Hearing Bai Ru's words, Tong Yaya next to her couldn't help but subconsciously pull her arm: "Sister Bai!"

At this time, Bai Ru suddenly realized that she had missed her mouth:

"I'm sorry, what did I do just now?" Let's discuss the next steps.

"We all heard it! Awesome Sister Bai, I didn't expect you to be able to carry us behind our backs and practice big moves with Sister Yaya, what big moves let us see it? Gedina

couldn't help but ask with burning eyes at this time.

Jiang Yingxue next to him was the same, after all, they had only entangled with Luo Chen last night.

Although it has not been a substantial final breakthrough, the relationship with Luo Chen has undoubtedly heated up rapidly.

The maid costume is still very powerful, plus it is still such a unique equipment!

Anyway, last night, the three of them had a lot of fun.

The only regret is that Luo Chen was not allowed to break the gong, but they couldn't stop such a thing.

Luo Chen's mentality has actually been flattened now, if it is really a strong feeling, the love has to be done, and it doesn't matter if you break the work.

Now his physical ability is strong enough, just look at these young ladies, they can't compete with him.

And at this time, suddenly heard that Bai Ru and Tong Yaya had practiced big moves for him, which was amazing, but it also made him very interested.

But looking at the two young sisters next to him, he immediately knew that if he let the two big sisters say it here, it would probably be a little embarrassing for them.

Just give them a little step down: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble, it's working time now, they are serious!"

Gerdina, tomorrow I will start filming the TV series with you, first shoot the first episode of the TV series, I am going to make a weekly broadcast time for a quarter, a total of 12 episodes!

So that our heat pulls up! As you can see, that role is quite suitable for you.

I think it's very suitable for our current form.

And this TV series does not need to use a lot of resources in all aspects, and I am very relaxed in this aspect.

Gedina immediately responded cheerfully: "Hehe, don't worry, husband, I've been ready for a long time, can't wait!"

Those lines or something, I have already prepared them, you don't have to worry about this!

Luo Chen said with a smile: "That's okay, I hope we can cooperate happily tomorrow."

Gedina: "That's a must, we are husband and wife, and the profit is broken!" It will definitely work!

I'm just looking forward to how your husband will interpret it? I haven't seen you acting!

But now, let me match this kind of intimate scene with other actors, I really don't want to.

I haven't had intimate scenes with anyone before!

Luo Chen said with a smile: "I will also explain this matter to you in advance, and I will pack your TV series and movies in the future."

You don't have to pick up other scenes, I have more dramas in my hands, and I can't finish filming.

Gedina was pleasantly surprised: "Oh my God! Husband, really? So which one are we going to shoot next?

"Don't worry, after this TV series is filmed, our first movie will be online, and because we have a quick channel to pass the review, Sister Bai Ru will help us get it."

So I want to shoot quickly, quickly launch a movie, so that we can collect a lot of money back and forth through low-cost production!

Although I have relatively sufficient funds now, the operation of variety shows, TV dramas and TV stations in the future will require a lot of financial support.

So, so I'm going to make a few movies online quickly this year, and I have to like a position for each schedule!

are all small-cost productions, I hope to be small and broad, even if it is a loss, it doesn't matter, the loss is up. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, these young ladies in front of them suddenly became interested again.

Tong Yaya also came and asked with interest, "Is it?" Is it? So who will play the heroine next? Is it all with Gedina?

Luo Chen thought for a while and said, "This is also what I consider, if several young ladies here want to play my heroine, it is not impossible."

Train and train well, you are all beautiful in the country, don't give me a heroine waste! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, a group of young ladies couldn't help but become even more excited.

If that's the case, then they're really going to have to work hard.

Especially Bai Ru, in fact, in the entertainment industry, is also famous, known as the most worthy of debut beauty agent.

Sometimes it's even more beautiful than her female stars.

Therefore, many people feel that if Bai Ru debuts and goes to make movies and TV series, he will definitely be a king-like existence.

After all, she herself has resources, as long as the acting script and the role pass everything, then the follow-up is likely to be popular.

It is also more convenient to be your own broker.

Hearing Luo Chen's proposal, several young ladies present couldn't help but have some calculations about whether they were going to play Luo Chen's heroine.

Of course, they are still looking forward to it.

And at this time, suddenly a knock sounded at the door of Luo Chen's office:

"Sir, there is bad news, and good news, which one do you want to listen to." At this time, Su Qing'er heard the sound of Luo Chen allowing him to enter.

She quickly opened the door, and then said directly to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen said directly: "Listen first, good news."

Su Qing'er said with a smile: "The good news is that the above has finally given us the right name, and our anime works are high-quality works!"

It is very positive and in line with our social values, so those false slanders can now be shut up.

With official recognition, our works also have a different aura. Whoever follows us is out of luck.

When Luo Chen heard the news, he couldn't help but grin: "Haha, I know that the above will definitely support me."

After all, I am the light of national comics, if my picture comic work is knocked out by them, then the entire national comic world, it is estimated that no one will work hard later.

Those people, they don't want to think that my works can be so popular, naturally it is not unreasonable, and they know a lot of rules. In

fact, Luo Chen also made the Voyager King more in line with the aesthetics of this world through some of his own changes, and some things above the rules.

Of course, it also maintains the original flavor to the greatest extent, making this work truly exciting.

"And what about the bad news?" Luo Chen couldn't help but wonder at this time, who was causing him trouble again.

"The bad news is that the Sea King can't be played in prime time. Let's broadcast it in the afternoon or late afternoon, or even at some other time.

Anyway, it can't be put on the TV drama channel, prime-time broadcast. In prime time, we have to broadcast our own TV series.

This is a restriction set by the Television Practitioners Association, and it can be regarded as an operation within the rules.

Su Qinger reluctantly said the bad news.

"I thought it was some kind of problem, our TV series will come out soon, don't worry about it.

It is estimated that they will be more entangled by then, because my TV series may be more powerful than anime!

Luo Chen showed a meaningful smile at this time.

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