For Roselle TV's action this time, industry insiders just laughed it off.

Before, Luo Chen single-handedly created a program such as "Hundred Family Forum", saying that it was a hundred family forum, but in fact, he was the only one lecturing.

Everyone just laughed it off, after all, an educational program, even if it won the ratings championship in which time slot?

It doesn't affect the general direction.

Although in a sense, Luo Chen is indeed successful this time, but a TV station only has one program that is successful, and it can't make any waves.

As for the new anime shows, they will not pay attention to it even more.

Luo Chen actually put such a concept of anime animation in prime time.

to prove that he has no idea of competing for the ratings title.

After all, how can an anime show be compared with their regular TV series, with a variety of traffic stars, and the top actors?

After all, such an anime has a limited audience!

So at this moment, all people in the industry are underestimating the influence of Luo Chen's anime, although many of them have heard of this anime's work.

But how powerful can a comic be?

The entire field of national comics is now in a slump, even if there is such a legendary national comic.

When it comes to animation and work, can it really be successful?

Adapting these animations, there are more examples of failure.

Although this time, as the main force of the adaptation, Luo Chen should personally do it, to get some plot or something.

But the entire TV industry really did not take this one work to heart.

Even if Luo Chen said before that there was such an action, they also thought that it was Luo Chen's death struggle here.

On the other hand, the TV series that Luo Chen said later is what they really want to see.

However, Luo Chen himself to play the male lead, even if there is such a popular goddess as Gedina, it doesn't feel reliable?

So in general, they are all despising Luo Chen, and they all feel that Luo Chen is ill this time.

In fact, the impact that Luo Chen has had in the Beijing circle now has been seen by everyone, and it is very powerful.

But when it comes to these causes, sometimes even such a threatening relationship is useless.

After all, there is now a peaceful and stable situation, and it is not possible for some people to cover the sky single-handedly.

Everyone comes according to the rules, which has become one of the strongest rules in the industry.

No one is afraid of anyone, even if there is a powerful relationship, but in the face of these rules, he must implement and obey them.

In fact, Luo Chen used a bad luck charm, and it was only able to affect some people, that is, who was unlucky with him.

Now everyone is not against him, but according to the rules and regulations, you can't always take a start to fight with other people, right?

If this is the case, the enemy Luo Chen is facing is not a family, or one. Forces, but enemies of everyone!

After all, breaking the rules, destroying these vested interests, such a large group, is thankless.

At the same time, Luo Chen also knew that he was not yet strong to such a level, and he could also follow these rules and rise strongly.

Why do these thankless things?

Therefore, everyone feels that this time, although Luo Chen has gained a power, it may not be able to save this TV station.

It's too difficult, it's really too difficult, the guarantee of all kinds of ratings, as well as the creation of all kinds of programs, manpower, material resources, financial resources, all must be comprehensively promoted.

The current Roselle TV station is full of holes, there is an extreme lack of talents, and there is a serious lack of funds, and it is not enough to rely on Luoshen's hot head!

Even if he is personally talented and has a very good relationship, it is very difficult to think.

It's just that others don't know that Luo Chen now has huge funds in his hands, and at the same time, the endless ideas in his mind are endless.

So, this is a carnival for anime fans, but a relatively cold TV station in the industry!

In such a strange atmosphere, thousands of anime fans are paying attention to this unique anime show that Roselle TV is about to broadcast.

Because that's their sacred, favorite piece!

Incomparably fanatical, incomparably passionate.

All this is a matter of their glory!

In fact, their worship and liking of Luo Chen, as well as their loyalty to this work, have made them start to frantically like this work in the circle, crazy Amway's work.

Some of those who had never seen the work before began to say that they would go and see it.

Especially this group of young people are even more excited about anime culture and this first national comic that has hit the door abroad!

"Brothers and sisters, today will be the king of sailors, the day of the first broadcast, let's go and watch it together!"

"Yes! We put the ratings on top, so that more people can pay attention to the emergence of the Sea King, this is the light of our national comics, we must have its platoon!

"Yes, yes, everyone went over to grab the remote control and occupy the Roselle TV channel!"

"The ratings of the Sea King are supported by us!"

Countless avid fans are already sitting in rows here, picking up small benches and crouching in front of the TV, waiting for the moment to play.

In such a unique period of time, in fact, there is no overwhelming publicity.

Luo Chen just made an announcement in his hundred family forum, and at the same time let some of his star friends make some forwards.

The rest were enthusiastic responses from fans, running water like Amway for him.

And at such a moment in the TV circle, it is a sparse and ordinary cartoon broadcast.

Other local TV stations, entertainment TV stations are broadcasting their ace TV series!

After all, in such a heat, they are all vying for the position of prime time.

No one has ever paid attention, and at the moment when the golden version of the TV series was played, an anime work quietly went online.

Then there was a huge wave!

On this day, the Sea King was launched, and it also created the most bizarre scene in the history of the Eastern Celestial Empire television industry.

At the same time, it has set an unprecedented record!

All anime fans are eagerly waiting in front of the TV.

With that step, the opening credits of the cartoon began, the bloody theme song was sung, and Luo Chen's high-pitched singing voice came from inside!

All anime fans were thrilled and even burst into tears at this moment!

Finally waited!

The Lifetime series in their impression actually appeared!

The opening credits alone already made them feel that incomparable familiarity!

Still a familiar recipe, or a familiar taste!

Their favorite light of national comics is here!!


-The author has something to say:

the second more sent, good afternoon, all readers. Thank you to the reader for this gift of Charm Charm of Daxi Moxuan Frost, thank you very much!! Thank you to all the readers who sent likes and invitations to climb!!

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