And after experiencing the taste of early morning exercise, Tong Yaya's pretty face couldn't help but be full of red clouds, looking particularly delicate.

It was as if he was young again, just eighteen or twenty years old.

She was already tender-looking, and although she was already the age of the royal sister, she still looked so young and beautiful.

At this moment, after such a breakthrough in close relationship with Luo Chen's reception, her dependence on Luo Chen is even stronger.

She is a small woman, and her temperament is usually more gentle and submissive.

Of course, once it comes to yourself, in principle, things will be very strong, soft on the outside and rigid on the inside!

But no matter what, now that Luo Chen is her man, she is naturally extremely concerned about Luo Chen.

"My husband estimates that you are very busy today, don't worry about me so much, you go and do your business, I will go and fight with Sister Bai Ru and them in a while."

Then, prepare to record "I am a singer", I will definitely not embarrass you! Hearing

Tong Yaya's words, Luo Chen smiled, touched her silky hair, and gently rubbed her little head.

"Well, I believe you, my women are the best! It doesn't matter what results you take, what rank you take, anyway, I will have a way in the future to make you popular!

Better than now, even going out of the world, is something that can be expected in the future!

At this time, Tong Yaya couldn't help but bury her head in his chest, nodded lightly and said:

"Of course I believe that you have this ability, and my man is also the best in the world!"

Luo Chen listened to it, and he smiled: "Hehe, what kind of good?"

Tong Yaya also rarely blushed and said bold words: "You are great everywhere!" Of course, some places are amazing!

Luo Chen was surprised: "Yo? My lovely sister Yaya, now she will make this kind of joke, very progress!

Tong Yaya gave him a blank look without anger: "I dare to talk to you like this, and I don't want to deal with the rest."

Luo Chen praised: "Then it's best, isn't this the good wife and mother that our men dream of?" Out of the hall, into the kitchen, on the big bed! I think you're very much in line. Hearing

that Luo Chen finally said more and more outrageously, Tong Yaya couldn't help but smack him:

"Okay, don't make trouble, Sister Bai Ru will see it later, it doesn't seem to be good."

Luo Chen smiled: "If you see it, you can see it, what does it matter, anyway, I haven't seen it, and we will have to meet each other more frankly in the future."

Didn't you say okay, you sent two people over on Friday and Saturday, and then you came together on Sunday?

Anyway, we have to work overtime together, there is always a time to see each other..." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya's little face became even redder.

Before, when Bai Ru said this suggestion, Gedina was that kind of enthusiastic and unrestrained nature, and how much resistance was in her heart.

Jiang Yingxue is similar, anyway, they are very proactive.

But Tong Yaya, after listening to this suggestion, thought about it, and felt that her little face was red and she was hot and panicked.

When everyone saw her like this, they didn't forget to joke at that time.

Tong Yaya felt that in a few days at this time, she would directly face a new situation, and she was very panicked in her heart.

What was she trying to say? Luo Chen's office was knocked on the door.

Those who walked in were the three very familiar young ladies.

One by one, they all set their sights on Tong Yaya.

"Oh, Sister Yaya's face is red, it seems to be redder than all of us, you won't just finish it, right?"

Hearing Gedina come up so enthusiastically, it instantly made Tong Yaya's little face even redder.

"Ouch, look again, Sister Yaya, why did your face become redder? My God, it seems that you have really been hit by me!

I'm jealous, husband, when I'm with you, there is no early morning exercise, next time you have to make up for me! At

this time, Gedina couldn't help it, so she came over and hugged Luo Chen's arm and coquettishly said.

Luo Chen cried and laughed: "Okay, you can do whatever you want, you won't prepare me a big soup for breakfast today, right?"

There is no need for this, it is you who should make up, look at them one by one, so quickly explained, and Yaya can't compare with you.

Jiang Yingxue was suddenly surprised: "Ouch, did Sister Yaya perform well last night?"

Luo Chen said praisefully: "Hehe, it's much better than you, none of you have 7 minutes to be the strongest, but Yaya insisted for 10 minutes before explaining!" "

Si... Awesome, terrifying! , Sister Yaya, how did you do it? Teach me? Hearing

that Luo Chen and a group of sisters discussed their details so brazenly, Tong Yaya couldn't help it, and they all wanted to find a place to get in.

She was suddenly a little overwhelmed, and her face was red and beautiful: "Bad you, husband, how can you tell your sisters this, ignore you, I'm going to eat breakfast outside."

Sisters, have you all eaten? I'll go out first, you guys communicate with your husband first, I'll come back after eating! "

Tong Yaya is completely overwhelmed, this group of young ladies are more unrestrained than the other, they speak without barriers, and they all want to tease and tease her.

Seeing Tong Yaya, who ran fast like a rabbit, Gedina wanted to chase it out and continue to ask a few questions!

After all, in this group of sisters, her time is almost the shortest, and her heart is entangled.

She wanted to be close to Luo Chen and enjoy it, but this time was so short, even if it was really high, it was not enjoyable enough.

Bai Ru next to him slapped Gedina angrily:

"Well, I didn't see that Yaya has been scared away by you, look at what you have become!" In the future, with my husband, we all have to fill him with scenes, be steady!

Bai Ru's words attracted Gedina's attention, and the few did not refute:

"Knowing it, everything is based on the overall situation of my husband, and I will cultivate my demeanor well in the future!"

Bai Ru turned to Luo Chen and said: "Okay, don't pay attention to him, this little nizi just doesn't clean up, I think, after my husband's divine achievements, I will discipline and discipline her every day in the future."

Use your wishful golden hoop rod every day to pump her fiercely, so that she has no mind to make trouble! Gedina

was immediately unconvinced: "Ouch, it seems that you don't want to be smoked by your husband's wishful golden hoop stick, I don't know when the time comes, who is the happiest to eat!"

Luo Chen's face suddenly darkened: "Okay, put away your tiger words, I really can't stand you!" This is the company, not at home, normal!

There are still a lot of things today, and Sister Bai Ru will be busy next. What I need to do is, next a new variety show.

There are also TV series, I want to shoot two in a row, one starring me, and the other is directed by me and Chen Feng!

I believe these two TV series can open up the situation for us, of course, the most important thing now is the Sea King, which will be launched tonight!

The average fan can't wait to see it now. In

fact, the enthusiasm of the fans is very enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that Luo Chen himself did not expect the effect.

And Bai Ru couldn't help but say at this time:

"You can rest assured in this aspect, I didn't expect this anime to have such a big influence, not only in the East, but also abroad!"

Husband, you are really powerful, worthy of being my man, as soon as you make a move, you will shock the world!

I can now conclude that there is no need for much publicity, as long as a few of us stars retweet it a little.

There are also countless fans underneath, and tap water does spontaneous publicity with you, these fans are really powerful! Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, tonight is the time to witness a miracle."

But I have achieved such a success, should you give me a little reward?

Didn't you say that tonight, you will send two people to work overtime with me? Who stays with whom? "

PS: In the previous article, readers asked, why is there no Yaya process? Explained in the book review section. It's not that I don't want to write, but I don't dare to write anymore. Give the big ones a dog's head expression and experience the look in their own eyes. In fact, the process is something, and the brain supplement is quite fragrant. It is the website regulations, and there are other ulterior motives. Without further ado, write well.

Recently, the traffic has been too low, unprecedented miserable, readers give a little support, in this case, the book is going to die.

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