Average rating, 2.05%, highest rating, 2.4%!

This is the report card handed over by the Sea King to everyone, and it is still the first battle!

Just the number of broadcasts on the first day has already achieved such a terrifying rating result.

Instantly in the entertainment industry, it caused an uproar.

All the big guys in the entertainment industry, as well as local TV stations, were in an uproar.

Because even if it was a popular TV series before, the final prime-time rating was only 1.5%.

As a result, now, this anime has caused such a big sensation!

You know, more than 2% of TV series, that is already a very popular existence, up 0.1 points, is a very difficult thing!

However, now that the Sea King has achieved such great results on just the first day, everyone can't help but change this anime work again.

After all, it is now more than just an anime, he has moved the interests of many TV stations!

Being robbed of so many viewers and profits is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

And the influence of this anime quickly spread.

On the first day, not many advertisers looked at this anime squarely, after all, an anime is just an anime, how many people can watch it.

But when all this, the results appeared, advertisers could not sit still.

They contacted the advertising department on the Roselle TV side directly, hoping that some changes would be made to the advertisement tonight.

They are all very much looking forward to what kind of performance the Voyager King's interval advertisement will have!

In fact, Luo Chen can also make some related anime linkage advertisements in the follow-up.

All of this can be completely transformed.

In fact, next, the animation industry chain, the story of the original picture, and the copyright of this cartoon are only part of it.

All kinds of offline means, as well as peripheral products are the big head!

In fact, Luo Chen has already taken action this time.

Last time, Bai Ru had already proposed to Luo Chen, saying that the brothers and sisters in the Bai family had other industries.

One of the younger brothers is making toys in this area, and the workmanship is relatively exquisite.

Luo Chen looked at some samples and felt that it was very good, so he quickly got in touch with a Bai Ru's younger brother.

At that time, when that younger brother saw Luo Chen, he couldn't help but admire

: "I said brother! You are really my brother, my super idol, my sister is so cold, so cruel a woman, you can actually submit, or enjoy it?

And I heard, you have other women, how the hell did you do it? Can you teach me? I also want to be like you and build a big harem!"

As a result, as soon as this younger brother finished speaking, he was severely repaired by Bai Ru, especially his wife, but Bai Ru's other good girlfriend, this buddy is miserable.

Now Luo Chen couldn't help but be a little funny when he thought of that buddy's appearance.

Not everyone can be left and right, left and right!

But now he suddenly felt that some of the measures he had prepared in advance were really useful.

Especially after seeing this time, after the very powerful performance of the Sea King, there are some figurines around the anime and follow-up, as well as a series of various products, which can be promoted.

At that time, it will be another lot of income.

Now there is a large wave of advertisers who want to distribute their advertisements in between anime broadcasts through this planting method.

This naturally made Luo Chen feel that another wave of opportunities to slaughter fat sheep was coming.

So all this was put into Bai Ru's hands again, let her deal with it well, and there was Su Qing'er in the middle, from which to assist, she was completely competent.

In fact, the advertisement on the first day was completely placed by Luo Chen's anime figures and various lace peripherals.

This is equivalent to putting this wave of advertising effect on yourself.

In fact, the hot ratings on Day 1 completely supported their orders.

Just these follow-up peripheral orders, suddenly there is a feeling of short supply.

After all, some of the peripherals are limited, and some figurines are even missed after a round and never again.

And this parallel time and space is still very strict for copyright protection, so these Voyager King figures, missed once, will not have the opportunity to collect.

For many anime fans and collectors who love anime figures and various peripheral products, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity!

However, this unique method did give Luo Chen some new ideas.

The way of hunger marketing in the past life was called a smooth slip that he played at this moment!

In the early stage, he was already in the anime channel and said a word to his fans.

As a result, today, as soon as a dozen advertisements were made yesterday, these orders were like snowflakes flying, and they would go directly to his website.

Even at once, he let that Bai Ru's younger brother quickly complete the production of some orders.

Of course, these peripherals have been prepared by Luo Chen a long time ago, and the number is not particularly large, but it is just used to test the enthusiasm of fans.

I didn't expect the enthusiasm to be high, and it was completely a snatching of the head.

Previously, he set up a special procurement website on the Internet, which is the official website of his anime.

In addition to the anime serialization platform, all the other peripheral sales are carried out on his own official website.

So there is a very classic scene.

Even fans on the island side have begun to prepare in advance, climbing over the wall to snap up a batch of their own peripheral products.

Of course, the peripheral products on that side must also have the eastern side, and friends can buy on behalf of them, but they have already eyed them early.

Although they can't get the treatment of seeing the Voyager King animation for the first time, they must grab this batch of peripherals!

Miss Yiying is one of them, and her good friend is naturally needless to say, it is the woman next to Luo Chen: Jiang Yingxue.

How did these two women get mixed together?

It is also because their works each have their own audience, and at the same time, they are also popular beautiful girls and goddess-level existences in the two countries.

A chance opportunity allowed them to get to know each other at a comic convention, and while cherishing each other, they felt that each other was very good.

So they became good friends, and this pair of transnational girlfriends naturally had a very different friendship.

So yesterday, when the anime was launched, Miss Yiying asked Jiang Yingxue to help her grab a hand.

After all, these unique peripheral products, miss this village will not have this store.

It's just that she didn't expect that her oriental girlfriend had already worn a pair of pants with Luo Chen.

Isn't it easy to want a little anime?

It's just that Jiang Yingxue didn't tell her, and he also wanted to surprise this friend in a foreign country.

And the same scene is produced in every corner of cities in the East, as long as there are anime fans, they will do one thing.

Wait for this website to open, and then grab the 1st source resource!

For a while, the action of robbing the Sea King, and the peripheral gifts were promoted among the group of anime fans.

Luo Chen also seems to be beginning to find the essence of hunger marketing.

This will have a different impact on his future career.

Of course, the biggest impact is still in the TV industry, and now no TV station dares to despise any of Luo Chen's actions.

This man is really a spoiler existence, and it is the world that stirs up!

What Luo Chen didn't know was that he was happy for this success, and the two young ladies around him were sleeping deeply for today's beauty and nourishment.

The other two young ladies are delving into the legendary killer skills in order to please him!


The author has something to say:

add more, the fifth more is sent, today's update is finished, good night, dear readers. Finally thanks to the reader great: source; Many invitations and likes to climb the mountain in the world, thank you very much!

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