And on this side, Luo Chen worked overtime to shoot nearly 10 episodes of "Love Apartment" for two days.

Shoot out the most anxious part, and then hand over the progress to them and proceed normally.

Everything else doesn't need anyone else to help.

Once he has the video footage, he can make a series of edits through the post-production effects editor.

And he knew how to make this work more beautiful and perfect.

So, at a moment when everyone was stunned.

He has already edited these films.

During this period, the broadcast of the animated version of "The Sea King" did not stop, after all, there is still a week to go.

It's just that slowly it's already being adjusted.

Interestingly, in the final credits of "The Sea King", Luo Chen slowly began to advertise "Love Apartment".

After all, Luo Chen is still very simple to do these animations, it does not need too much cost, and it can be exchanged only for popularity value.

Speaking of popularity value, after the accumulation of these two days, the cumulative number of Luo Chen's popularity value has reached 40 million!

Because the 20 million consumed by the previous lottery, and now there are still 20 million in hand, and the popularity value remains.

In this way, Luo Chen can naturally become a little easier.

However, there seems to be nothing very important now, to let Luo Chen urgently apply the lottery function.

So these some of the temperaments stayed, slowly piled up, and when the time came, they would directly come to a few extreme lotteries, and maybe they could be exchanged for something better.

This is also what Luo Chen has thought about for a long time.

And at this moment, the new "Sea King" anime is updated, and in the final moment, Luffy is still there to say the lines.

Luffy put on his straw hat and showed a cute smile: "For inexplicable reasons, it seems that we are going to meet with your brothers and sisters at another time period!"

As for what the reason is, it is estimated that everyone has already seen it. That's to let us adjust the time, really more powerful than the Navy! Solon

held his green hair and also showed a bright smile: "Well, we're not saying goodbye, we're just adjusting the time."

When everyone should chase, we still have to chase, as for when it will be broadcast, we will make a new trailer later!

The battles are getting stronger and stronger, and our partners are getting stronger, and of course you are our real partners!

Audience friends, fans, see you forever, we are always fighting!

Na Mei showed a sweet smile: "Haha, watching us fight around all day, is there also a time when you are tired?"

So we Luochen TV has prepared a casual romantic comedy for you: "Love Apartment"! Take over our prime time!

Although the leading actors are all newcomers, they are all cute and more beautiful than Nami! Everyone must pay attention, the new TV series broadcast at the same time, "Love Apartment" will definitely make you laugh! "

This series of advertisements by anime characters instantly blinded a group of fans.

I go, advertising can still play like this?

In fact, this kind of operation Luo Chen is still used for the first time, in fact, some of these advertisements are implanted into the anime.

Other national comic works have not been tried, but Luo Chen can complete it easily, who let him have an anime editor.

At the same time, there is a special effects editor, the two editors are directly added up, the animation production effect, and instantly has the role of 1+1>2.

The cute appearance of these anime characters is more obvious.

However, the warm-up of "Love Apartment" spread among young people at once.

After all, most of the people who watch anime are still young people, and recently because of this anime, the ratings are strong.

A large number of local TV stations, entertainment TV stations, have felt a very great pressure!

The TV series that everyone purchased with a lot of money can't do a cartoon, and it's not a shame to say it!

What do you screenwriters do?

What do you directors do?

What are you big stars doing?

Actually lost to a few virtual characters? How else to play this?

For such an author, everyone has seen it, both depressed and helpless, they also want to increase the ratings, but this national anime is really too popular among young people!

As long as it's online, other people's ratings can't go up!

The key is that according to the update progress of Luo Chen now, it is estimated that this anime will not be updated in a year and a half!

It's still updated every day!

In this way, does it mean that for nearly a year or so, the prime-time programs of TV stations have been trembling under the notice of "The Sea King"?

Absolutely not!

Can't let this happen!

Therefore, the cooperation of the television industry has caused such a result, forming the current situation.

Directly let "The Sea King" change the broadcast, and such a change naturally let everyone see the crux of some problems.

Anime fans frying the pan: "What's going on? It's too much! Why did you change the time? We watched well during prime time!

"That's it, yes, if that's the case, we won't have the chance to see this work for the first time!"

"But it's understandable, after all, TV stations also have to make a profit."

"Haha, how do you know that "The Sea King" is not profitable, and people have won the ratings championship one after another."

"I heard that this is because it was by someone, and those TV stations did it, but "The Sea King" made this kind of trick, and last time there were some unique remarks."

"Almost succeeded, that is, the last time those strange parents are also nobody, their own poor education of children attributed the reason to, cartoons, you say, strange is not strange!"

"It is estimated that it moved people's cakes, so it was targeted, right? Sure enough, excellent people are still not easy, too easy to be jealous! "

Luo Huang Guy, it's really too difficult! "The Sea King" is so hard!

"Okay, it's already good to have this result, at least it wasn't directly killed, I'm really afraid, our favorite anime will be killed directly."

"Haha, this is the light of anime! How can it be possible to kill the existence of the country? If this is all done, will the animation industry still live in the future?

"After all, the industry is thriving now, although it was not good before, but now they have all raised their heads, and "The Sea King" is the best example!" If it's all killed, the anime industry really can't live!

"Fortunately, the official still sees the importance of "The Sea King", and it will definitely be preserved at this time, rest assured, brothers!"

But when everyone is discussing "The Sea King" here, no one pays attention to the matter of "Love Apartment".

Do you think this may be a manifestation of Roselle TV's rush to the hospital, right?

Just find a few new people to come over and shoot a sitcom?

It is said to be a romantic comedy, but who knows the newcomer in this TV series? I don't know any of them, all of them are raw faces.

I saw a lot of beautiful women last year, but in the entertainment industry, are there still few handsome guys and beauties? Why look at a few of them?

So at this time, many people don't know what this "Love Apartment" is.

A group of TV station bigwigs laughed even more: Haha, this time directly killed Luo Chen's ace program.

Put it in some insignificant time slot, even if "The Sea King" has high ratings?

And in other times, if people are not working or going to school, who has time to watch their cartoons?

Therefore, this is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, which can not only lower the ratings of "The Sea King", but also make Luo Chen's TV prime time directly vacant.

Let's look at Luo Chen now, he should not have money to buy those high-quality TV series, right?

In fact, even if Luo Chen has money, he can't buy TV series now!

Now all TV series producers seem to have a common factor constraint.

That is that other TV stations show that they can no longer sell high-quality TVs to Roselle TV.

Otherwise, in the future, their TV series will not be broadcast on various star stations in the vast TV alliance!

These producers are naturally able to weigh priorities and can only compromise.

So even if Luo Cheng wants to buy it, even if he has money, he can't buy it!

This is a kind of hidden ban made by these TV industry cooperation!

That's right, Luochen TV Station was targeted by the entire industry!

And Luo Chen will lead a TV station to challenge the entire TV industry by himself!

It's just that no one expected that Luo Chen would be known as a god-like man in the TV industry in the future, and he really single-handedly turned the entire industry over!

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