At this moment, for Luo Chen and a group of young ladies, it is naturally very happy to have such a situation.

Especially Bai Ru, he had already had such an experience before.

Mainly because in some moments of attracting investment before, especially when recruiting advertisers, general advertisers are really not optimistic about this anime work.

Although Luo Chen has achieved a point that many anime works cannot do, no one knows what the result will be in the end.

Mainly because the current production team of national comics is really unwatchable and can't be on the table.

Under such a manifestation, everyone will naturally have an impression of distrust of them.

At that time, Bai Runa also said all kinds of good things, and there were several advertisers who had a good relationship with her before.

These advertisers used to work well with her, but now they all ignore him.

There is no sense of cooperation at all, and when they can bring them to make money, these people are faster than anyone.

Once you feel that you have no use value, the speed of changing your face is faster!

I don't accept Bai Ru's words at all, that is, I think that it is too difficult for this anime work to be successfully adapted.

So in the end, there was no meaningful consensus.

Therefore, last night should be the best advertising opportunity in prime time, which was completely occupied by Luo Chen's own peripheral channels.

Luo Chen didn't think about any other advertisers to join on the first day.

Because of such things, he also felt normal, after all, they had not yet proven their worth.

Why should people put real money on their platform?

This matter pays attention to win-win cooperation, and pays attention to being able to benefit customers, which he is very open-eyed about.

It's just that Bai Ru didn't think so, and she was a little angry in her heart.

After all, she has always brought a lot of profits to these advertisers.

Especially some celebrity advertising cooperation, she has always done a good job.

At the same time, it has also brought them good benefits, and it can be regarded as a good cooperation for a long time.

As a result, there were only one or two advertisers who wanted to believe her, and the other big-name advertisements didn't even look at it, making her angry.

As a result, now the situation has been reversed, and after everyone knows the power of the sea king, they have come to the door one after another.

"Oh, Mr. Bai, this advertisement you recommended to us yesterday, we thought about it later, it is indeed very good!"

"Let's continue the previous cooperation at the original price, right?"

"President Bai, won't you? Settled so quickly? What's going on? Didn't you tell us okay yesterday?

"Oh, no... Are you sitting on the floor again?

Bai Ru's side is very easy to deal with advertisers, but this time her posture is higher:

"Haha, when I told you last night, it was a preferential offer to take care of our past cooperation."

Now our family's advertising is not this price, as I said at that time, missing yesterday, waiting another year may not necessarily have such an opportunity.

But you didn't believe it, and you finally threw me out. Now, after all, there is more money than you, and some of them are, so Mr. Liu is embarrassed.

"Oh, Mr. Wang, the price on our side has changed, not yesterday's price."

And our side is changing every day, it is all open bidding, if not, you can also come to the job fair to take a look.

"Haha, Mr. Deng, I said before that private will give you a discount, you don't want to." Now the company is going through the process.

You missed that opportunity, I'm sorry, then you have to compete with others..."

At this time, Bai Ru raised his eyebrows with a sigh, and did not say anything good about those people.

At the beginning, I ignored my love, and now you can't afford to climb high, that's the truth.

Seeing Bai Ru's current stunning, he didn't put those big bosses in the entertainment industry in his eyes at all.

When he felt proud and raised his eyebrows because of this, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh a little.

Although this woman is the eldest princess of the Beijing circle, she is sometimes also a small woman, and her performance will be rewarded.

But this is also a manifestation of Bai Ru's love for him, who made them look down on Luo Chen's works before?

I also think that there will definitely be no prospect in national comic works.

After all, there are really no classics that can be won in previous national comic works.

But this time was different, they were very shocked!

This undoubtedly has a completely different impact on Luo Chen's actions in the future!

So Luo Chen's goal will become different next.

But seeing Bai Ru like this, Luo Chen couldn't help but laugh:

"Haha, look at what you have to do, let's keep a low profile, this time we won the ratings championship, it is estimated that many people have begun to target us."

It is estimated that some local TV stations can no longer sit still, right? After all, the gold version was snatched by us, and it is estimated that they will take measures next.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru couldn't help but roll her eyes beautifully:

"Even if we don't have this time, won't we be targeted?" The last time you made a fuss in the capital, you were really ruthless.

A large group of people are staring at you, although you shocked many people at once, but the Zhou family still had many allies before.

Seeing your ruthless methods against the Zhou family, they were afraid one by one, for fear that they would follow in the footsteps of the Zhou family, and now you have no handle in their hands.

But if there is something else inappropriate, they will definitely let them come out and attack you.

And the TV station is estimated to have their shadow, and then there is another round of fierce competition.

At this time, Bai Ru couldn't help but sigh, but he still admired Luo Chen's power more:

"But husband, you are too powerful, and ordinary people dare not provoke you now." This time, it took just one day to win the ratings championship.

I guess those people are already jumping their feet in a hurry now, right? Hehe, I am especially happy to think of them being anxious and helpless.

It's true! Who made them always want to bully our family before!

At this time, for Luo Chen, all this is just the beginning: "Okay, now, let's plan the next plan first."

It is estimated that the next TV station review will be more difficult, and the other party will definitely make a trip.

The only thing we can do is to do all the programs to the extreme and strive to pass all the indicators.

Although I know that it is difficult to pass this unique standard test in the strict sense.

But I feel that I have this level and this ability, and I dare to do what others can't do.

They think that I can still overcome difficult things, and at this time, I just need to do things.

In the future, I will let them know what is called the difference between the world, I am the sky, they are the earth, and they will always be suppressed by me! Luo

Chen was very confident when he said this, after all, he has such strength, a group of young ladies, at this time, they can't help but admire it very much.

They know that their men are definitely the strongest, and sometimes those who achieve great things should have such a kind of forwardness, especially optimistic and confident.

In fact, as Luo Chen said, those local TV stations are really jumping their feet now.

Suddenly, Luo Chen, who came out of nowhere, and his classic work Voyager King caught them off guard.

They instantly had the feeling that they had been secretly stolen from the base camp

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