This moment is an unforgettable night for all fans of anime fans of Voyager King.

After all, there are few cartoons like this that will make a broadcast arrangement above such a prime-time time.

On the other hand, Luo Chen is also paying close attention to the follow-up status of these cartoon programs, changes in ratings, the reputation of the audience, the response of fans, and so on.

In this technical department, Luo Chen still left a lot of elite talents, and at this time it finally came into play, allowing them to always pay attention to changes in ratings.

So that it can be analyzed, after these cartoons, after one original adaptation, is there any problem? Do you need to make some new adjustments later.

In fact, cartoons, to be animated from a comic, have very high requirements for the production team.

A good editor, a good team, can add points to a comic, and after turning it into a cartoon, it can shock everyone.

Conversely, a poor team can ruin a classic.

Such things actually abound in the anime industry.

So for the team's requirements, the requirements for animation are still very high.

But all this is undoubtedly a family thing for Luo Chen, after all, he has a very powerful animation editor in his mind.

You only need to consume popularity points to make very good anime works.

And in fact, after a series of performances in the early stage.

Luo Chen has now accumulated more than 20 million popularity values in his hands!

And to make an animated film, you only need 100,000 popularity points, you can get a very good monetization ability.

The best quality visual effects only need 200,000 popularity values.

So Luo Chen now wants to make this series of cartoons, which is still very easy.

Now he still needs to make a series of consumption.

Because in the later stage, if he wants to shoot some TV series and movies, he needs the consumption of some of these popularity values.

You can use popularity points and various editor applications to create various post-productions, visual effects, and more!

This is very important for the improvement of the whole work.

However, with the continuous increase in popularity, such an effect can be achieved.

In fact, Luo Chen's SSS-level special attribute task is also a process of accumulating popularity values, that is, a total of 100 million popularity points, he can be regarded as completing the task.

In this accumulation process, popularity points can also be used.

But at this moment, Luo Chen has reached more than 20 million popularity values just through a week's accumulation.

For him, it seems that a very good path has been found.

After all, he knew very well how the popularity value in his hands came from before, and the Hundred Family Forum and the subsequent identity were exposed.

And these relationships with the young ladies, etc., have attracted the attention of many people, and his popularity is, straight up! .

It is undoubtedly very good news for him.

And at this moment, everyone is paying attention to the change in the ratings of the Sea King.

Luo Chen naturally also saw many unique performances:

"Congratulations to the owner for obtaining popularity value +100."

"Congratulations to the owner for gaining popularity +200."

"Congratulations to the owner for getting popularity +150..." A

series of spikes in popularity can also show whether a work is really popular.

Because the more popular the work, the faster you add it.

Of course, Luo Chen has blocked these unique system prompts for increasing popularity.

Because every time his popularity increases, he can fill up the information reception in his mind.

In this way, you only need to look at the improvement of a vigorous heel later, and you can see a series of performances.

At this moment, for Luo Chen, the improvement of temperament shown by a unique navigator king has already explained the popularity of this work.

"Director, we are already monitoring the changes in ratings here, and at the beginning, our ratings broke 1%.

We started with a miracle! Now the ratings are still skyrocketing!

I predict that after the 1% episode of the anime is finished, the rating should be above 1.5%! "

Technicians are able to see a lot of problems at once through a variety of data analysis.

Although the ratings statistics of the TV industry association will not be visible until tomorrow, they can also collect and see the real-time situation of the scene through various data.

Hearing this news, Luo Chen showed a confident smile and said,

"Okay! Keep watching, and then it's probably time to witness a miracle! "

Because Luo Chen played this time, it was not just as simple as an episode of cartoons, but then 4 episodes in a row.

Anyway, his popularity is enough for him to squander for a while, and the original comic is also very sufficient.

In addition, animation and comics can actually make a complementary way, and some side plots that are not drawn in comics can be added to the animation.

However, this method should be added after a series of successes.

And now Luo Chen's original main plot is still very much, because his original comic works have been updated to the middle and late stages, and even have reached the back of the plot of the battle on top.

Therefore, he has a very good grasp of the entire animation adaptation process.

Bai Ru was also closely watching on the side at this time, although today it was not her who stayed to work overtime with Luo Chen.

But after all, today's day is too special, so a bunch of young ladies stayed.

Gedina, Jiang Yingxue, Tong Yaya, the first two are veteran anime fans, and they are full of concern and enthusiasm for this.

As Luo Chen's assistant, Su Qinger is also very concerned about all this, after all, this is also a special category that may exist in her future work.

Understanding first is conducive to her future work. At this moment, she is also concerned about all the last dynamics.

Bai Ru is in a good mood now, and can't help but grab Luo Chen's arm and say: "Husband, it seems that we have steadily won the rating of 1.5%, haha, and now it is still rising!"

At that time, I really want to see the expressions of some TV bigwigs, shocked and broken glasses.

It is estimated that there will probably be overwhelming reports about our TV station tomorrow, right?

But after having these two chances of success, it may attract a lot of attention in the future, after all, I feel that today we are likely to win the primetime ratings championship!

This is too dazzling, after all, you are only the first shot, and it is still two more partial fields, if you still want to do a TV series, what kind of dazzling degree it will be, it's really hard to imagine!

Bai Ru said a series of words, which is undoubtedly a situation that Luo Chen must face now.

However, Luo Chen just showed a confident smile at this time and said:

"What others think has anything to do with me?" In my place, you are responsible for looking beautiful as a flower, and I am only responsible for sweeping the world! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, several young ladies next to them couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then they couldn't help but focus all their eyes on Luo Chen again.

At this time, he was so confident, calm, and elegant, like a cold prince.

At the same time, it is full of all kinds of charm, and a group of young ladies can't help it at this time, and they are fascinated.

This is their man, especially the two young ladies who are going to stay with Luo Chen tonight, and their hearts can't help but feel hot!

Jiang Yingxue took a while before she eased up, and then she directly pulled Gedina over:

"Xiao Di, come out when you take a break, I have something I want to tell you."

Gedina was suddenly confused: "What's going on?" Little Cher?

Jiang Yingxue smiled: "Hehe, of course, tonight, I mentioned it with my husband!"

Today is a memorable day, my husband has created another miracle, so we want to surprise him! "


-The author has something to say:

(3) is more sent, today there are two more plus changes, sent at 20 o'clock and 22 o'clock, see you then, all readers.

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