I have to say that recently, Yang Mier feels that everything is really not going well.

It seems that since leaving Luo Chen, everything has become unpredictable for her.

At the same time, there are many things, and they are not as smooth as before.

When she used to be in the company, she did a lot of things.

But lately, everything has always had ups and downs, and all kinds of things have come and gone.

Then, there is always the ability to run into some minor troubles, or even bigger ones.

Such a state really seemed to have begun after Luo Chen left.

She herself couldn't help but be a little confused, Luo Chen was in the Yang family before, she herself did everything smoothly, the star path advanced by leaps and bounds, and the company's business was also very smooth.

Even her own Gedina became popular.

Such treatment, she has always thought that her ability has improved, and it is also time to operate.

However, now she felt a little faintly that Luo Chen seemed to have some faint effect!

Because her parents were saying the same thing, saying that she was born in bliss and did not know bliss.

At that time, Yang Mier didn't feel much, but after Luo Chen left, it was different.

Is it really like her parents said, Luo Chen helped her a lot and gave her a lot of support?

But at that time, Luo Chen behaved exceptionally ordinary, except for his handsome appearance and good skin, he did not show any talent at all.

Handsome person, she Yang Mier has not seen, this is not the most important thing.

The connotation, thoughts, and talents are what she appreciates.

However, when he recalled the last time he communicated with Luo Chen on the phone, Luo Chen said:

"In the past year or so, I have tried many times, I want to communicate with you and talk to my heart.

But in the end? Have you dealt with me? Are you willing to accept the opportunity to communicate with me?

No, not once! Sorry, I'm not licking dogs, I don't warm my face and stick to people's cold P-shares.

When you wanted to get married, I agreed. If I want a divorce, of course, I can also agree.

We are both clear, no one owes anyone, each is well, goodbye! Oh, maybe never again..." Luo

Chen's words were still in his ears.

But everything, things are people, not everything!

The last time Luo Chen only had a hundred family forum, although Yang Mier felt that Luo Chen suddenly had a presence, it was not good.

Isn't it just a lecturer? What's so great? Soon it will be outdated, where can it become a cow?

But later, some gossip suddenly came and she was completely shocked.

Legend has it that when Luo Chen was on the platform of the hundred families, he offended a big family in the capital, and the heir of that big family was Bai Ru's suitor, and there was big trouble at this moment.

At this time, the first thing Yang Mier wanted to persuade was Gedina, after all, Gedina seemed to be entangled with Luo Chen now.

The villain is also his sister, and a few of his girlfriends don't know what's going on, all the ghosts are obsessed, and they all went to Luo Chen's side, as if they still drew a line with themselves.

This feeling is quite bad, quite excluded, and makes her quite uncomfortable.

As a result, she was about to call, and another news came, and Luo Chen destroyed the Zhou family with just a few words.

She was about to make a phone call, and she didn't want to believe the news.

Just kidding, how else could there be such energy?

If he really had this kind of ability, why did he stay in their Yang family like order?

But in the end, she was able to hear all kinds of news, the same thing.

Now the major families in Beijing and the major forces in the entertainment industry have said the same thing.

You can do anything, you can't offend Luo Chen!

Don't touch Luo Chen's women, remember the appearance of Luo Chen's women, and don't do anything to provoke people!

Such a news can naturally reach Yang Mier's ears from various channels.

After all, to Yang Mier's current level, her company will naturally suffer some new influences and have its own news channels.

After hearing such news and being the exact news, Yang Mier suddenly had a feeling of petrification on the spot.

How can it be!

How could that man she had despised in any way, a man who thought he was worthless? It's such a big man!

If he was so powerful, why did he swallow his anger in the first place?

However, after confirming some of her previous treatment and experience, in the year she was with Luo Chen, she really improved by leaps and bounds, and she made great progress in all aspects.

But Luo Chen had only been away for a few days, and she had all kinds of obstacles...

Could it be that those people were only cooperating with her for Luo Chen's face? Give her a chance?

Because you all know that she is Luo Chen's daughter-in-law?

No, that's already a former daughter-in-law, and now it has nothing to do with Luo Chen.

And at this time, I saw Luo Chen on TV again and announced these things.

She was shocked again, the creator of two top novels! A top anime, national anime, an author with huge influence all over the world!

These two identities alone are more than enough to match her Yang Mier, plus behind Luo Chen's mysterious and unpredictable back, I don't know what kind of support there is.

Suddenly, Yang Mier felt ridiculous.

There was once a mountain of gold and silver in front of her, she didn't know at all, but thought it was stinky copper and rotten iron.

If you let others know about this, they will laugh at her blindness, right?

"No, this must be fake, it must all be fake! How can it be? No matter how powerful this man is, what can he do!

Well, even if you show up now, I'm not bad! Walk and see, we must meet!

Didn't you say that we may never see each other again?

Sorry, we are all part of the entertainment industry now, and one day we will meet!

Don't you just want me to see you good? Want me to regret it? I don't!

You wait, I will definitely make better results, I want you to see that I can do it without you! At

this time, Yang Mier's heart was very complicated, and she first felt depressed that it was too late to regret. But no matter what, she still has a kind of stubbornness.

After all, the people she once looked down on now seem to be able to easily hang her.

Although Luo Chen has not really shown that kind of powerful ability now, a few names are scary enough.

Especially he still has such a deterrent!

But even so, so what?

She Yang Mier is not a vegetarian, she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and she can still keep her ice clear and jade, naturally has her own ability!

She doesn't believe it, you Luo Chen is powerful, can't I Yang Mier?

I must, live better, be more beautiful and beautiful, and show the most glamorous side in front of him the next time we meet!

But thinking about it again, Luo Chen was surrounded by her sisters like several top goddesses, and she was quite surprised.

What is good about Luo Chen? It is worth these goddess girlfriends to fight the fire for his moths one by one, and even go to the soup.

Just look at Bai Ru's support to Luo Chen, it is at all costs.

Even if you share it with other women, you must stay by Luo Chen's side.

The more like this, the more Yang Mier can't swallow this breath, she must live better!

Make better results than Luo Chen!

But is this possible? It is estimated that she does not know that the distance between Luo Chen and her will become farther and farther, throwing her out of cloud nine.

At that time, she wants to see Luo Chen, but her back will be invisible!

On this side, Luo Chen's news in all aspects is continuing to ferment.

Interestingly, in addition to such an influence in China, the information that this anime of his is about to be animated suddenly exploded in other places!

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