Seeing Jiang Yingxue like this, Luo Chen suddenly looked a little crying and laughing.

But he was really blinded.

Just because Jiang Yingxue was showing her special equipment, a very special suitcase, at this time.

The suitcase is very large, and it looks like a large mobile wardrobe, which is very well made at first glance.

Then Jiang Yingxue gently opened this large suitcase, and a series of various cosplay equipment was displayed inside!

"Say, husband, what kind of role-play do you want me to play? Is it a cat-eared lady or a rabbit-eared girl? Is it a vacuum chef, or is it a hot royal sister? Only you can't think of it, there is nothing I can't play, hee-hee! In

fact, Jiang Yingxue really likes to play cosplay, but she plays it alone, and the outfits displayed in front of fans are conservative and delicate, wrapping herself tightly.

But in front of Luo Chen, there are not so many rules, and you can play as much as you want.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen suddenly became a little interested.

Jiang Yingxue hugged him while coquettishly saying, "Hee, husband, these are the special equipment I prepared for you!" Never shown in front of others!

The outfits I give to fans or on the Internet are conservative, like the kind of Lolita costume that covers the whole body, or some period costumes.

Of course, in fact, what annoys me the most is these equipment now, I think your husband will like it. "

Well, Luo Chen is really eye-opening at this time, the eldest lady of the rich family can play."

But at this time, he still wanted to see what kind of effect Jiang Yingxue would have after wearing these equipment.

Because at this time, Jiang Yingxue was wearing daily civilian clothes, but even so, she could show her clothes.

Dignified and elegant, yet playful and cute, it looks likeable.

Coupled with the blessing of her appearance and figure, a little girl like Jiang Yingxue is really the dream goddess of countless otaku men.

Luo Chen looked at the equipment and clothing in this wardrobe with interest. It's really a modern costume, and there are all kinds of props.

Jiang Yingxue has a rich family, so naturally he can play like this.

And there's a lot more interesting about it.

"Husband, in the past, the female photographers in my team took cos-photos for me, can you help me take pictures today?"

I can take all kinds of poses, I'm soft, and I'll definitely let you know what a different taste is!

If you can't help it, just pounce, I'll ravage you as much as you want, you can trample it as badly....

You...... Do whatever you want to me! Jiang

Yingxue's words were now in Luo Chen's ears, softly speaking, exhaling like a lan.

Immediately, it made Luo Chen a little enthusiastic.

This little goblin is really good at prodding, and has been plucking Luo Chen's string!

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't look a little worse, he could complete the SSS-level task attribute, and Luo Chen would now turn into a werewolf and directly eat this white and tender little lamb to the point that there was no dregs left!

But now, there is a special experience, sometimes the closeness between two people, of course, requires that kind of real knife and gun.

But the process in the middle, played well, may make the relationship between the two people sweeter and more intimate.

And at this time, Jiang Yingxue is really good at taking advantage of his advantages.

Being able to play this kind of role-play is an advantage for her, obviously!

At the same time, there are other big killers, her figure, coupled with her childish appearance like a little loli, the sense of impact that is blessed by each other, it is estimated that men have an urge to commit crimes, right?

Jiang Yingxue knew this very well, and there had never been any man before who could let her practice these things.

In fact, in her mind, she has fantasized many times that there are many tricks to play with various scenes between herself and her future husband or boyfriend!

It's just that she has never had a chance, because although she wants an excellent man very much, she would rather lack than abuse!

How could her identity as a little princess of Jiangnan let ordinary people enter her eyes?

Luo Chen's appearance can be regarded as making her truly willing to invest desperately!

And make a lifetime commitment!

At this time, Luo Chen's performance undoubtedly made Jiang Yingxue very satisfied.

Because now Luo Chen's eyes gradually showed a little wolf nature!

The kind of eyes that are extremely aggressive and have the urge to eat her, she likes it the most!

It's still very attractive to prove yourself.

I'm afraid that Luo Chen has always been so abstinent and cold, it will be difficult to engage.

But seeing Luo Chen's current performance, Jiang Yingxue knew that he was not far from success this time.

Especially the words just now, if it were under normal circumstances, it is estimated that Luo Chen would have pounced long ago.

And now for Luo Chen, everything in front of him is so attractive and tempting!

Just when Jiang Yingxue thought that Luo Chen would play for a while.

As a result, the man didn't care so much, he directly picked her up by the waist and went to the spacious sofa next to her, and the two sat down together.

Of course, the young lady was held in Luo Chen's arms.

Luo Chen smiled wickedly: "Hehe, young sister, you successfully attracted my attention, okay, you really made me angry!" In that case, let me try your strength first! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Jiang Yingxue was suddenly stunned: "Good husband, don't you want me to change my clothes?"

Luo Chen: "Think, of course I want." But change later, let me taste your strength first, aren't you curious, how did Bai Ru and Gedina play with me? I think you've already asked, so how about you try it first?

Jiang Yingxue's face immediately turned red at this time, without any intention of resisting:

"People have said, you can do whatever you want, I am your woman, how to toss is not your decision?"

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay, then you look good!" Then

there was a sigh, and the sound of fabric being torn sounded!

Jiang Yingxue immediately found that a certain piece of her body was cool, and the clothes on it had been torn off and thrown on the ground.

A little snow-white is incomparably revealed.

"Huh? Husband, you, what are you doing? Jiang Yingxue was stunned.

Luo Chen smiled badly: "Anyway, you brought so many clothes, all of which you usually like, and I also prepared clothes for you here, so I tore them up..."

Then Jiang Yingxue was shy, a series of sighing sounds sounded, and he instantly felt like a pure lamb.

"Husband, you have so much strength... Is this all right?

Jiang Yingxue was suddenly a little dumbfounded, she has also seen this kind of scene in some movies and TV series, and the quality of the fabrics is now very good.

If you want to tear it open, you can't get it without a lot of strength.

And Luo Chen seems to be effortless, just like tearing open the paper, tearing these clothes and fabrics to shreds in a few strokes, this scene looks wild and has a fanatical violent beauty.

Luo Chen is also a director, even if he does anything, he has his own aesthetic standards!

However, after everything was done, Luo Chen cried and laughed: "Xiao Xue'er, which one did you make?" How to do it again? "

PS: The third one is sent, and the next chapter is added, which will be released at about 20 pm. See you then, you readers.

Special thanks to the readers: a dream of drunken red dust inspiration capsule + urge charm, thank you very much!

Special thanks to the readers: Mu's urging, thank you very much!!

Special thanks to the reader greatly: the user 13356978 the reminder. Thank you very much!!

Thank you to every reader who sent the author a thumbs up and a mountain climbing invitation, thank you very much for your support! Love you guys!

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