At this moment, Luo Chen's musical talent has already put all these veterans of the music industry present? I was stunned.

Even his closest uncle, Uncle Liu, was shocked and speechless.

He also knew that Luo Chen had produced a lot of good songs before, after all, when Luo Chen recorded these songs before, he also asked him to go to the recording studio to record.

In this way, you can bring out your best sound quality.

But those studio works are not as many as they are now, and apparently Luo Chen has some new ways of making songs later.

And the copyright has also been registered.

Under such an effect, these musical works in Luo Chen's hands are becoming more and more abundant.

It has made this group of people feel dizzying.

The key is that there are many people who know that songwriters who write songs and lyrics actually have their own styles.

Once these songwriters have fixed this style, it is actually more difficult to change.

But Luo Chen has such a varied style, there are all musical styles, and there are really too few original creators.

The worst thing is that some of the songs are still in foreign languages, like the previous Vitas, that is, the Russian version.

Of course, Luo Chen can also adapt it and become his own version Chinese.

But even so, it can fully show the charm of Luo Chen's language talent.

And Luo Chen was also a novel author before, and now he is a very well-known scholar and lecturer.

Under the multiple identities, everyone couldn't help but faintly see the identity of Luo Chen's super genius!

After all, it is already very difficult for an individual to reach the top in a certain field!

Luo Chen, on the other hand, is blossoming in many facets, and various fields have their own achievements!

That's a rare thing.

Today, his commentary on the Three Kingdoms should be the most famous work now.

This fame is the definition of his real identity.

If the following works are not announced, it is estimated that all of them will be exposed, which is a shock, the level of the entire entertainment industry!

In fact, Luo Chen's previous two novel works have been announced, and his identity has attracted the attention of the entire entertainment industry as soon as it was exposed.

At this moment, there are many bigwig-level figures who are still on the way to cooperate with Luo Chen.

In fact, no one has thought of using some tough means to take these two works down before.

However, Luo Chen's subsequent series of blows to the Zhou family destroyed such a big family in just a day or two.

The person who coveted him instantly took back his careful thoughts, and was scared into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I didn't start, but I waited and watched, if I offended this little ancestor, the consequences would be unimaginable!

And now these singers, obviously do not know the true details of Luo Chen, but only know that he has a lot of influence.

Especially their agents, they have reminded them, don't underestimate such a young man, in the future, it is likely that the entertainment industry will be his world!

After all, such a big guy, it is not difficult to make a difference!

But unexpectedly, Luo Chen was not as unruly and unkind as he imagined.

In fact, on the one hand, these veterans of the music industry are looking at the face of Lao Liu, and on the other hand, they have heard about Luo Chen's ruthless style and are afraid of harming the pond fish, so they all came.

But now Luo Chen is also very good at being a person, they come to help, Luo Chen will not be bad.

Naturally, they also show their sincerity, and these songs are the best examples.

"Okay, okay, I don't have the idea of comparing with you at all now, but Luo Chen, there are so many good songs in the future, sister, if you make a new album, then count on you."

Sister, I haven't released a new album for a long time, and I was not satisfied with finding someone to write songs before.

But the song you gave me now immediately satisfied me!

Really, it's been a long time since I've met a young musician as young, professional, and talented as you.

Sure enough, there is still the music scene in the entertainment industry, or the world of some young people! At

this time, Sister Yun couldn't help but sigh like this.

After all, by this time, Luo Chen's various displays had proved a lot of problems.

Faced with the appreciation of a group of old guns, Luo Chen just smiled and said:

"This cooperation is just the beginning, there will be projects that can be cooperated in the future, I hope that by then, all the old-timers can help each other!"

This is also a little gift for everyone. "

Luo Chen's words are very thoughtful and generous.

And this group of rock veterans, after getting such a good gift, how can they say that they are not willing to sign a contract.

One by one, they all competed to have a new cooperation with Luo Chen.

After all, the support of such a young person means that in the future, in more than ten years, or even decades, they and even their descendants will be blessed in this regard.

So now to form a good relationship with Luo Chen, it is really very cost-effective, and it is no better!

After sending this group of veterans of the music industry away, Chen Feng couldn't help but give Luo Chen a thumbs up next to him:

"Boss, I didn't expect that you not only have the skills to control your wife, but also have such a strong ability to pick up girls." As a result, some of these interpersonal interactions are still so powerful!

A few songs will get a few old-timers, bull!

Luo Chen said angrily: "Okay, don't slap horses here, hurry up and work!"

Starting tomorrow, we will shoot their respective self-introduction short films, and there are some, and we have to hurry up with the explosive points on the editing.

Then there's the rehearsal, and next Friday we're going to get the first episode out and start publicizing it directly. "

This aspect is left to Sister Bai to complete, oh, by the way, in the afternoon of the hundred family forum, let several old-timers go over to listen to it, and warm them up by the way."

The hundred schools of the forum that Luo Chen recorded today naturally has some new goals.

In addition to completing the daily lecture tasks, there is also a propaganda role.

After all, the Hundred Schools Forum is only one of his programs, and it is now the most famous program in the entire Los Angeles TV.

There are still many young viewers here, after all, now, some people in the education field of the entire country are paying attention to Luo Chen's show.

Let's see if we can make a new guide in other areas as well.

Luo Chen is actually going to make a new adjustment soon, the hundred schools of the forum is so long, people from all fields can come and participate, of course, you have to invite famous teachers!

Let those best teachers show their style, which is undoubtedly a good channel and theme.

It is also the determination to let the above see itself and can optimize an area.

When the time comes, if you do this show well, you are likely to get an effect that is very important.

In fact, it has now played some attention.

There are even some experts and scholars who want to come to the scene to listen to some of Luo Chen's next views and research.

The literary community and the academic community have noticed this show, after all, it is becoming more and more popular.

This is an academic serious occasion, and more famous names from academia should come to the town, and not all of them are stars.

This seems to have become a point of contention on the Internet for this show.

However, today Luo Chen will burst into a new focus, because he is beginning to blow himself up.

Of course, self-disclosure does not mean that you have something bad to break out.

Instead, he wants to expose some of the TV's plans one after another, causing a sensation in traffic.

It's just that even Luo Chen himself didn't expect to expose his identity in the show, and then the next small plan would cause a series of waves!

It even shocked the entire entertainment industry!

And even more shocking, there is the ex-wife of Luo Chen who doesn't know what's going on, but slowly peeps: Yang Mier!

Today's update is over, this chapter is a plus chapter, thank you to all the readers who sent likes and climbing invitations. Good night! See you tomorrow!

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