Su Qinger: "Sir, the instructions issued by Shangfeng are our sea kings, and they can also be broadcast for a week in prime time."

"Within a week, let's bring a new series out and broadcast it every day." As for the Sea King, we just find another time to arrange the broadcast.

Su Qing'er finished all the information and waited for Luo Chen's instructions.

Luo Chen: "Okay, I know, next, we have to be busy again." But the more pressure, the greater the motivation!

Okay, this time I really have to use someone from Sister Bai's side. Wife, I mentioned it to you last time, find a group of actors.

The standard told you, I'm going to meet people tomorrow, okay?

Gedina's plans have changed now, maybe you have to work a little harder and make two dramas with me.

One is the script given to you before, which is a weekly drama, and the other is broadcast every day. In this way, both long-term and short-term heat are available.

It is estimated that we will shoot the daily drama first, this drama, I will give you the script later, originally I wanted to plan the next step before starting filming.

But now it seems that you can only make some adjustments in advance, just like this, two dramas at the same time, do you have any problems? At

this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but ask what he was worried about.

Gedina didn't say enough, but she was quite confident:

"Look at the script first, if it's similar, it should be fine." Heehee, as long as I work with my husband, I am very confident!

I just don't know how your acting skills are, husband. Don't be at that time, you drop the chain yourself, it will be shameful!

When Luo Chen heard Gedina's words, he immediately said angrily:

"Yo, you still dare to return your own husband." Are you itching PP?

Bai Ru also helped to speak at this time: "No, husband, it's not just Gedina who has such questions, we also have such questions!" After all, we've never seen you act!

Luo Chen smiled: "Okay, in that case, let you see my acting skills tomorrow."

Wife, are you ready to shoot the house over there for the weekly drama? No, let's rent a two-unit house to use first, and I told you about the request.

Bai Ru responded calmly: "Of course it's ready, I put your affairs first!"

I bought that neighborhood earlier, and I wanted to use it as my own wedding room, but I renovated it to my heart's content.

But who would have thought that your husband could directly take down a set of royal courtyards, when I first knew the news, I was shocked!

But now these two houses are in use, just for shooting.

Bai Ru said a little coquettishly, and at the same time marveled at Luo Chen's past things.

Jiang Yingxue also said at this time:

"Even husband, I was also surprised to see the location you sent me." And husband, do you have any hidden identity, hidden secrets or something? How could you let the Zhou family go around without finishing eating all at once?

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but gossip at this time, although she liked Luo Chen very much and loved it to the bone.

But sometimes I still feel that Luo Chen itself is synonymous with mystery, and many times I can't see through this male god of my family.

Luo Chen began to talk nonsense by himself again: "As far as you have many problems, there is nothing, I am an ordinary person, just a little talent." As for this courtyard, it was given by lottery. The Zhou family will kill themselves if they do too much unrighteousness, what does it have to do with me?

Jiang Yingxue smiled: "Hehe, husband, I know, this is the legendary can do or not."

Even if you do it yourself, you can't verbally admit it, right? You too, so do you keep your own women so secret!

Bai Ru: "Okay, okay, don't say so much, my husband has his own measure, after all, the more powerful he is, we must also have a guarantee, don't we?"

Anyway, I think it's pretty good now, and I also believe that my husband can give us happiness! Bai

Ru directly came to a concluding statement at this time.

The next little sisters also had nothing to say, of course, today is another busy day.

And also prepare for tomorrow's filming of the TV series and the rehearsal of the new day "I am a singer".

Today is the last rehearsal before the official competition, and Tong Yaya herself can't help but look forward to it.

A group of young ladies are also willing to give help with full cooperation.

But they still have more of their own things now, after all, Luo Chen has assigned them different degrees of tasks

next, and this show is Luo Chen, next. The highlight of the play, built with all your might!

In fact, Luo Chen's consistent resolute behavior has made the previous episode of the program prepare quite quickly and exquisitely.

The stage has long been ready, and the shooting team is Chen Feng, a mature team.

After a day or two of running-in, the subsequent recording naturally began a new progression.

Moreover, a dress rehearsal had been held two days ago, and such a dress rehearsal quickly allowed Chen Feng to master the rhythm and style of subsequent program recording.

At the same time, after the monitoring and deployment of Luo Chen, everything has developed in the direction of perfection!

After all, he has to fight against a large group of old-timers in the entertainment industry, as well as his own woman Tong Yaya.

Luo Chen also attaches great importance to this recording, and naturally has a very different influence!

After all, in the afternoon, it was the moment they recorded, Tong Yaya, after discussing with the side, had quickly prepared her performance clothes.

And Luo Chen also made a series of preparations, but he was relatively simple.

Wear the suit that Bai Ru bought for him before, and you can do it.

Luo Chen is a clothes rack, what to wear will have a personable feeling, plus the suit is straight, showing his figure to the fullest!

This recording is undoubtedly very special for a group of veterans in the music industry, after all, it means a showdown between masters, but gambling on their reputation for half their lives!

500 audience judges, that is basically the surrounding area, more artistic literacy of the general public.

It is also the audience selected after some investigation.

From the day he decided to start doing this show, Luo Chen had already begun to prepare.

After all, he knows a lot of the details.

And these details determine the quality of the show, so even these audiences of the jury must be carefully selected.

In fact, at the beginning, not everyone in these audiences was willing to come, so it was still a little difficult to gather these hundreds of public judging audiences.

After all, at the beginning, everyone didn't know this program, and Roselle TV was also down for a long time.

However, later, because Luo Chen's hundred pulpit continued to erupt, everyone had some new perceptions, so they finally gathered all this through Luo Chen's efforts.

And now this program has officially started recording.

It's just that the rehearsal also needs to make some edits, of course, this is just some of the performances.

Everyone does not know that since this show began to be recorded, a variety show in the eastern mainland and shocking in the history of variety shows has finally taken shape.

At the same time, it also made Luo Chen suddenly stand firm in his reputation as the king of oriental variety shows.

Of course, another preparation is also in full swing, that is, Luo Chen's several ideas about the new TV series.

Bai Ru has also pulled over the actors he prepared at this time.

It's just that there are some small accidents here, and Luo Chen discovered that among these young actors, it is very likely to become the existence of tomorrow's stars.

But there are also some people who are not worthy of his attention and help.


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: Thank you readers greatly: the user 19875069 two reminders, thank you very much!! Thank you to the reader for the 15389648 reminder! Thank you to the readers: Shouting Hero's Reminder!! Thank you so much!!

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