Fruit Station Chief: "What's going on?" How can you let one, an anime work that suddenly appears, grab the first place? Sky

Blue Commander: "What the hell is this sea king?" This ratings report can't be fake, right? Director

Litchi: "Alas, Roselle TV, old rival... After many years, it seems to be rising again, and sure enough, the way of heaven is good reincarnation! "

Every local TV station saw this shocking ratings report, it was not easy, shocked, surprised, and couldn't believe it.

At the same time, there is more of a sense of ignorance of the other party and overwhelm.

After all, the sea king, not everyone knows, although it is very high-profile in the animation industry, it has basically reached the peak position of national comics.

However, for those who don't care about anime and this field, it's probably the first time I've heard of such a work.

The point is that the impact that national comics have had in the entire TV industry before is really general.

There is simply not that much influence.

By this time, Luo Chen's works instantly occupied the top spot in the ratings.

And it's also a national comic anime work compared with these prime-time TV series that they bought with a lot of money, shouldn't it be a part of being killed in seconds?

How did you suddenly get more than 2% of the ratings?

Do you know what a concept of 2% viewership is? Phenomenal TV series! A popular TV series for all! to have such ratings!

And now they actually let an anime work be snatched, how can they not feel stuffy, you say?

The most important thing is that they didn't know anything about this news before, is this anime of the Sea King really so powerful?

In fact, when all this was unfolded, the entire entertainment industry was in an uproar.

Because at the beginning, there were indeed many stars who helped Amway with this work.

It's just that no one thought that in the end, the role of stars has been pushed to the edges, and more is the carnival of anime fans.

They're in crazy Amway, crazy running water.

Under such an effect, countless people began to have a new perception of this work!

That is, this anime must be beautiful, right?

Moreover, with the emergence of this work, entertainment headlines, and major online news have reported such a news!

As a result, it has attracted more people's attention, even to the extent of national attention.

After all, an excellent anime work has a great influence in the world of children.

And this work is more of a fan of teenagers, so it has attracted more people's attention.

After all, it is important for parents to pay attention to the next generation.

So parents and children will go to see what story this work tells.

At the beginning, it was a lot of praise, and it was really a passion for youth to fight to protect their companions!

These factors are full of positive energy, but soon some different voices came out.

"Isn't this work a little too violent? After all, children are still growing, will they learn badly by watching such works?

"That's it! It's just too much! And what surprised me was that this was still the work of a handsome lecturer from the Hundred Schools Pulpit about the Three Kingdoms!

"Wouldn't that give the kids the wrong way?"

A flurry of different voices came out.

At this time, a large group of TV stations and other Luo Chen's hidden opponents slowly began to act.

These different voices quickly seemed to increase all of a sudden.

But they are also the fans of those guardian works.

"My God, aren't you exaggerating? Don't you see the positive energy of this work?

"Anyway, I got a lot of support and energy from this work, it's about friendship, it's about struggle, why can you only see some dark places!"

"So shady people, look at everything is gloomy!"

"The most important thing is, your judgment, is the Water Margin about to be banned?

Is that about rebellion? Is Dream of the Red Mansion going to be banned as a banned book, why don't you criticize all this, traditional cultural classics!

"Exactly! It is not easy for the national comic to produce a fine product, you know how much effort this teacher has put in, and how eager our fans are!

"This is a work that wins glory for the country, you are still nagging here, you keyboard warriors, you will spray, there is a kind of you painting a work with extremely positive energy!"

So the two voices suddenly became a way of fighting each other.

Soon such a picture was instantly triggered, and in fact, Luo Chen soon felt the pressure in this aspect.

At this time, he felt that someone with a heart was guiding some new speech.

Just so that he will not be so easy, so smooth, let this work continue well.

After all, if this continues, Luo Chen only needs to use this work to directly dominate the list.

Because there are still many such anime manuscripts, and Luo Chen's anime production speed is very fast, it is undoubtedly a huge threat to them.

Maybe in terms of ratings, I will always be pressed by this anime and can't raise my head.

Some of their TV series are acquired through high prices, even if they are not very expensive, it is impossible to be like Luo Chen, directly through a kind of copyright and animation transformation, directly on TV to broadcast.

This is undoubtedly a very great threat to them!

So now all the opponents are using all kinds of methods, and they don't have to start doing it to the extreme.

Several young ladies couldn't help but have new worries at this time

: Jiang Yingxue: "What should my husband do now?" Once this kind of remark is formed, it will be very unfriendly to our work, and it will even affect the judges above!

"If this work is killed, then in the future, we will have to make new animation works, what can we do?" There may not be enough time then!

Jiang Yingxue voiced her worries, because she knew very well how serious the difficult situation of the national comic was now.

At the same time, it takes a lot of time to make a new anime.

The production of Luo Chen's batch of animated versions should have been prepared a long time ago, so it was able to play so fast.

But if new adjustments are to be made later, it is another level of difficulty.

However, Bai Ru was not so worried: "Don't worry, now the national comic is receiving policy support from above, as long as it is not too excessive, it will be fine."

Moreover, my husband's work has always been a representative of positive energy, and it is also just some people with hearts picking bones in eggs!

And there are many parents of children who simply do not know, and have not even seen this work, so they follow the slander of the crowd.

I think there is a public opinion in the back, and I will help my husband to go to activities, there is a way in this aspect at home, rest assured, it's okay! Bai

Ru's calm remarks immediately calmed the hearts of several young ladies, after all, they were all worried that these negative comments would affect Luo Chen's next career.

However, Luo Chen was more calm.

Because he knows that these things will pass, who makes him a man with systematic protection!

The key is that some of the means he prepared before are now considered to play a real role!

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