On this side, Luo Chen and Jiang Yingxue are at an obsessive moment, and on the other side, about today's rehearsal, a group of veterans in the music industry have already discussed enthusiastically in private.

At this time, they all gathered in Uncle Liu's small teahouse.

After all, this may also be one of their bases, and this group of people has always maintained a very good relationship with Uncle Liu, and they have a relationship of mutual help.

So at this time, they naturally wanted to communicate with Uncle Liu more to see what Luo Chen planned next, and they had to make some new plans.

Now they can see that such an existence as Luo Chen will definitely soar in the future.

The most important thing is that the influence of this young man in the entire imperial capital has exceeded their previous imagination.

His identity alone is already unfathomable, in such an environment, following such a young man, not only can they be stained, but those junior young people behind them are likely to embark on a completely different path because of this.

Now they are all a handful of age, their identities are different, they have earned enough money, their reputations have also been, and they will think more about their juniors.

Of course, some people have become downtrodden again.

In any case, their respective circumstances have changed dramatically.

But now once again, let them have a moment of ascending fate.

Uncle Liu couldn't help but smile at this time and said to them: "How is it? Old guys, the job I introduced to you today is very good, the pay is good, the appearance rate is even more acceptable, when you can stay, it depends on your own level.

Don't say it's you, even if it's me, if you don't sing well, you have to get out, my nephew has always been like this, try to be fair.

Although there is nothing fair in this world, he still has a very good conscience when making shows. "

Uncle Liu really said a lot of good things for Luo Chen at this time, obviously asking these veterans in the music industry to weigh it well and think about whether to stay.

After all, although someone has already agreed to this, the contract has not yet been signed.

However, after seeing today's performance, Uncle Liu is very confident that this group of people will definitely stay for more than half.

But some people are now sighing, that is, the rock veteran Zhou: "Oh, why didn't I know about this earlier?" I decided I wanted to join, but I probably won't make it to the first train! There are other activities on my side, and I have to go to other schedules, which is really depressing. It

was Lao Zhou, a rock veteran who had always hoped for a stage to shine again.

Recently, he has not had a very good life, and a lot of things have hit his head at once, and his originally very good savings have also consumed more than half because of the illness of the people in the family.

So he is short of money now.

But when he wanted to go to the stage again, or go to a commercial performance, he suddenly found that he was not as good as before.

In the past, some people in the music industry, seeing him call teachers, all wanted to find him for cooperation, but now there are too many traffic stars of the new generation.

Those people want to invite the hottest big stars to commercial performances, how can they let such an old guy sing in the past.

Most importantly, there are some people who are willing to let him sing, but the price is too low.

However, in order to survive, he also has no choice but to continue to accept some low-priced commercial performances.

This is really a bit of a loss of face for a rock veteran and a veteran of the music industry.

Uncle Liu took a sip of tea and said directly to Lao Zhou: "I said that you pushed some of those performances directly, what is there to hesitate?" Now my nephew, can't I still give you a good price?

Old Zhou shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I promised good people, I can't push it directly, I still have to keep this reputation." No matter what the price is, since I signed it, I will definitely go.

Uncle Liu pointed at him with a smile and said, "Haha, you're still the same old temper from before!" Okay, I also know that I can't persuade you, this is also your code of conduct, it's good, this show will last for a long time, 12 issues a quarter, three months.

There are still some messy activities to participate in in the middle, I believe this show will be popular, even if you come in the middle of the show, it is okay, I hope you can hold your position at once! However, old Zhou, now the times have changed, and the old songs we used to be are out of place!

I'll take a look and let Luo Chen find you some good songs, let you sing, when the time comes, maybe it can become a hit?

Old Zhou was immediately interested, but he was a little embarrassed: "Haha, the feeling is really thankful, I want to cooperate with Luo Chen, but I can't pay the copyright fee, and I've been too tight recently." If he can take care of me, an old-timer, I can't thank you enough, and I can't thank you enough.

Uncle Liu suddenly smiled and said: "You guy, we are all old brothers, what is there to say, will Luo Chen be unwilling when I open my mouth?" And I'm sure you'll get through this, just return this favor when the time comes! Old

Zhou knew that Uncle Liu spoke, it was a word, and when he said and did, he was naturally grateful: "Haha, that's certain, thank you so much, brother!" Sister

Yun next to her quipped: "Oh, you all know brotherhood one by one, this old sister of mine can be regarded as unable to interject!" Heck, seeing Luo Chen, it's really emotional, it's good to be young! If I were 10 years younger, I would be desperate to chase him! "

Sister Yun, the queen of the music world, is still charming, and at the age of forty, she looks like she is in her early thirties, very charming, and she is very well maintained.

Hearing her say this, a group of old brothers couldn't help but joke: "Ouch, I said Xiaoyun!" Do you still want to prepare old cows for tender grass? Don't think about it, people are really surrounded by Yingying Yanyan now. Sister

Yun didn't follow: "You old Qin, you used to covet me for a long time, people don't promise you, you talk about the wind now?" Well, you, how do you know that the old lady is not attractive at all, maybe Luo Chen likes my mature type!

"Ouch, old Liu, hurry up and take a look, take a look! This old lady is actually worried about your nephew? Be sure to look at it! "Old Qin at this time, it was a big joke.

These are all old brothers and sisters, they can afford any joke, of course, Sister Yun just said casually, how could she really do this kind of thing.

After all, he is more than ten years old with Luo Chen, and although he looks like a brother and sister, the age gap is too big.

Plus Luo Chen's side, it is surrounded by beauty, how can he look at her this old yellow flower?

However, Sister Yun's emotion is also very reasonable, Luo Chen's attraction to women is really too great.

After Uncle Liu listened, of course, he didn't take it seriously with a smile, and he knew best what these old brothers and sisters were.

In fact, this group of veterans also became famous again because of Luo Chen's show, which once again impressed everyone with them.

Of course, this is an afterword, and after they became popular, they also helped Luo Chen a lot.

On this side, Luo Chen didn't know that a group of old-timers were playing with his idea.

He was feeling how wonderful the beauty in his arms was, but what made him cry and laugh happened again:

"I said Xiao Xue'er, what's going on with you?" You've been in a library four or five times in half an hour, right? Are you sure you really want to come 100 times?

Jiang Yingxue suddenly waved her hand and shook her head in a panic and said: "Husband, I didn't expect it to be like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to come 100 times, and now my blood trough is more than half empty?" I need a break, you're amazing!

Luo Chen said speechlessly: "It's not that I'm too powerful, but you opponents are too weak, it seems that you all have to strengthen your exercise in the future, forget it, stop for a while, I just have a small gift ready for you, see what this is." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, which had already softened into a puddle of mud, Jiang Yingxue suddenly became energetic, barely supporting half of her coquettish body, she was in Luo Chen's arms, saw a small object that Luo Chen took out, and her eyes suddenly shone!

"Husband, how do you know I like to want this? Still know I like this color? Love you to death! "

PS: Plus more, the fifth more is sent, today's update is over, dear readers, good night, good dream, see you tomorrow!"

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