"Sister, it seems that you really want to strengthen your exercise, how can you take off with me?"

Tong Yaya saw Bai Ru, who had softened at this time, and said a little like crying.

Bai Ru: "Hehe, sister, I really want to strengthen, mainly when I think of my husband, and then think that we will serve him together tomorrow, I am very excited....

Hee-hee, sister I'm sorry, I got you dirty here.

Tong Yaya: "It's okay, it's not dirty or dirty, sister, you can be happy."

Bai Ru: "But I kind of know why some women become Lala, it's because of women like you."

Really men and women kill, whoever sees you likes it, just now grinding dishes can make me feel it. "

Moreover, Yaya, you are really good, no wonder my husband likes you so much."

Hearing Bai Ru's words in the wolf tiger, Tong Yaya couldn't help it at this time, and her little face turned red again.

Together with Bai Ru, barely supporting half of his body, the two of them could be regarded as having completed today's exercise.

I feel that the effect is quite good, and I will definitely give Luo Chen a surprise tomorrow.

"I don't know how my husband is doing there, it is estimated that those two little goblins must be cool now, my husband is too powerful."

Bai Ru couldn't help but muttered at this time.

Tong Yaya: "That's right, after being with him, I think other men are as small as ants compared to him."

Bai Ru: "Hehe, that's our husband is definitely the best, let's follow him well, don't want to be so much."

Tong Yaya: "Well, okay, let's work together to protect him, we can't let more women join in, now it's good to have a few of us!" That's enough.

Bai Ru: "The only thing I'm worried about now is that my husband is too strong, what should I do if I can't satisfy him?"

Tong Yaya: "When the time comes, slowly think of a way, there will always be a solution to the problem."

And I don't think my husband is that kind of abusive person, and he won't meet one who loves one, and we estimate that he is already very happy. Hearing

Tong Yaya's words, Bai Ru also agreed, after all, there are more beautiful girls in this circle.

If Luo Chen really sees one and loves one, he has the opportunity and ability, and also has this capital.

Who let him, such a powerful, handsome man still has so much money, talent and connotation are so strong.

Luo Chen is really the other half that many girls dream of, and at this time, they have been able to be with Luo Chen, and they are already very satisfied.

At this moment, they all hope to give more and more to Luo Chen.

And this change Luo Chen did not know, the young lady had completed a very different training for him in the past two days.

At this moment, he is still paying more attention to some plans and changes in the future.

On the second day, Luo Chen came together early in the morning, and he had already seen a completely different side of several young ladies.

The two big beauties who were with him yesterday had already left early and said that they would prepare a surprise breakfast for him.

And the other two young sisters also got up early at this time.

Luo Chen walked out of the room by Shi Shiran, and saw the 4 young ladies and sisters showing their tricks, dressed up beautifully, and prepared breakfast in the room.

I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart.

"Okay, you guys, get up so early to cook, or cook yourself?"

Gedina: "It's just that we have to make breakfast for my husband to have a sense of happiness and achievement, I think it's pretty good." "

I didn't expect that Gedina's craftsmanship was not bad, and there was Tong Yaya next to her to assist, both of whom are masters who can cook.

After all, Bai Ru and Jiang Yingxue are from the eldest lady, although they have also tried some cooking skills, but the main direction of attack is not here.

But they saw the two sisters making breakfast for their beloved man, and they were also very moved by the scene.

So in the future, they all want to try it and prepare some meals for Luo Chen themselves.

After all, there will always be some time for them to spend alone with Luo Chen in the future.

Creating some small romance and warmth can promote the relationship between two people, and they are willing to do better things for Luo Chen.

In fact, when this side enjoyed this time in the morning, many people had already begun to contact Luo Chen and Bai Ru.

As soon as they turned on their phones, they saw countless people sending messages and making phone calls.

Luo Chen and Bai Ru have long developed a habit of shutting down the computer at night, unless there are some very special contacts, they can only be contacted.

So last night, the moment when the Sea King anime exploded the performance, there were already many people who wanted to contact them, but they found that they could not be contacted, and they turned off the phone.

So now as soon as it is opened, it is a succession of messages and phone calls.

The first contact was naturally Luo Chen's hardcore henchman Chen Feng:

"Boss, my heaven finally got through to your phone, do you know?" We won again, the Sea King said it won the ratings championship, and it broke the record!

"This is the best result in the history of national comics, boss, you have created a legend, oh my God, I have become a part of the legend now, it's really cool!"

Luo Chen responded angrily: "Okay, let's see how excited you are, this is where it goes, there will be a big scene in the future!"

Take it easy, calm down, don't look like you haven't seen the world, you are also a child of the family, why are you so unstable?

Chen Feng said with a smile: "Haha, boss, isn't this exciting?" I have never done such a high-rated show before.

Even if a few ace programs have always had a good reputation, breaking 1% in terms of ratings is already good.

You actually completed the production of the program that broke 2% directly, or did it under my nose, that feeling is so special and exciting.

Luo Chen said easily: "Okay, I dare to tell you, the ratings of my singer will only be higher than this!"

At that time, you will become famous in a battle, and the shame of being blocked can also be shamed, waiting for the time to hit the face of the fruit table!

And you also know that I have assigned you a task, and you may be more popular than those singers by then, and it is also very good to be a director to be able to do this. "

Of course, in order to build you, the later works can be better promoted, and there are many things that are easier after having a reputation."

Chen Feng was even more confident at this time: "Okay, thank you boss, I already know, I will definitely work hard!"

I will not live up to your cultivation and expectations, and I will follow you in the future, for the rest of my life! Hearing

Chen Feng's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh, in his opinion, Chen Feng might only be with him for a while.

After all, a child of a family, there is a mess in the family, and if he doesn't accept it now, it doesn't mean that it will be like this in the future.

And Chen Feng is actually quite excellent, maybe he will return home to take charge of the party in the future.

Therefore, he did not give much expectations, but now that he can support these programs, Chen Feng's role has been played to a good effect.

That's enough.

It's just that now in addition to Chen Feng, there are many, many people who know and don't know and begin to call in gradually.

Bai Ru's side is even more powerful, Luo Chen regretted letting her mobile phone open early, since the mobile phone was turned on, Bai Ru has not stopped the time to pick up the mobile phone.

Too many people are looking for it, all hoping to get to know Luo Chen through Bai Ru's relationship and see if there can be other new cooperation in the future!

For a while, Luo Chen seemed to have become the biggest fragrant food in the circle.

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