At this moment, the scene that Luo Chen saw was that Jiang Yingxue once again wrapped herself tightly with a series of ribbons.

Of course, it is not very tight, but the important part is covered, which makes people look very strong visual impact!

Luo Chen couldn't help but swallow his throat.

When Jiang Yingxue saw Luo Chen's appearance, she immediately said happily: "Husband, hee-hee, I like to see you like to eat me!"

So much fun! And my sense of accomplishment has been greatly satisfied! My husband likes me, which is my greatest honor!

And then what, now how do you want to play? Are you going to break the work?

People are waiting for you at any time! Come on, good husband, people can't wait! Hearing

Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but have a headache, and at the same time really felt the urge to ignore it.

In fact, the two young ladies gave him a very strong impulse, but in the end they were suppressed by him.

The most important thing is that in this aspect, Luo Chen does have something extraordinary, and Luo Chen just had some ideas, and these two young ladies can't do it.

The tangled feeling of being hung up and down is really fatal, but Luo Chen can't bear to toss them, and the interaction with them can indeed solve the gluttony.

There was also a desire to finally complete the SSS-level mission, which made him persist in the end.

And at this time, Luo Chen felt that he didn't want to endure it a little.

After all, to this extent, Luo Chen felt that it was almost the same.

At this moment, Jiang Yingxue was also flushed, and gently pulled Luo Chen's collar, and Luo Chen approached directly.

The beauty's face is close at hand, Luo Chen can see it closely, Jiang Yingxue's delicate face. I have to sigh that God cares for this little beauty.

Really put all the advantages on her, angelic face, devilish body, talent of the proud daughter of heaven, and enviable family lineage.

Everything seemed to converge on Jiang Yingxue.

At the same time, the long-term cultivation of this temperament has made Jiang Yingxue have a temperament like a lan.

At the same time, she is so youthful, beautiful and cute.

A variety of temperaments are fused together, giving Jiang Yingxue a very unique charm.

There is both the rotten innocence of a girl and the kind of royal sister, which makes people irresistible.

The little face is the state of loli, but the body is a ripe peach!

All this made Luo Chen more prone to blood spurting.

The key is that Jiang Yingxue is undoubtedly the existence with the best appearance conditions among several young ladies and the most likely to make men impulsive.

At this time, Luo Chen could fully feel the youthful charm of this goddess.

Jiang Yingxue also seemed to feel the change in Luo Chen at once.

All of a sudden, her snow-white skin was dyed a unique pink.

Coupled with her current style, wrapped with ribbons, I feel like a man, and I can't resist her charm!

"Husband! I have specially prepared this look for you! I've been studying this way of winding ribbons for a long time!

Now that my gift is in front of you, you should take it apart... One end of the ribbon is on this side, gently pull and I am yours! Hearing

Jiang Yingxue's exhaled words, Luo Chen naturally would not have any politeness at this time.

Gently pulling a pink ribbon, the ribbons that were originally wrapped around Jiang Yingxue quickly scattered down.

That picture is really like opening a unique gift.

The picture was shocking, so that Luo Chen couldn't help but swallow his throat fiercely.

Seeing Luo Chen like this, Jiang Yingxue was very satisfied with the strategy this time.

As long as it can attract Luo Chen's attention, can make her happy, and can make herself happy, that is the best effect!

At this moment, Jiang Yingxue is Luo Chen's, and she wrapped her arms around Luo Chen with a pair of jade arms.

However, just as Luo Chen was about to take some further action, he suddenly felt that the jade hand that the beauty in his arms had originally held Luo Chen was also pulled down softly.

When Luo Chen saw this look, he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

He asked a little speechlessly: "I said Xiao Xue'er, you won't

..." Jiang Yingxue immediately responded embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, husband, yes, I..."

Luo Chen was suddenly speechless: "Why are you like this?" This hasn't started yet, it's over? It seems that what Gedina and Bai Ru said is not wrong at all! You have more food than them!

Jiang Yingxue was embarrassed at this time, and suddenly a little ashamed: "Uh... Haha, that one, that is, the ribbon tied just now is too tight, just now husband you dismantle and pull, I will ..." Luo

Chen cried and laughed: "Okay, okay, I know, stop first, I also obeyed, how are you one by one faster than one?"

At this time, Jiang Yingxue was about to cry: "Husband, am I so embarrassed?" I've been preparing for so long, and it doesn't turn out as good as I thought?

Luo Chen looked amused: "Haha, what do you say?" However, I think the visuals are quite good, and I am happy and like it.

"Really?" Jiang Yingxue's little eyes, which were originally a little lost at this time, instantly lit up.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Of course it is, in fact, between husband and wife, this kind of thing is indeed very important, but it is not the most important." I feel what you mean to me! This is the most important thing, thank you, Xiao Xue'er..." Jiang

Yingxue suddenly hugged him again and said: "Heehee, husband, you are happy, anyway, I am happy, but husband, will you look very uncomfortable?"

Luo Chen scratched his head innocently: "Hehe, that's ah, you say I'm uncomfortable?" One by one, you all said that you wanted me to break the gong, but as a result, none of them could fight.

Jiang Yingxue was immediately unconvinced: "Don't worry, husband, I will work hard!" You won't be disappointed! Hearing

Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but shift his gaze, which was one of the biggest characteristics that distinguished her from other goddesses.

Of course, the most important thing is her temperament, figure, etc., are very special, adding up to a completely different goddess.

What's more, Jiang Yingxue was still crying in Luo Chen's ear at this time: "I know, how did Gedina and Sister Bai come to play with you." Do you try other ways? "

PS: Good evening, big readers. This chapter is a plus chapter, the fourth is sent, and there is a more change, at 22 pm.

Special thanks: User 82479651 for the reminder.

Thank you to all the readers who sent gifts, likes and invitations to climb the mountain, love you all!

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