Finally coming to this dream place, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but feel like a dream.

Her liking and admiration for Luo Chen came from a very fortuitous chance.

A very fortuitous encounter.

Let her know that Luo Chen turned out to be an anime author god she admired the most.

The "Sea King" created by Luo Chen has created a series of unique records in this time and space!

No one can break these sales records until now.

Moreover, the most deadly thing is that this anime, directly across the ocean, across the gap between countries, directly landed in the animation world of another animation country, the island country, and once serialized, it received an unprecedented enthusiastic response.

It is also known as a national anime!

But when they knew that the author of this anime came from another huge oriental country, from the world that they had looked down on before, anime lagged behind.

Anime fans throughout their island nation are blindfolded.

But even so, it could not resist the charm of this work, and it dominated a series of subsequent sales, and the sales list lasted for more than a year!

Until now, it is still the first place, which surprised everyone.

And it is precisely because of this that this anime is called the light of national comics by all national comic fans!

And the creator of this anime is naturally called the god of national comics!

This god-like man single-handedly reversed the backward situation in the oriental animation industry.

With his own unique drawing style and penstyle, he quickly conquered anime fans all over the world.

In addition to selling well in island countries, this anime has also set off a series of crazes abroad.

There are many people who wonder how such a worldwide anime does not seem to have much gain.

Of course, it's not that there are no gains, but that these earnings are delayed.

After all, after transnationality, these benefits need to be aggregated through various channels, and sometimes various factors are involved.

Therefore, the settlement time can sometimes be very long, even a year and a half before the payment is returned.

And some domestic anime magazines, as well as online channels, of course, will also be distributed and exploded.

However, because of a special state of the animation industry, the consumption time of income is also relatively long.

In the first year, even other top-level super powerful anime did not make much money.

Moreover, Luo Chen put his novels and animation earnings on the operation of the TV station in the early stage.

For a period of time in the middle, these earnings were delayed, and because of this, Luo Chen did not pay the TV station for three months.

In the end, it was the financial reward given by the system that allowed him to get through this difficulty.

However, once these anime are closed, they are quickly returned. Then it will be a huge amount!

In fact, such a mechanism also makes many anime authors very depressed and entangled, everyone is also balanced, and they are also fighting for their own rights and interests, but there is no one to say yet.

However, for Luo Chen, now his most difficult stage has passed, once he waits for some funds to return, then it is a new outbreak period for him!

And Jiang Yingxue, naturally, knew from a chance that Luo Chen was the true author of this national comic light.

The key Luo Chen is so handsome and has an extraordinary temperament, just at the first glance, Jiang Yingxue has already been impressed, knowing that he is the author, Jiang Yingxue even used all aspects of his ability to understand this man.

It is said that making a woman curious about a man is the beginning of her fall!

And the more Jiang Yingxue investigated, the deeper she fell in!

At that time, she had already begun to be fascinated by this man, but because of some things at home, she couldn't get out for the time being, and at this time she could finally stay by Luo Chen's side for a long time.

The most terrible thing is that many anime works are created by teams, and Luo Chen's anime is completely completed by one person, which is very incredible.

Because Luo Chen's creation speed is quite fast, and it is well-made, although there is no final animation.

But just the serialization of comics has made Luo Chen, in the entire oriental animation industry, a god-like existence!

In fact, there are now countless industry capitals, as well as teams that want to cooperate with Luo Chen for animation.

Fans are even more incomparably looking forward to the animeization of this masterpiece!

But Luo Chen did not make such a response to the invitation to cooperate.

Of course, he is selfish, because he also knows that the TV station needs such an anime work.

Once this anime is put on Roselle TV to broadcast, how much traffic will it attract, it is really comparable to some, super first-line traffic top stream!

Even more powerful than them.

Because this anime is not only the usual anime fans, there are many fans in all aspects.

Once animated, it will not only have a huge impact in China, but even countless anime fans and diehard super fans of this anime will go crazy in the island country and even around the world!

So Luo Chen is accumulating strength and preparing to make a big move!

In fact, Luo Chen's task is still waiting, and he is thinking about whether he can complete some special items about anime through the popularity lottery.

So at this time, Luo Chen's idea is very clear, and when he can quickly animate these works by himself, he can release these big killers!

In fact, the animation of this anime is his second key project to win the national ratings championship.

He is confident that he can win the ratings championship through this animated light of national comics.

At that time, he will have two ratings thrones, and he will still be sure that no one can take it away!

Therefore, he is not worried at all about the completion of the task.

The only worry is the creation of other variety shows and TV series.

Because even if you come to this time and space, the same script, the same story, and different people shoot it, the effect is completely different.

Sometimes whether a work can be popular, whether an actor can be popular, there is also a little metaphysical taste!

In it, there are many things that are not clear and unclear, it depends on luck and luck!

Of course, now Luo Chen, I didn't think so much at all, after all, the beauty is in front, enjoy it first.

At this moment, just after closing the door of the office, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help it, came directly over, holding Luo Chen unscrupulously, while also twisting his delicate figure.

Let yourself have a seamless connection with everything in Luo Chen!

She had waited for this moment for too long, but after a deep fragrance, none of them were in a hurry to move on to the next step.

Luo Chen smiled playfully: "Xiao Xue'er, weren't you very impatient just now?" Why do you know how to control the rhythm now? Less rushed?

Jiang Yingxue smiled proudly: "Heehee, I was anxious just now because there were other young ladies who were watching the tiger, and I was afraid that they would cut off my beard halfway again." Now that you are mine, on my own, of course I am not in a hurry.

And I have prepared a special gift for you, and the previous time, I was going to show you, but this group of bad sisters took me away! Also tied me to a room.

Fortunately, my own body is flexible, and I want to tie me up with that kind of thing, which really underestimates me. Hey, hey....

Today I'm going to show you my unfinished gift, and see what it is? Look at it, husband, don't blind you!

Husband, I want you, can't help but be crazy for me! "

PS: The second one is sent, good afternoon, great readers. Thank you to all readers for their great support and ask for a wave of five-star reviews by the way.

Special thanks to readers of Great: Yu Le's little leather whip and mountain climbing invitation. Thank you so much!!

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Thank you to all the readers who liked and invited to climb!!

The third will be delivered at 18 p.m. See you then.

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