When she saw this gadget, Jiang Yingxue's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Because this has always been the small gift she wanted, this is the first time she came to the royal courtyard, she saw a group of young ladies and sisters on their wrists, gold hoop bracelets!

It is the small bracelet in the shape of a gold hoop worn by Sun Wukong's head, and different small gemstones are also set on it.

The gemstones on each gold hoop are different, and the one given to Jiang Yingxue is a sapphire inlaid shape.

It is very in line with her temperament, and blue is also Jiang Yingxue's favorite color.

"How do you know I like blue?" Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but be happy and asked sweetly.

Luo Chen just smiled and said, "As long as I want to know, I will naturally know that you are my woman!" Of course I will take it to heart! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Jiang Yingxue liked it badly, and the sentence "You are my woman" made her happy more than any gift.

She couldn't help but come to Luo Chen's handsome side at once, and his face was fragrant.

"Thank you, husband, I like it so much! These sisters are also very bad, don't let me know the story behind this golden hoop, I heard that they all received letters, and they were touched and broken that day, did I have it?

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Of course there is, anyway, the story is the same, this is also a classic story I plan to shoot in the future, you can take a look, maybe you can draw it into a comic."

Jiang Yingxue felt that this was something she liked to do: "Your proposal is very good, but why did you give me this gift today."

Luo Chen gently rubbed her little head: "Isn't today a little special for you?" It's all a special day for us, remember this day, this moment, this second, and hope that you and I will stay here!

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but coquettishly: "I love you to death, heck, I hate myself too, why is it so easy to explain?" I'm too fast, but you can't get up and down, it feels so hard for you! Husband wait for me to try again later, okay?

Luo Chen smiled: "Haha, even if you rest for a week, you are still not my opponent, you are still too weak." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but slap him fiercely: "Look at how powerful you are!" One day our sisters will make you obedient! I don't believe it!

Luo Chen laughed even worse: "Hehe, that's not necessarily!" Look at you one after another, oh, there is not a single one who can fight, I'm worrying right now, is it going to train you in some special way.

Jiang Yingxue was unconvinced: "Where is there such a thing, now let's adapt to it ourselves, practice first, and work overtime with you more!"

Luo Chen said speechlessly: "Okay, you can also say that it is powerful, when it comes to actual combat, it is not as good as Getina and Sister Bai Ru, you let me do it."

Jiang Yingxue said stubbornly: "Okay, okay, husband, I'm wrong!" Wait a minute, I'll do my best to hold on a little longer.

Luo Chen smiled playfully: "Haha, don't say such demoralizing words, although you may be even more frustrated..."

Jiang Yingxue rolled her beautiful eyes: "Ignore you, I want to read the letter, hurry up and give me your letter!" Jiang

Yingxue was so teased by Luo Chen, her little face was even redder, and she felt embarrassed.

Before he swore that he would swear to let Luo Chen break the gong in various ways and take away Luo Chen's blood.

As a result, she herself was fully armed, and all kinds of cosplay equipment were used, but she was the weakest one, and she explained it in a while.

Now she finally knows why Gedina and Bai Ru become more beautiful after one night.

At this time, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but think about whether she needed to do any training.

Of course, now her attention has been diverted to the small jewelry that Luo Chen gave her, as well as this exquisite letter.

This ornament is really not a valuable thing for these rich women, but it has a very unique meaning.

This is a certification as a Luo Chen woman, at this time, she put it on very happily, and then, slowly read, about the story of this bracelet.

Looking at the story between the Supreme Treasure and the Zixia Fairy, it instantly fascinated and moved her, laughing at the beginning, but tears flowed down her face later, seeing that in the end she couldn't help but hug Luo Chen deadly:

"Husband, I suddenly found myself so happy, even if I share you with others, I don't want to leave, you will be my hero!" Marry me on the colorful auspicious clouds! I'm sure there will be such a day, right? Husband?

"Of course there is, I will marry you all home!" Luo Chen said confidently, his eyes were also firm.

Jiang Yingxue's beautiful eyes were a little crystalline tears, but her eyes were indeed full of happiness: "Heehee, I know, husband, you will be able to do what you say!" I'm waiting for you!

I suddenly found myself really happy to be able to be with the people I liked, without so many so-called fate obstacles. Husband, I'm ready, I'm going to let you break the work!

At this time, Jiang Yingxue sat up and was preparing to launch an offensive.

However, the thing that made her extremely entangled came.

Luo Chen was taken aback by him: "I said Xiao Xue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yingxue wanted to cry: "I'm sorry, husband, I,"

Luo Chen cried and laughed, Jiang Yingxue herself was also crying and laughing, when she was preparing to succeed, as a result, she explained again.

"I said Xiao Xue'er, this is not good, or do you have to do it yourself, you do it again and again?"

Jiang Yingxue twisted and said: "Husband, I just watched this work, and then I thought about the experience between us, so I was a little excited, you wait for me!" When

Luo Chen heard her words, he couldn't help but cry and laugh even more, and said something that Jiang Xue was extremely moved.

In fact, at this time, Luo Chen has even greater gains!

"Congratulations to the master, for winning the 5th Goddess Star! Activate Goddess Heart Rewards! "

At the same time, get achievements, Goddess Star - five-star pearl, five consecutive peerless!" Get 5 Goddess Hearts in a row and activate special achievement rewards! "

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