The system prompt he suddenly saw at this time made Luo Chen stunned.

After all, he had had been in contact with Jiang Yingxue for such a period of time before, and he had forgotten about the heart of a goddess.

I didn't expect that after giving such a small gift today, it directly activated the achievement of the Goddess Heart.

"Congratulations to the owner for obtaining the Goddess Heart Activation Achievement Reward of Jiang Yingxue: Manga Editor! Consume a certain amount of popularity to automatically convert the plot in your mind into a manga! Consume less popularity value. "

Activate Goddess Attribute Reward: Animation Editor! You can directly turn the original manga into an animated work.

The popularity cost depends on the special effects and image quality of the animation! The better the image quality, the higher the popularity value consumed! "

Activate special achievement rewards with five stars! (Get 5 Goddess Hearts!) Reward: Guardian of the Goddess Bracelet.

"The owner's goddess bracelet will have special attributes that can give the goddesses certain protection, and the same couple bracelet can give the owner unique protective ability!"

The degree of protection is determined by the impact of the enemy's attack, and the amount of popularity consumed is also the corresponding amount according to the damage received!

When he saw this reward, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Isn't the goddess bracelet the golden hoop bracelet that she gave to these goddesses before?

Moreover, this is an item given by the system, and Luo Chen did not know at that time, what is the use of this one Dongdong, that is, it looks valuable and the shape is quite exquisite.

But now he can see that there is such a benefit.

Moreover, there is a unique property in the middle that can be attached to this one bracelet.

Luo Chen couldn't help but look at the couple bracelet he was wearing on his hand at this time.

"Male god bracelet: The goddess bracelet is a couple model, and special attributes have been turned on."

"Storage space, you can store various items into the space of the male god bracelet. The current storage space is 50 cubic meters (each Goddess Heart activates 10 cubic meters of space!) "

All attribute aura, all body attributes increased by 10%!" The male god's charm is increased by 10%! "。

"The guardian of the male god, at the moment of attack, a colorless and invisible protective shield will appear! Neutralize attacks. "

This item is upgradable and yet to be developed!"

When he saw this one, the attribute of the item, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but shine.

This is really a super powerful baby, just a storage space, and the ability of this protective shield can greatly improve his survivability.

Luo Chen feels that while he is becoming more and more famous, he may be more and more threatened.

After all, there will be all kinds of enemies and opponents in the future.

And this goddess bracelet is much the same as the male god bracelet in Luo Chen's hand, but it has no spatial function.

More of a protective ability, and a physical attribute that enhances the goddess!

Wearing this bracelet is good for their physical condition.

And there is a very unique ability in the middle, Luo Chen has not yet studied it thoroughly, and you must take a good look at it at that time.

And now, Jiang Yingxue was moving, before Luo Chen checked some task rewards and attributes, he had actually comforted him well:

"Okay, let's come to Japan, there is no hurry at all, there is no need to rush." You don't have to worry too much about doing something to get some exercise.

In the future, we can become more harmonious, your husband is powerful, there is a way, anyway, we can be happy together. Jiang

Yingxue was still depressed about her bad performance just now, and she was really afraid that Luo Chen would be unhappy.

After all, I said it today, no matter what, I want Luo Chen to break the gong.

Or let Luo Chen have a better experience, but in the end, it didn't matter, Jiang Yingxue herself had already explained several times.

Now she is full of fatigue, and what makes her feel embarrassed and embarrassed the most is that she let Luo Chen eat her small grapes and bread just now.

As a result, not long after eating, she explained it herself.

She wanted to make up for it, come with a big bread with a big sausage, and add ingredients to Luo Chen's meal.

As a result, in a few clicks, she herself was in another library.

Soon it was weak, anyway, he was handsome in front of Luo Chen, and at the same time, he was conquered by Luo Chen's male god charm, and he was a mess and a failure, and he was unable to parry at all.

Hearing Luo Chen's understanding words, and then watching such a touching story just now, Jiang Yingxue was naturally satisfied at this time.

Although it was a little unsatisfactory, he didn't really get Luo Chen's blood, and he didn't let him break the gong.

But the close relationship with Luo Chen suddenly warmed up a lot, which also made Jiang Yingxue very satisfied.

At this time, Luo Chen was thinking about another problem.

All of a sudden, there are two more big killers, a manga editor and an animation editor.

He can start working on an anime production.

After all, the original manuscripts of the Sea King have been piled up for a long time, and the length is already very long, and it can be animated.

He believes that as soon as this animation appears, it will definitely sweep the major fields of national comics, and it will play a very important role on Roselle TV!

Now such a performance has become very strong.

And Luo Chen uses such an anime to attract a large number of young fans over, which can give Roselle TV a very large source of stable audiences.

Moreover, any normal investor and advertiser can see the value of the Sea King!

It's just that as soon as his identity as a voyager author was exposed, it is estimated that he set off another boom.

Of course, the exposure is exposed, because his task, if the anime Voyager wins a ratings championship, it will already be more than half completed.

The rest is the accumulation of popularity.

Now with the popularity of "Hundred Family Forum", Luo Chen's popularity is really rising rapidly.

As long as you play an episode of "Hundred Family Forum", you can basically get a popularity value of one or two million in the next day!

I believe that as the popularity gets higher and higher, the speed of this person's temperament will soar faster.

However, even so, there was not much time left for him, and there were only about 5 weeks left before the task was completed.

In this way, he basically needs about 3 million popularity points a day to achieve a real success.

That is, when the time comes, his SSS-level tasks can be completed.

But how can you quickly gain new popularity points? He found that walking to the front desk is the most direct way, making himself the best big star that everyone looks up to!

And now he has such a grasp in terms of anime, the rest is the problem of variety shows and later TV series.

Thinking about it, his eyes couldn't help but brighten, and a series of plans were formed in his mind.

At this time, Jiang Yingxue seemed to have finished resting.

I don't know if it's because wearing this unique goddess bracelet gave her a little blessing, and her subsequent recovery was much faster than before.

"Husband, I seem to be okay again, shall we try again?"

At this time, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard it, and he just wanted to try the power of this bracelet:

"Try it, try it, but you want it this time?" Stick to it for a long time, I hope that you can make me break the work!

At this time, Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but smile confidently: "Hehe, good husband, there is a lot of equipment on that side, you let me slow down!"

I'll change my outfit to play a transformation show with you! How do you want me to look? Any gesture, I will satisfy you! "

PS: The second one is sent, good afternoon, readers! (3) will be delivered at 6 p.m.

Special thanks to all readers for the great reminders: Green Gardenia Glass Skirt.5; Sleep Sleep; Bai Xuan I. Thank you very much!!

Thank you to every reader who gave the author a thumbs up and a mountain climbing invitation, I love you!

Continue to add more today!

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