At this moment, the general veterans of the music industry looked at Luo Chen with great anticipation.

After all, Luo Chen's works have also been taught before, especially the previous two songs, "Your Backpack" and "Vitas".

"Your Backpack" is a quality work for the middle and low range, and a quality work for the super treble of "Vitas".

Both songs have their own expressive ability and their own interpretation difficulty.

Therefore, for them, Luo Chen can obviously compose songs in the full range of sound, because his voice is very special.

The coverage is also very wide, and the recognition is too strong.

So with such an advantage, Luo Chen's own original songs, the degree of vocal coverage must be very much.

At this moment, for them, they can see the real song library chief of this new generation of future singers, and their eyes are shining.

After all, Luo Chen's two new songs have already shown his ability to write songs.

Old Liu, their old friend, that is, Luo Chen's Uncle Liu, and Liu Zhen, the godfather of rock, even swore to them.

Luo Chen's creative ability is much higher than they imagined, don't blind their krypton golden dog eyes at that time.

At that time, a group of veterans all felt that Uncle Liu might be bragging.

After all, they are all veterans of the older generation of the music industry, and they still don't know what kind of performance there is among the new generation of characters?

However, now they really understood that what Lao Liu said might have underestimated Luo Chen's strength a little.

Years later, they remembered this scene today, and they couldn't help but sigh again.

At that time, Old Qin was already a figure in the circle, Taishan Beidou.

But every time he remembered Luo Chen's actions today, when he was interviewed, he relished:

"You don't know how shocking we were when we saw Luo Chen's vault.

To know a song, sometimes it takes a long, long time, and sometimes it is a flash of inspiration.

There are a lot of classic songs, all written in 10 minutes or less.

But there is also a limit to the number of flashes of light, and a person's mind cannot always be bright, right?

However, when I saw Luo Chen's song inventory, it really could only be described in one word at that time - shocking!

I've never seen such a great music creator! "

Since seeing these classics of his, I know that the music industry will tremble under his reign of terror for decades to come.

No one of the young people of this generation can overshadow his light!

The truth is exactly what I see, but thanks to him, the Chinese music scene can go to a higher glory again!

That is, I don't know how young people will feel when they think of his legend in the future!

Such a genius, really once in a thousand years, I have to obey! Of

course, this is what Old Qin likes to say when he is often interviewed in the future.

Because what Luo Chen has done now has really shocked this group of singers!

At this moment, Luo Chen was holding a computer and a small printer next to him.

These are all things for portable office, and there are quite a few TV stations.

After all, sometimes, some important scripts, and some inspirational creations, can be written down and printed anytime, anywhere, and then everyone studies together.

This seems to have become a small habit for Luo Chen's subsequent training team.

But no matter what, at this moment, everyone did see Luo Chen shake their world in another way.

Because Luo Chen just took out a U disk, plugged it into the computer, and after opening the folder, he saw a series of songs and folders inside.

In some folders, there are a few songs, and many have dozens or even hundreds of songs.

Each folder represents a different style, a different genre!

But the only thing that has the same is their characteristics, which are quite classic and especially good!

At this time, Luo Chen can be regarded as these old-timers who came to participate in the first episode of the program. A special gift.

"Thank you seniors in the music industry for your help in participating in the recording of my program, I know that this show has a certain pressure for you and has a different impact.

After all, you may have to gamble on the fame you have accumulated in the first half of your life, but I want to say that there is definitely a place in the competition, but it doesn't mean anything.

The ranking is only temporary, because it may have an impact on the judgment of the audience and many subsequent factors.

But the works are eternal, these works have been taken out by you, as a classic interpretation, I think there will be a very good performance in the future!

So now these are my sincere and sincere to give to your seniors as a gift, today's batch of songs, you seniors can cover at will, and even take them to commercial performances.

As for the part of the songs recorded by the program, the corresponding profit share will be sent to your hands.

These are all ongoing after-tax income, so let's be a small gift from me.

Luo Chen said this, which immediately moved and excited a group of veterans in the music industry.

Because a famous song, a classic song, for a singer, how important it is, it really goes without saying.

Some singers really sing a song for a lifetime, as long as a song is popular, they will eat and drink for a lifetime, because everyone likes to listen to his song.

Many commercial performances or evenings, as well as various concerts, will invite them to sing, and each time they sing, they will have income.

Then take it to the music platform or the network to download music and make ringtones, etc., and there are various channels.

It is possible for them to have different after-tax incomes, but only if the song is popular and many people like it!

Whether a song can be popular or not, there are too many factors that affect it, but the core is songwriting, which is good enough, catchy enough, and shocking enough.

Does Luo Chen still need to have some doubts in this regard?

His first two songs have fully proved his strength.

Of course, two songs may not be enough to conquer too many people, because there are many people who finish writing one or two songs and then run out.

But at this time, Luo Chen, according to them, everyone's voice, each person's performance characteristics, came up with several very high-quality songs.

Then with the printer, click and click out!

It's just that when each song is played, the clicking sound seems to be hammered again and again, hitting the hearts of some of their singers.

Because this is just a few songs in Luo Chen's hands.

After they got the score, they carefully flipped through it, carefully felt it, and they all felt that these songs seemed to be tailored for them!

They can even imagine what kind of effect will be after the follow-up high-quality arrangement and adaptation, and what kind of explosion scene the concert will have.

However, there are hundreds of such songs, Luo Chen!

Because the densely packed playlist on the computer screen has already sold Luo Chen's inventory!

A group of singers couldn't help but swallow their throats with difficulty, staring at the names of a large number of song lists on Luo Chen's computer screen.

"You guy, genius is genius, is this still human?"


The author has something to say:

the fourth more sent, good evening, readers! Then there is a more one, at 22 o'clock, a meeting.

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