When Luo Chen saw this choice, he couldn't help but be even more excited, at this moment, the two young ladies had fallen asleep deeply.

Luo Chen had enough time to take a look at what to do next.

In the end, he still chose to use two excellent draws, and then the rest is the advanced draw.

Consume 20 million popularity points, leaving about 10 million popularity points for backup.

After all, in the future, film and television production, animation production, etc. need to use the consumption of popularity points, and they can't all be drawn at once.

After the new popularity comes later, slowly carry it out again and again, and the large-scale lottery is ready!

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but quickly click on his lottery wheel.

First of all, he used that high-level lottery, and soon he saw that the 10 high-level lottery came out with the same reward, and Luo Chen was suddenly a little speechless.

However, when he saw this reward, he quickly felt that it was not bad:

"Congratulations to the master for obtaining 10 combat skill experience cards!"

The combat skill was an advanced combat skill that he had acquired in one of the missions before.

With this kind of experience card, the original advanced combat skill is likely to become an S-level existence.

Luo Chen couldn't help but use it immediately

: "Congratulations master, upgrade the advanced combat skill:

Bagua Chain Palm to an S-level skill.

Special effect gossip serial palm evolution, crazy eight pole boxing!

Combat skills can be directly promoted to terrifying destructive power, and combined with the special attributes of the master, it will produce miraculous effects! "

Special Effects 2: Master, Action Design! The owner can incorporate elements of motion design in the subsequent creation of works.

And modify with gorgeous movements to perfect the essentials of everyone's inappropriate movements! To show action movies, the most extreme violent aesthetics!

When he saw these two displays, Luo Chen couldn't help but be excited again.

Before he felt that his body had various functions, because the previous task improvement had made great progress.

But there is nothing great about combat skills.

And now that he has this combat skill, he can really get 100 in a dozen.

In the past, he fought about 10 by himself, completely through some basic boxing skills, or completely through his own physical advantages.

As for how much advantage there is, just look at these young ladies who are vulnerable in front of him.

And now he can really easily defeat 100 ordinary strong men through these unique combat skills.

Even in the face of those special forces, you can be at ease and crush the victory!

Reached the legendary God of War level existence.

Of course, it doesn't matter what level it is, anyway, Luo Chen believes that no one can threaten his safety.

In addition, there is now a male god bracelet from before, which can be used as a protection.

Later, he can really become a male god without any problems in terms of security.

Seeing these two, the rewards that appeared after skill improvement, Luo Chen was more satisfied.

Then the next step is the Need for Draw!

For Luo Chen, next, these two superb lotteries are the most important!

After all, this raffle that consumes 5 million people's popularity cannot be without a splash.

So soon he completed these two special draws.

"Need for Draw (1): Congratulations to the owner for obtaining special attributes, love and hate the villain!"

"When the owner plays the villain, he will produce a special villain aura, which makes the audience love and hate, and even cover the protagonist's aura when playing the villain!

It will have a special effect, everyone will remember your villain deeply, and they can't hate it! Reach the legendary return to basics! "

Acura Draw (2): Congratulations to the owner for obtaining a special attribute, Tough Aura!

Friends who are close to you or in a team will receive a toughness attribute bonus!

Everyone's willpower, physical endurance, resistance to blows, double the improvement!

After seeing these two unique attributes, Luo Chen couldn't help but be even more shocked.

After all, one of these two attributes is its own special attribute, and the other should be a team attribute, which is good for the people around you.

In this way, if there is any problem in the future, it is easier to solve it.

And this tough aura, I don't know if it has an effect on the young ladies.

Originally, he wanted to use it immediately, but looking at the two young sisters who were sleeping, he thought about it.

The two of them were tossed not lightly tonight, let them have a good rest.

Tomorrow night, there are still two royal sisters who can enjoy the attributes of this tough aura, and when the time comes, see if there are any new effects!

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Luo Chen, after all, the young ladies are too fast, it seems that he can't control it.

The point is that people can't get up and down, it's really uncomfortable.

At this moment, Luo Chen is satisfied, all good attributes and rewards, and then it is the moment when he shows his strength in the entertainment industry.

And this night is destined to be an unpeaceful night, and today's broadcast of the Sea King has been completed.

Anime fans, into a carnival of enthusiasm.

Because according to the next broadcast progress, for a long time, the cartoon of the Sea King will be played continuously.

This is really a feast for some of them avid anime fans!

It's something they feel incredibly proud of.

In particular, this matter reached the ears of fans on the other side of the island country, and the fans over there were all screaming in a hurry.

They are all asking why Falling Sakura Co., Ltd. did not have the right to live broadcast simultaneously.

This time, they did not enjoy the same treatment as oriental anime fans.

In the entertainment industry, there are actually many young stars who like this anime.

After all, this anime is really too influential, and for them, there is undoubtedly a little room for rubbing heat.

After all, everyone now wants to please Luo Chen, although I don't know if his TV station can be retained in the end.

But even without this TV station, with Luo Chen's current ability and status, there will definitely be greater actions in the future.

In particular, Bai Ru has now become his woman, obeying him, which is already exaggerated.

A super powerful male god and a top agent's Wang Fried combination, even without Luo Chen's TV station, Bai Ru's entertainment company alone is enough to make everyone flock to it.

And now, if the TV station regroups again and comes to the position of the first entertainment station again, then Luo Chen's status will be more obvious.

So in the circle, these stars began one by one, taking the initiative to do things that added to Luo Chen.

In fact, just seeing the performance of these word-of-mouth explosions and the comments and comments of some netizens in the follow-up, I can already foresee that the ratings of this anime tomorrow must not be low.

It's about seeing how far it goes.

So, when the results of the ratings appeared, the entire entertainment industry was in an uproar!

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