"Yaya, when the time comes, we can do this... So that, then like this! Hee-hee isn't it hi? At

this time, Bai Ru also said his thoughts, and her little face was also red.

Obviously, the words just now also made her a little embarrassed.

But even more embarrassed, shy, naturally still heard these words Tong Yaya:

"Huh? Sister Bai, this, isn't this too shameful?

Bai Ru: "No, no, no, this can only be said that it is a pleasure between us and our husband, and it is not a shame!"

And you know, now those two goblins have begun to move quickly.

If we don't make a little powerful, my husband will really be snatched up by them!

Now we have the advantage that you can last a little longer for a long time.

After I get used to it, I should be able to take longer, so that tomorrow night we will play separately, and the wheel battle will grind him!

Then it felt almost the same, everyone was in the state, and they put the killer tricks I said one after another!

Hehe, I don't believe it, can my husband not have some ideas? Plus look at your weak appearance, I see pity!

At that time, it is possible for him to transform into a beast! Hehe, didn't I see that you chose a lot of hot intimate clothes that day?

Don't hide it, change it all for me, when the time comes, we will join forces, and we will definitely be able to fascinate my husband!

I'm sure you have this charm! Comrade Yaya! Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Tong Yaya couldn't help but blush.

After all, what Bai Ru said just now is really too powerful, thinking about it makes Tong Yaya hot, and then it is a little soft.

Thinking about fighting Luo Chen with Bai Ru again, the panic in her heart was even more obvious.

"Yaya, I see you're blushing! Didn't you miss your husband again? It's okay, it'll be us tomorrow. But I have a proposal!

Tong Yaya suddenly asked a little curiously, "What proposal?"

"It's the killer tricks we think about later, let's practice first!" Don't go wrong then.

I thought, either don't do it, do the best if you want to do it, so that the blow will be hit, so that my husband can't help but explain it in our hands!

Let him himself can't help but want to break the gong! In order to highlight our charm, it will make him remember it even more!

At that time, let him completely be inseparable from the wonderful experience of our sisters joining forces!

Look at it, Xiao Di and Xiao Xue'er, obviously a young beautiful girl group! Little Cher also plays cosplay and cross-dressing or something.

And we are the royal sister group, we are all about the same age, we must show the style of our royal sister and young woman to the fullest, and give full play to our advantages to the limit!

When Tong Yaya heard this, she agreed and said,

"Yes! For the favor of my husband, I fought hard! Come on, sister, let's practice it together! Tomorrow for my husband to have a night of a lifetime!

While the two young ladies were discussing, Luo Chen was walking towards his room with Shi Shiran.

I didn't know that the two royal sisters and beauties were actively preparing for everything tomorrow!

At this time, he was thinking about what the hell these two little girls were doing, and the gods were mysterious, but it was said that they were a surprise for him, and it was estimated that there were some new tricks.

Think about the costumes and props that Jiang Yingxue prepared before, and half of them were not used.

And this is only part of her inventory, what will be played in the future?

Think about it, it's really nice to have such a daughter-in-law, a different experience!

And Luo Chen has already come to his room at this moment, he thinks that the two young ladies must have gone back to their small courtyard to prepare, and will come back later, right?

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, the two charming girls threw themselves directly into his arms.

Gerdina: "Husband, are you finally here?" We've been waiting for you for a while!

Jiang Yingxue: "Hmph, there is still the perfume smell of Sister Bai Ru and Sister Yaya on her body!" Did you do something bad to your two sisters again? Gedina

: "Husband, you are really bad, tonight is obviously our two sisters, but I can't bear the two sisters, let us wait so long!" We're all going to be jealous!

Jiang Yingxue: "Forget it!" Xiao Di, today is the day our maid duo is established, let's put this emotion aside, we all have to behave well, let the old man openly heart!

Gedina: "Yes! We are happy when we are open, and the three of us are happy, so that we can really be hi together! Hee-hee. Hearing

these two girls singing and harmonizing, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh.

But then seeing their attire, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little hot:

"I said which one did you guys make?" Make it so... So..." Speaking

of this, Luo Chen didn't know what to use to describe it.

Because now the two goddesses are both wearing a lace maid apron with snow-white maid hats on their heads.

Two pairs of long legs, both wearing snow-white stockings, pulled all the way to the top.

But on the contrary, they show their wonderful straight leg shape to the fullest!

The key element, the inside of the apron is vacuum, and the looming white flowers make Luo Chen look at it.

Especially when they bent down to salute Luo Chen, that scene was really, really wonderful.

"Husband, do you want to eat first, take a bath first, or do you want to eat first...?"

Gerdina seemed to see Luo Chen's expression at once, and instantly felt that she was quite attractive, especially this suit, Wang Fried combination.

Coupled with Jiang Yingxue by his side, the attraction of this combination is even greater.

Hearing their words, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile brightly:

"Do you still need to say that?" This is the case. If you don't act, is it still a man? And

at this moment, just as they were enjoying this wonderful night, the entire national comic circle on the other side had already fried the pan.

Because today is the day when the Sea King goes online, everyone has already gathered.

All the die-hard fans, loyal fans are here, waiting in a hurry.

And since the first episode was broadcast, the comments on the Internet have exploded

: "Oh my God, this work is really restored so well, this is the voyager I want!"

"Luffy is out, Solon is out, Nami is out! Hahaha, Grandpa's youth!

"It's so good-looking, it's so good-looking! Sure enough, it was adapted by the original author, and there is no problem!

"This anime team is also so strong, the picture quality is good, and the plot advancement is very, so perfect to restore the taste of comics!"

"It's just a familiar taste, or a familiar recipe, I'm Luo Huang!"

"Don't say anything, continue to top, go up hard, top the ratings, and let Luo Huang see that we are all there!"

So, in such an atmosphere, a large group of loyal fans, as well as some recent fans, were attracted by this animation work.

Everyone was crazy Amway.

Especially after the first episode came out, these fans have already fried the pan and constantly passed each other in the anime circle.

Rave reviews!

And among these star casts, there are also many loyal fans of this anime work.

One by one, they all started, on the network as their own, the essence of die-hard fans!

There are also some very young traffic stars, these stars are very public, and they are very popular.

Plus they all know that Luo Chen's influence in the circle will definitely become more and more important in the future.

Mainly because what Luo Chen did in the Beijing circle before has faintly reached their ears.

Therefore, these people are all autonomous, and they are willing to publicize Luo Chen, and one after another, they all give this anime work Amway.

So the trend of Amway's work suddenly became popular, as if it was all news of the sea king overnight!

This work is out of the circle!

While this side is lively, the other side is the royal courtyard. The night of confusion continues!

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