On the morning of the second day, when Tong Yaya slowly woke up, she recalled last night, and Luo Chen couldn't help but blush.

Her heart was beating so fast that she was careful that her liver was about to jump out of her heart.

Luo Chen was still close at hand, hugging her and welcoming this ray of morning sun.

At this moment, Tong Yaya couldn't help it, her heart was full of sweetness, and she was a little apprehensive, more looking forward to it.

I really look forward to waking up with Luo Chen every morning in the future.

Although it seems that such a day is a little difficult, after all, there are other sisters around.

But there will always be many days to spend with Luo Chen like this, at least a few days a week, right?

At this time, Tong Yaya only had one sentence in her heart: It's good to have you!

At this time, Tong Yaya looked at Luo Chen who was close at hand with affection.

His handsome side face is so angular and full of masculine charm!

Yesterday, it was this man who brought her immense joy!

It was something she had never experienced in her previous twenty-odd years of life.

Go deep into the bone marrow, eat the pith and taste!

On the other side, even Luo Chen himself did not expect that Tong Yaya, who was the most gentle in nature, usually the most shy, and weak, was actually the one who had persisted the longest in this regard among a group of sisters!

Isn't it tough? This little lady can last for 10 minutes!

Luo Chen felt that he finally had a normal daughter-in-law, which was too difficult.

Even Tong Yaya is not strong for 10 minutes.

But it can also be regarded as a small one that Luo Chen can better solve the gluttony.

The process is wonderful and beautiful, Tong Yaya is also a goddess with SS body flexibility, so she really answered her sentence:

at the mercy of others!

Of course, this person only Luo Chen, as for what kind of manipulation method it is, only the two of them know.

At this time, Tong Yaya just looked at Luo Chen, remembering last night's incident, and felt hot in her heart!

Everything with Luo Chen is so wonderful and beautiful.

However, she gently saw that Luo Chen seemed to be about to wake up, and she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

It's just that the fluttering eyelashes have betrayed everything else she has.

Although she is also an actor, the roles she plays are only supporting roles, and her acting skills are really not very good.

It can barely be regarded as passing, but everything is in front of Luo Chen, and there is nothing to hide.

Seeing the cute appearance of the young lady pretending to sleep, Luo Chen couldn't help but hug her tightly from the process of waking up in the early morning.

Then he gently rubbed her pretty face again, ear curls.

Although nothing is done, it is good to be in a sense of intimacy.

Sometimes what women need more is a feeling of being cherished, and Tong Yaya at this time, in Luo Chen's heart, is like a treasure held in the palm of his hand.

In fact, every woman who followed him could be regarded as a treasure by him.

Luo Chen is still very good to his women, and they are also his counterscales.

Whoever touches dies!

And the young lady can actually feel Luo Chen's attention to them from all aspects of the details!

Feel Luo Chen, intimacy to yourself.

Tong Yaya knew that she couldn't pretend anymore, and pretended to wake up slowly a little shyly, and then said to Luo Chen with a red face:

"Husband, you woke up, when is it?" Shall we get up and clean up?

"It's early, don't worry, let me hold it for a while!" Luo Chen revealed one, with a slightly evil smile.

This made Tong Yaya's heart panic.

However, she has never had any resistance to all of Luo Chen's requirements, and she will do whatever Luo Chen asks her to do.

Or how to call it, at the mercy of Ren Luochen?

She nodded slightly, her hair originally black and straight.

But after some tossing, it seems that there are some places where there is already a little arc, like a natural big wave.

But such a state added a little charm to her.

At this moment, Tong Yaya is quite enjoying the two-person world between her and Luo Chen.

After all, sharing Luo Chen with so many sisters, there are really not many such a two-person world.

But think about it, there should be a period of time every week in the future, which is the time when she and Luo Chen get along alone, which is quite good.

Being together all the time is not necessarily good, sometimes distance produces beauty.

However, now this mode of getting along between Luo Chen and her can make the moment when the relationship between the two people warms up is better and faster!

"Hmm... Husband, you're going to be busy today, right? Don't be too tired, we all feel sorry for you. What's going to do with me as a singer next? "

Tong Yaya is a professional singer after all, and she is a little shy at this time.

She didn't dare to enjoy this too much, unparalleled closeness.

Then she had to divert the topic to hide her little shame.

Luo Chen smiled and said, "What else can I do?" Of course, it's a good singing, all of them are old-timers in the music industry, and I have to prepare well to deal with one battle after another!

And I'm going to prepare your song too! We are now husband and wife, and their profits are broken.

On this stage, we can combine our swords, which can definitely be very good! Maybe you can still get the title of a singer at that time?

Tong Yaya suddenly asked a little dumbly: "So many powerful old-timers, I estimate that it is very difficult for me to take the king of songs, right?"

And I can't compare to you, your singing voice is the best of all the singers I've ever heard!

Luo Chen responded with a smile: "Ha, don't worry, I should have other ways at that time, but the position of the king of songs, I may not fight for it, leave it to you, I don't need it!" Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya couldn't help but be stunned:

"Aren't you going to join me as a singer?" Are you ready to escape again?

Luo Chen: "No, it's not that I'm not going, it's just that I shouldn't stick to the end, and besides, I have other ways to stay on this stage."

Plus I have some other variety shows to shoot next, as well as TV series, I don't have so much time, so I can only accompany you for a ride.

But this variety show I believe he will be popular, and when the time comes, all of you will be able to become popular again, which is my ultimate goal.

After all, it is also an instruction given to me above, of course, such a variety show I also hope that you can get a benefit, after all, you are my wife, of course I hope you are better!

At this moment, Tong Yaya couldn't help but be very

moved: "Thank you, husband, I..." Seeing

her like this, Luo Chen immediately distracted her:

"I know, are you very moved?" Hehe, this is nothing, it is what I should do, as long as it is my woman, I will cherish it and will not fail any of you!

Hehe, if only you were really touched and gave yourself to me. Sister Yaya, I didn't expect you to be the one who can last the longest time among a group of sisters.

I feel that my happiness in the future is all on you!

"I think while they haven't come over yet, let's order the morning exercise first, early morning exercise, good for physical and mental health!"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya still didn't know what Luo Chen said? Although Luo Chen did not break the gong, he could also enjoy other joys.

Especially Tong Yaya is much tougher than other young sisters, and Luo Chen has finally found a little bit more able to fight.

But there is another very important thing today, that is, the day of the animation of the national anime Sea King has finally arrived!

Thousands of comic fans, looking forward to it!

PS: Thanks to the reader great: old bookworm; User-37247715 reminder! Thank you very much!!


-The author has something to say:

the first more sent, good morning, readers are great, another day full of vitality!

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