, how embarrassing it is to see each other.

But how to choose between sisters and husbands, they naturally know who is lighter and who is heavier.

Love is the most important, husband first!

Therefore, Yang Mier has now become the enemy they want to fight together, and the sisters in the past are not expected to continue the frontier in the future.

At this moment, Luo Chen was still experiencing another thing.

In addition to today after this unique random mission.

Today, Luo Chen also completed an important task stage.

That was before, SSS level, supergod attribute mission!

There are two conditions, the first condition is that two programs win the national ratings championship in the same period.

Another condition is 100 million popularity!

Now Luo Chen has completed the first paragraph of the first condition, and "Hundred Family Forum" has won the national ratings championship in the same period.

Luo Chen could even conclude that for a long time, his championship throne was secure.

Now there is a need for another variety show or another type of show ratings champion.

In his opinion, it is also a sure thing, because he still has a lot of killer tools in his hand that have not been released.

Everyone thinks that "Hundred Family Forum" is already Luo Chen's luck and won a ratings championship.

But this ratings champion has a bit low gold content, because among the same type of programs, none of them can play.

It is also difficult to make any explosive models, and Luo Chen can be regarded as exploiting a loophole.

Got a very good location all at once.

But the next ratings champion won't be so easy!

Now the entire TV industry is watching Luo Chen's moves, because the waves that Luo Chen made in the imperial capital before were too big.

The latter influence is not only in the entertainment industry, but even in the development of the entire country, it has a different influence.

Such an action instantly made the well-informed television industry naturally raise a trace of vigilance towards Luo Chen.

This young man is too ruthless, will even other competitors use such ruthless methods.

Therefore, the TV Association, all of a sudden, has a very consistent voice, and must create a little trouble for Luo Chen!

This time a follow-up influence came like this, and Luo Chen's way forward will become more and more difficult.

Of course, all TV stations now have an urgent feeling that it is best to let Luo Chen's chance to turn over this time completely fail.

In this way, Luo Chen disappeared directly from the TV industry, which is the best choice.

Even if this TV station is directly down, it doesn't matter if no one receives it.

However, how could Luo Chen get their wish so easily?

At this moment, all the local stations of the television industry, as well as variety entertainment stations, etc., do not know that a behemoth will be produced in Luo Chen's hands.

And as long as they miss this opportunity, they want to stop Luo Chen's footsteps, there is no possibility!

At that time, it will be a battle for Luo Chen, the situation of national television, and it can also fight up and down!

Sometimes it even surpasses a lot, of course, these are already a later story.

Now Luo Chen is still in a very difficult situation that seems to outsiders.

After all, it is really not easy to complete that series of conditions.

In fact, many TV stations, after these review moments, are not so strict, because strictly according to those standards, not many TV stations can do it!

Some of these operations, in fact, there are already many curves in it, the relationship is in place, and the back can naturally relax.

And now Luo Chen is facing the most severe control!

And at this moment, the system prompt that Luo Chen got came out at once: "Congratulations to the master for completing the SSS level, and the first stage of the super god attribute task has obtained a phased reward!" "

Bonus: Actors please take their places! Through his own character attribute panel, the owner can quickly see the unique drama path of each actor, as well as the strengths and shortcomings! There can be a clear indication that brings out the potential of every actor!

"With the director's halo, there will be unexpected miracles, which can improve the quality of the entire work!"

After seeing this unique reward, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up!

This is a skill he will urgently need when he is about to shoot TV series and movies.

Although he now has intermediate comprehensive directing skills, he understands all aspects of directing ability.

But when you really need to use it, it's different!

But all this will be needed in a few days, and now he needs to solve a problem that surprised him a little.

After eating with a group of young ladies, Jiang Yingxue was impatient, and coquettishly shook Luo Chen's arm: "Good brother, good husband, are we going to work overtime?" "

Seeing Jiang Yingxue's graceful figure, Luo Chen suddenly had a little new impulse, this woman is a little different from other young ladies...

And at this time, Jiang Yingxue was already lying on Luo Chen's ear, and said coquettishly: "Husband, I must let you completely break the gong tonight!" Even if I were to attack a hundred times, I would complete this battle! "

PS: Add more again! The fifth is also sent, thank you to all readers who supported this book! Today's update is finished, good night readers, good dream!


-The author has something to say:

add more again! The fifth is also sent, thank you to all readers who supported this book! Today's update is finished, good night readers, good dream!

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