Luo Chen did not release water at this time, nor did he say that he especially wanted that the young lady must stay.

After all, in his heart, it is a bowl of water that is flat, and there is no big bias.

Originally, if you wrote down the beautiful housekeeper Su Qinger, you could still get along alone for one night.

But this young lady has really helped Luo Chen too much recently.

I've been busy with TV stations and courtyard affairs.

Grassroots work and contacts, etc., are always done by someone, and Su Qinger can cope with it well.

After all, as a cutting-edge high-caliber student from the world's top butler school, it is still handy to deal with this scene.

It just took a bit too much time.

This made her spend relatively less time with Luo Chen, but she enjoyed it and at the same time proved her value and status.

She is different from these goddesses.

These young ladies are all proud daughters of heaven, have their own careers, and can show themselves through various things.

But she is destined to be the woman hidden behind Luo Chen, and everything is based on Luo Chen!

She knew very well that if she did not have Luo Chen, her future was uncertain, and it was even likely to be quite miserable.

But when she came to Luo Chen's side, all she had always felt was being cared for.

There is even a chance that she may become a real woman in Luo Chen.

And got Bai Ru's promise, she believes that this woman will fulfill this promise.

But the premise is that she must get everything done well and have absolute loyalty!

She is self-aware of this.

In order to stay, in order to gain Luo Chen's appreciation and love, she naturally worked harder!

So if she didn't get such an opportunity for the time being, she wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, in this environment, she still has to act according to the situation of other young ladies.

However, this point Luo Chen saw in his eyes, this beautiful butler, still helped him a lot.

When the time comes, he will give everything that should be given to others, and will not fail everyone who pays to him!

Of course, now her attention is on the result of this one grab.

After all, tonight is likely to be another beautiful night, which makes him full of expectations.

In fact, several young ladies have left his mark on them, and at the same time, they have already had their own attempts.

It's just that none of the successful ones can take Luo Chen.

Now that the two of them have come together, Luo Chen still has some new ideas in his heart.

Then wait for the result, and they open the note in the palm of their hands at the same time.

Their hearts were apprehensive and full of anticipation, and when the note was opened, they could see it clearly.

It was Gedina and the note in Jiang Yingxue's hand to write down the handwriting left behind. Bai Ru's note was blank.

Bai Ru didn't feel anything, and said directly: "Well, it seems that tonight it will be you two little nizi to accompany your husband, take it easy, don't play too much!"

Gedina smiled and said, "Sister Bai, if you are worried, join in."

At this time, Bai Ru couldn't help but smile and said:

"How can the rules that have been set be changed casually?" It's good now, and tomorrow will be for me anyway. "

It doesn't matter who comes first, anyway, I will slowly be with Luo Chen in the future."

Everyone will have a fair and equitable relationship.

Luo Chen saw this result, anyway, whoever came he would treat him well, so he hugged Bai Ru all of a sudden and said:

"Okay, it's okay, you are also tired in the past two days, you can just take a break, recuperate, and you can accompany me well tomorrow!"

Bai Ru couldn't help but roll her beautiful eyes, and said coquettishly:

"Look at your beauty, now you are happy?" All of them accommodate you, and grab you, beauty turned over, right?

"Yes, life is good, that's what I want." Luo Chen smiled a little shyly.

But let a group of girls can't help but roll their eyes, but they can't help him.

"You don't know where you get so much energy, is this also the effect of your divine skill?

It seems that they have been tossing us until late these days, but on the 2nd day, you are more energetic and energetic than all of us, and you are like clockwork!

Bai Ru couldn't help but be amazed at this time.

Hearing her words, Luo Chen smiled and enjoyed: "You guessed right, it does have a bit of this influence, so you can understand why I always want to come to a divine accomplishment."

Because after really reaching this point, I will become stronger and my abilities in all aspects will improve a lot.

Of course, sometimes the success of the god also depends on chance, if it is true, without this fate, then forget it.

Anyway, among the people I know, it seems that no one in the division has succeeded. "

I am one of the highest achievements, but fortunately, this unique exercise is still very good.

There is no possibility of chips entering the devil, it really can't, I will directly break the skill and be in a good place with you! Hearing

Luo Chen's serious nonsense there, it immediately made a group of young ladies feel that what he said was true.

In fact, this is just an excuse for Luo Chen to prevaricate, but it doesn't matter, anyway, these future daughters-in-law are willing to believe him and reduce trouble.

Now that he has settled the matter, his attention has shifted to the next anime broadcast.

Today is the day when the first day of the voyager is broadcast, and there are still a long broadcast days to come, and it is estimated that the entire anime market will make a new impact because of this.

Even Luo Chen himself did not expect that one of the Sea King's influence would reach this level.

As soon as it was said to be animated, the entire fan group of national comics has already fried the pan.

On the other side, fans of the island nation are also frantically petitioning.

At this time, all the preparations for the anime side have been completed.

After all, what about the review, Jiang Yingxue helped the review on the side, and the above passed at once.

And this anime, which is already serialized in the form of comics on the platform, is now just an animation form that has reappeared.

Animation is still more popular, after all, this kind of visualization directly allows everyone to have a gorgeous picture, and you can have a clear understanding of the work.

And Luo Chen's move this time, the animation online, naturally shocked everyone.

Everyone feels that another classic work has been born!

Of course, manga works have existed for a long time, but animation is also a matter that requires a process.

And the works shown by Luo Chen at this time are enough to explain a lot of problems!

At such a highly anticipated moment, this anime is finally online!

It's just that no one expected that Luo Chen would be so bold.

He actually used such an animation work to compete with various TV series of the entire entertainment industry TV station!

Prime time broadcasts, ratings are always the most intense!

And today will usher in the first battle of Luo Chen's real headwind turnover!

PS: Special thanks, loyal readers: Momo's inspiration capsule, thank you very much!! I often see a big message in the book review area, thank you so much, the author will work hard.

Special thanks to the loyal readers: light yellow dress with fluffy hair, your reminder and multiple likes and mountain climbing invitations. This reader who is also a frequent supporter of the author, thank you very much for your continued support, thank you so much.

Thank you to all the readers who gave the author a thumbs up and a mountain climbing invitation gift!!

Your support and help, the author has always looked at it, there is no reward, let's add more today!! Love you guys!!


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the first more sent, good noon readers great, your support, the author has seen it, continue to add more today. Love you guys!!

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