Luo Chen can be described as a good thing today, and this recording of I am a singer has started smoothly.

On the other hand, he received better news, that is, the animation club on the island side has sent him a new invitation.

I hope that he can give them a license through the new anime and manga works to make synchronous broadcasts on the island side.

Because some anime fans on the island side have received a new message.

That is Luo Chen wants to animate the comic of the Sea King!

And the premiere should be in this country in the East, just a broadcast in their own country.

This is really great news for anime fans, and a big bad news.

A group of loyal fans of the Sea King, even more enthusiastic than the national comic fans in their own countries in the island country.

One by one, they wanted to send blades to Luo Chen.

I am naturally happy to see this anime animated in my lifetime, but I can't see it in them!

Luo Chen's author name in this anime, the name used is Luo Huang, fully demonstrating his ambition in this field!

And the anime fans of the island country even nicknamed him Luo Huang Sauce!

"Oh my God! I, Luo Huang Chan, please don't ignore the fans of our island country! We also want to synchronize anime works!

"It's that the comics are already one step slower than the Orientals before, and if the animation side is still slower than them, we won't live!"

"Beg Luo Huangchan, give our island fans a little love! We are also your true love fans!

"Kneel and beg, don't abandon us, we have always been treated differently!"

"We've all heard that it's completely on the side of Rakusakura Co., Ltd., and the payment is not fast enough, so that the update that the god gives us has always been slow!"

"That's it, Rakusakura Society, as a partner of Luo Huangchan and anime in the island country! We have to fight them, so why can't we pay them back in time? Why can't it be settled in time!

"This super anime is an oriental national anime, and it is also our favorite anime, and we can't let it lower our treatment because of the club!"

"We are going to Rakusakura Co., Ltd. to petition! Let them hurry up and give the Great God the final fee! , fight for us to get the same treatment! In

fact, these avid anime fans of the island country really took action immediately, all assembled, and even sit-in and demonstrated in front of the building of Rakusakura Co., Ltd.!

All of a sudden, in the anime circle of the entire island country, there was an uproar.

Anime fans in these island countries are quite fanatical, and this unique anime work also has a very big attraction.

But there is also a very surprising news.

This group of avid anime fans is part of it, but there are also other anime fans who are skeptical.

As a very famous animation producer in the animation industry of the island country, and also a beautiful girl author of popular works, her name is Yi Ying.

It is also very popular in the island country.

Just like Jiang Yingxue in the East, the status of the beautiful girl loli goddess in the field of national comics, has a very high position in the hearts of anime fans!

She should be the most popular beautiful girl in the animation industry of the island country.

At this time, she made this question:

"Luo Huangchan, I am also your big fan, I have always chased the Sea King, so I can't bear to watch this classic work destroyed!"

The animation design of our island nation is top notch in the world! It is also the largest anime exporter, with a very mature and strong team in terms of animation!

I sincerely hope that the author of the Sea King, Luo Huangchan, will give us a chance to cooperate with the animation team of the island country.

After all, we really can't trust the Oriental team, has the team on that side done any successful animation works?

A slightly more famous animation work, or the big trouble in Tiangong decades ago!

The next work is not a good work, we have all seen oriental animation works.

All of them are very entangled existences, the picture quality is touching, and the plot is even more touching!

Luo Huangchan's voyager king is completely supported by his personal charm and unique painting style!

However, animation is not a one-man thing, it needs a strong animation industry to support!

Without this foundation, you can't make good animation. Therefore, I kindly ask Nakhuang-chan to consider cooperating with our island animation studio or Co., Ltd.! "

Otherwise, it is likely to ruin the classic! , It's really worth the loss then! Such

a voice seems to suddenly cover the voice of the previous willingness, after all, everyone knows that the animation production of the island country is indeed very powerful.

On the part of the East, it is still a preliminary stage of development, after all, the national comic industry in the East is really just beginning.

Many places are imitating island countries, in this regard, the oriental cottage ability has always been very strong, but the animation industry has now slowly received support from the top.

After all, it is also a good cultural development direction, and it needs to have its own core competitiveness.

However, after all, it has just begun to compare with the industrial base of several decades, and there is still a big gap.

Hence the problem we have now.

However, how could Luo Chen be questioned by these people, so the trailer came out soon.

He quickly produced several episodes of unique animation through the popularity points he recently gained and then used it in the production of animation editors.

Perfect restoration, the plot and characters in these comics!

In this way, the island anime fans who had doubts about this matter before were instantly muted.

"Well, I did underestimate the animation production industry in the East, or just underestimate, the company that made this animation for Luo Huang Daishen!

It is indeed very exquisite, and at the same time, it highly restores the essence of the original work, and has reached the level of a very powerful and top company in our country! "

It was really good-looking, I changed my mouth! I also want to petition, Luo Huangchan don't give us any difference ah? We are also your big fans! This

reversal suddenly made the people who had doubts not know what to say.

After all, Yi Ying is also a very famous professional in the island industry, and in the animation industry, her status is very high!

Even she said so, can only say that Luo Chen's animation production this time is really very eye-catching, and has a very high standard, even as this professional beautiful girl said.

It has reached the world's top level!

Because the animation production of the island country is the top level in the world!

It should be said that Luo Chen's animation production can already be compared to the top companies in the island country!

Therefore, in other words, under the same level, Luo Chen has also reached the world's top level.

In this way, the domestic national comic industry is also fried!

They are still in a difficult stage of groping, and suddenly a national anime came out of nowhere and overwhelmed them all at once.

But in the same way, they are also learning the advantages and advantages of Luo Chen.

But the biggest advantage of people is the core of the story!

It's so tough, it really allows them to see what is the real top story, what is the real top anime author!

And Luo Chen knew as soon as he made a move.

This time the change in the animation industry may have been brought about by him!

Of course, everyone is watching now, what effect will this anime have once it is launched, and if it blows up, it is another matter.

But what if something goes wrong? So can the title of this national comic light still be placed on Luo Chen's head? Another unknown!

So now, Luo Chen's upcoming Voyager King, the super anime competing for the highest ratings in prime time, has become a thing that shocks everyone.

In fact, Luo Chen's action this time was very bold.

Because he still doesn't have any prime-time TV series to compete with others, so he directly puts this super national anime on the prime time of the TV station to play, which can be regarded as giving traffic!

Now everyone is paying attention, what effect will this national comic have after it is launched? Can you get a good rating?

Everyone is looking forward to it, the whole people are focused!

PS: Thanks to the reader greatly: Shadow of the Night for the reminder, thank you very much!

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