"Husband, it's all this time, I'm still thinking about this! Necrotic you! Bai Ru couldn't help but say to Luo Chen with a coquettishness.

"Hehe, who let me have such a few beautiful little daughters-in-law?

Uh-huh, okay, this side is over, let's go back! I think it's good that I can also work overtime when I go home.

At this time, Luo Chen's words suddenly made the faces of several young ladies even redder.

At this time, Luo Chen changed his tone again and said another plan:

"Xiao Di, your lines and characters are almost ready, right? I don't think it's much to prepare for, and the role isn't too difficult.

You can even play in your true colors, and the heroine is quite similar to your personality. So then it's time to prepare for the TV series.

The sea king, I think let it occupy the prime time period first, so that in a few days, the prime time stage, can completely let it stand its position.

Next, we can prepare new TV series and ideas, after all, this is the most important core competitiveness of our TV station.

However, in terms of TV dramas, I plan to adopt the weekly drama method, and we still have time to produce and broadcast at the same time.

We're ready for the specifics, it's just a shooting process. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, the young ladies present couldn't help but be stunned again:

"What weekly drama??" Isn't it too risky? After all, if you can't get out, although the plot behind can be filmed while broadcasting, will the audience's mood of chasing the drama be greatly affected? "

。? Hearing Bai Ru's worry, Luo Chen had at least thought about it: 'Don't worry, I have confidence in this aspect, after all, you have also seen this script, it is very good-looking.

"It's completely different from some of our previous traditional love TV series, and I'm confident that I can figure out the habits and preferences of these audiences."

"Plus the way of broadcasting solo dramas can completely give us a new one, and the continuous flashpoint is just after so many broadcasts, this TV series is finished, and some of those who follow the trend have just come out."

"It's also hard for them to follow suit. By then, we'll have already made the first wave of traffic and profits, so that's my plan.

"The most important thing is that I am a singer next, and the program creation of the subsequent ace variety show is also very important."

"Tomorrow, I have to discuss with Sister Mei's team the production process of the next variety show."

"After all, we have to go hand in hand in many ways to get the TV station over, but I'm still very confident, with your help, I don't think there is anything I can't do later."

"The next variety show does have a certain difficulty, but it just so happens that you can use the resources under your hands Sister Bai Ru."

"In terms of program arrangement, Sister Bai Ru, you have already seen it, when the time comes, you can help watch and arrange it." Find loyal artists under you, I have a way to make them popular, and the ability can be slowly cultivated, but loyalty is difficult.

"Okay, I have a sense of proportion, the people under me have been observing for a long time, which ones can be cultivated with focus?" I know exactly which ones can't be used. Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen nodded: , but in the end, he was still a little uneasy and said directly: "In this way, you bring the final personnel over for me to see, I don't believe you, I'm just afraid that these people are too good at acting, after all, many of them are actors." If

he said something like that, Bai Ru couldn't help but be stunned when he heard it, but he chose to believe Luo Chen.

She nodded and said, okay, when the time comes, I will set up all the personnel and bring them to you."

, Luo Chen must be able to do variety shows on the side, after all, just one, I am the performance of the singer, Bai Ru has seen it in his eyes.

Although the show has not yet been broadcast materially, that mode and the gorgeous performance displayed on the stage behind can really make Bai Ru feel an unprecedented shock.

He is also a person who knows goods, has been in this circle for so long, has been operating for so long, and knows which programs are high-quality programs and which works are high-quality works.

He has his own unique tasting ability in this aspect, so he can be popular one after another.

However, after people become popular, can they still know Entu? Whether they will stay in their company is another matter.

Luo Chen knew very well that some people didn't know who they were after they became red.

Especially those who became popular overnight, and Luo Chen's ability to make stars now is good at becoming popular overnight!

Especially in the future, after some shows come out one after another, everyone will see how terrifying the variety shows in Luo Chen's hands are.

So plan ahead!

It is necessary to put this quality off, in Luo Chen's ideas, character and loyalty are more important.

After all, actors act or something, he can use the director's aura and the characteristics of actors to be in place to stimulate their potential.

Artists can also see from the character information panel in a unique way whether they can be worth cultivating.

This is also the reason why Luo Chen asked Bai Ru to bring people over for him to take a look.

With this layer of quality control, the talents cultivated in the future will not be given to others for nothing.

In this regard, Luo Chen must have his own talent reserve, and the help that some young ladies have brought him now is of course very useful.

But what he needs more is his core team, and now several teams have their own projects and directions.

Naturally, Luo Chen needs to make more attempts.

At this time, Luo Chen had returned to the courtyard of the royal palace with a group of young ladies.

After all, at this moment, a group of young ladies already knew what he wanted to do, and they couldn't help but have their own expectations in their hearts.

For this point, Luo Chen quality can still do very well.

Along the way, Luo Chen discussed the arrangements and itinerary for the next month with the young ladies in the car.

Several young ladies have completely returned to their hearts, and they are all thinking about how to help Luo Chen get through this difficulty, so the next itinerary and announcements are all related to Luo Chen.

Everyone can do this very well, after all, everything is now focused on the overall situation of Luo Chen!

But now is the time to think about something else.

As soon as the car arrived at the courtyard of the palace, today I wanted to leave the real two young sisters who accompanied Luo Chen, so I quietly left, and what Luo Chen said was to make some special preparations.

Listening to Luo Chen's heart, he felt hot in his heart, and he really wanted to do something.

But there was a giggling sound from the young ladies, telling him to wait a little, saying that he would prepare a small surprise for him.

Luo Chen, who watched it, was itching for a while.

And the two young ladies here left, but the young lady Bai Ru here laughed playfully:

"Okay husband, don't look at it, isn't it a small surprise, who won't prepare a little?"

I also have a small surprise for you tomorrow night, but be careful, don't catch it then, hee-hee. "


-The author has something to say:

Today's update is finished, good night, dear readers. See you tomorrow!

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