Hearing Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up:

"Okay, the young lady is becoming more and more savvy." What can you surprise me?

Bai Ru gave Luo Chen a beautiful hygienic eye, and said angrily:

"It's not a surprise to tell you now, people are not trying to please you?" You are a bad person, there are too many women around you.

When you become famous, and more women like you, I can't practice all kinds of skills now, so I can't do without me?

Luo Chen smiled: "Hehe, sure enough, the royal sister has the good of the royal sister, and the loli has the wonderfulness of the loli." Wife, or you understand me.

Luo Chen suddenly hugged Miss Bai Ru into his arms.

Of course, there was also Tong Yaya next to him, who was naturally also carried by Luo Chen.

It was Su Qinger, the beautiful housekeeper not far away, who saw that it was hot and envious.

However, she knew her position very well, and although she looked at it blankly, she did not ask for anything.

Being able to stay by Luo Chen's side, she was already very satisfied.

Although Bai Ru promised to make her Luo Chen's woman, it was like a daydream, which made her a little unbelievable.

So now as long as she can ensure that she stays by Luo Chen's side, she is already satisfied.

As for more things, let's talk about it later, in this regard, Su Qinger still sees it very accurately, and her mentality is also very open.

Therefore, life can be more relaxed, and I can also correct my mentality and position.

And at this time, Luo Chen also seemed to feel Su Qinger's gaze.

After he gently let go of the two young ladies, he couldn't help but turn his head and smile gently at her.

This big beautiful housekeeper is still quite good, and she is handy in using everything, and everything can be handled properly according to his arrangement.

The travel of the family is even more meticulous.

Such a capable general and assistant is naturally very reassuring and comfortable for Luo Chen.

And Bai Ru seemed to see that the eyes of the two of them met, and just smiled and did not speak.

When Su Qing'er saw Luo Chen's smile at her, her little face suddenly turned red.

She immediately stood up politely and gave Luo Chen a very respectful response.

Seeing her like this, Luo Chen couldn't laugh or cry, it seems that this young lady still sees herself as a housekeeper too much.

And did not regard herself as Luo Chen's woman or family.

But her appearance is even more endearing.

Seeing Luo Chen's appearance, Bai Ru couldn't help but whisper in his ear:

"Hehe, husband, it seems that you are still very attractive, but are you very interested in Qing'er?" Do you want me to send you to bed?" When

Luo Chen heard Bai Ru's words, he touched his nose a little innocently, and he smiled and didn't speak.

Didn't say yes, didn't say no.

Although Bai Ru's words seemed to be whispered, they could reach Su Qinger's ears, making Su Qinger's little face even redder, and her ears were really rosy.

She didn't dare to ask, and didn't say anything more.

However, Bai Ru smiled even more happily when she saw her appearance, and the little plan in her heart had a new plan.

And Luo Chen is now hugging left and right, he asked Su Qing'er to go back to his room to rest first, don't worry about their business, he has been busy enough today.

Rest early, there are new battles to be fought tomorrow.

And he was, while pulling one, first sent Tong Yaya back to her room.

It's just that when he was leaving, Tong Yaya hugged him and incense him fiercely.

"Sister Yaya, if you can't bear it, go over together tonight and have fun with Xiao Di and Xiao Xue'er."

Anyway, sooner or later, I have to meet my husband with a piece of jade, this bad guy may have already planned how to sleep with a big one.

Hearing Bai Ru's words, Tong Yaya Yaya's face immediately turned red, shook her head and waved her hand and said:

"Forget it, I just got with my husband last night, moreover, my husband is too powerful, I have to slow down!"

Speaking of this, Tong Yaya's little face couldn't help but be even more rosy.

Hearing her words, Bai Ru couldn't help but smile and turned to Luo Chen and smiled and said:

"Okay husband, I'll go back by myself in a while, you don't have to send me anymore, you better hurry over and see what kind of moth those two goblins are messing with."

There are still some things on my side that I have to discuss with Yaya alone, so this is a whisper between women, so don't listen.

When Bai Ru said this, she smiled brightly, and it was difficult to mention Luo Chen's refusal at all.

Luo Chen scratched his head a little helplessly, but he didn't expect that he would have another day to be driven away:

"Okay, then you guys rest early, I'll go first, just come to my room to find me if there is anything."

"Hehe, are you sure we'll come over to you tonight?" Bai Ru's smile became even stronger.

Hearing Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen coughed a little embarrassed:

"Haha, okay, you guys can do whatever you want, anyway, rest early!"

Bai Ru: "Don't worry, without you around, we rest quite early, just like to toss new tricks with you."

Luo Chen was once again made to cough twice by Bai Ru's wolf and tiger words: "Okay, okay, I was defeated by you guys, don't say so much, see you tomorrow."

Bai Ru: "See you tomorrow, husband, pay attention to your feet on the road, don't return to your heart like an arrow, it's easy to turn your feet." Luo

Chen felt that he couldn't continue to talk like this, or it would be easy to talk about this day to death.

Bai Ru and Tong Yaya saw Luo Chen's helpless appearance, and they couldn't help but giggle.

Seeing that Luo Chen had gone away and disappeared, Tong Yaya couldn't help but ask curiously: "Sister Bai Ru, what are you looking for me for?"

Bai Ru: "What else can it be?" Of course, it's about our husband?

Tong Yaya was even more curious: "Then about him, why don't you let him listen to it here?"

Bai Ru: "Hehe, then you must let him go, otherwise where are some surprises?"

You see those two goblins, they must be preparing some special means tonight, heck, they have already begun to rob now, when will it be a head in the future.

Or you are better, the non-contentious nature is gentle, but you may be more pleasing to men, I especially hurt you when I see Luo Chen, I look envious.

Tong Yaya's little face was flushed: "Sister, don't say that, I see that Luo Chen likes you the most, and everything is handed over to you."

Bai Ru: "That's seeing that I can do things, and there is no necessary connection with whether I like it or not, so I want to stain your light, tomorrow is the day we go out together."

Those two goblins have already started, and we can't stop, otherwise we won't be compared?

Tong Yaya: "Ah, you stayed with me just to talk about this?"

Bai Ru: "Of course, the two little nizi just now have actually secretly communicated in private, how to take this bridgehead of my husband tonight."

Tong Yaya was suddenly nervous: "Then what to do?" It is indeed very attractive for the two of them to join forces together, don't men like this tune.

Bai Ru's eyes flashed: "So, when my husband can't help but break the gong in the future, it's really unbelievable."

Anyway, since there is such a little competition, it is quite fun, fighting with heaven and earth, fighting with people, and having endless fun.

The two of them have joined forces, and we have to join forces as well. Tonight is good to say, I think my husband can keep it.

Because of them, ah, it didn't last long. But you are different, you have a long time! This is our biggest advantage!

Plus me, assist from the side, maybe there is really this possibility of success!

And I also said that I will definitely surprise my husband tomorrow night. I think that if we have this surprise in place, we will break the work for my husband, and it is not, there is no hope! Hearing

Bai Ru say this, Tong Yaya's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she asked eagerly:

"What do you say?" Sister Bai, you give instructions, I will do it!" "


-The author has something to say:

the first change is sent, readers are good noon, and the second change is sent at 15 o'clock!

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