Seeing this unique task prompt, Luo Chen couldn't help but light up his eyes again.

Unexpectedly, the system tasks are coming, it seems that it is really in line with the situation, just on this side, there is one less invited guest in the program.

Other guests are unable to attend immediately for various reasons, such as scheduling problems, personal and family problems, etc.

So they may all join me as a singer in the way of a later fill-in singer.

And Luo Chen himself started, a new task started!

If that's the case, let's join the show.

Nothing can stump Luo Chen.

In his eyes, this task now naturally has new value.

In fact, even if he did not have this task, he was thinking about whether to join the recording of this program, because he knew it very well.

This show will definitely be a big hit in the future!

Because some of the unique influences of this episode will spread rapidly, and he will be known to everyone.

At least in this year and a half, his status in the music industry will suddenly fly to a very high position.

The most important thing is that after passing such a show, his popularity can definitely rise rapidly.

When the time comes, it will be easier to complete his SSS-level tasks.

He has been holding back for a long time, and these young ladies are eager to have a new breakthrough with him.

Especially Bai Ru, who has mentioned to him more than once before: "My husband is 29 years old, you can't make me wait too long, I want to give you a monkey!" Every

time Bai Ru talked about this topic, her little face was red and red, which was very cute.

However, the eyes revealed a strong maternal love and longing.

Apparently she is a goddess who is particularly fond of children.

It is difficult to meet the man she likes, which can make her abandon all desperate men.

Of course, she is willing to create a crystallization of love for Luo Chen.

Moreover, now that he has always regarded himself as the lady of the Middle Palace, it is understandable that he wants to have a child as soon as possible and ensure his status.

After all, there are already 5 goddesses around Luo Chen now.

Several young ladies and sisters have their own advantages and characteristics, how do you know who Luo Chen likes more at that time.

However, Bai Ru herself is very confident, after all, she is a career woman with her own influence.

Her status is so high, so she is in the middle palace and has always been very confident.

This is also very competitive with other young ladies.

Don't look at Bai Ru's status is quite high, but in fact, she has the same position as other young ladies.

Luo Chen didn't have the idea of favoring one over the other, but Sister Bai had already said such a request, and Luo Chen naturally had to work hard.

Fortunately, now that the task has been completed by a small amount, he believes that the entire task will be completed soon.

And this mission lasts only a month.

Within this month's time, Luo Chen is confident that all this will be done, and then it will be a matter of course.

I just don't know, suddenly the divine achievement will give these young ladies a huge surprise?

Luo Chen was a little looking forward to it, and they were shocked, scared and loved.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

Although now you can get some opportunities to unwind through some more intimate relationships.

But it's just quenching hunger, not really quenching thirst!

Luo Chen has been in this world for a long time, and for a year and a half before, he and Yang Mier have been in a relatively cold war state.

He occupied another married place, so that he didn't talk about women, and he didn't have a chance to touch it.

Other women still respect him, even if these young ladies have some thoughts about him, but due to Yang Mier's identity and relationship with Luo Chen, they can only watch and dare not act.

Until now that I am divorced, all the young ladies have rushed in, but suddenly there is such a small restriction.

Luo Chen was reluctant to give up this attribute, after all, it was a pity to see that the moment of success was coming, and it was indeed a pity.

Fortunately, there is only one month left, and it is the longest time, maybe he can complete the task ahead of schedule?

Therefore, all the tasks that can increase his popularity now must be completed!

The TV station is now his roots, and it must be kept.

For various reasons, now he can't do it if he doesn't agree.

So in the face of a group of old-timers and Tong Yaya's invitation, in the end, Luo Chen was originally a little hesitant, but now he immediately agreed:

"Okay, then I will compete with all the seniors, this is my honor, I hope that when the seniors will show mercy, give me some face!"

Old Qin also smiled at this time: "Haha, look at this kid, he can really speak, I'm afraid you will save face for us at that time, you are a terrifying young singer who will be powerful!"

I listen to your high notes now, and I am a little stunned, and when the time comes, I will use any song to compete with you, and I have a bit of a headache when I think about it. When

Luo Chen heard Lao Qin's words, he couldn't help but say some of his previous thoughts:

"Actually, seniors, if there is no way because of the song, you don't need to worry too much at all, I have a song!"

If it's just for competitions, I can provide any song you want. I have a lot of songs of all styles.

That is, some singing styles are relatively young and trendy, I don't know if you like it or not.

Luo Chen scratched his head a little innocently at this time.

In fact, this is also a trick that he has thought of before, because these songs, in the past, in order to hide his identity, did not use his reputation to record them.

But now it's different, now what he needs is popularity value, and he can complete a lot of creations at once.

So now these songs are sung by these veterans of the music industry, which may have a miraculous effect.

Everyone also knows that these songs were written by him, and when the time comes, his popularity can be used in this way to get another wave, why not!

And a group of veterans and Tong Yaya on this side, hearing Luo Chen's words, their eyes were also bright.

Tong Yaya naturally needless to say, she already knew Luo Chen's ability.

For Luo Chen's songs, she has been coveting for a long time, and now she can blatantly use them, of course, she is logical.

After all, she is Luo Chen's woman, Luo Chen's songs she can use as she wants, and Luo Chen also spoils her, which others have nothing to say at all.

But other veterans don't have this treatment, and now hearing Luo Chen say that they have such a moment of cooperation, they are all very interested.

"Okay, Young Master Luo, what works do you have, show us." Sister Yun couldn't help but ask with interest at this time.

As a result, Luo Chen did not scream, and with a blockbuster, the treasure he took out shocked them all!


-The author has something to say:

the third is sent, and the next is to add more chapters. Because I have been seeing gifts from readers, let's add more. The next chapter will be delivered around 20 p.m.

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