On the other side, "Love Apartment", Luo Chen has slowly handed over to the new contracted director to complete.

This director, named Zheng Feilong, was really going to soar into the sky later.

Years later, he recalled this filming process, and couldn't help but be very grateful to Luo Chen:

"It was Mr. Luo who let me see, what is a real director? What is real shooting.

The director's art has played with flowers in his hands, and his screenwriting talent is even more amazing for us directors!

It was he who truly understood me to the threshold of a truly powerful director, and I thank him for the rest of my life! "

Of course, at this time, everyone does not know the impact of Luo Chen in this TV series.

I don't know that this sitcom director has finally become the golden signature of this unique theme.

Now all you see is Luo Chen is frantically shooting, a variety of TV series.

Because according to the previous regulations, soon, their Voyager King will not be able to broadcast in prime time.

At the same time, to release a new TV series, a "Love Apartment" is obviously not enough.

Luo Chen will have another two TV series next, which will be launched quickly!

And these two are his highlights, written and directed by him!

Even used his own popularity and traffic top Hua Dan Redina!

And at this time, Luo Chen was already filming another TV series, and several young ladies came.

In addition to Tong Yaya, who is working intensively and preparing for the upcoming "I am a Singer".

The other young ladies came here and watched the whole process, after all, the most important thing now is Luo Chen's TV series.

As long as these TV series can open the situation, then the difficulties of subsequent TV stations will basically be cleared by more than half.

And Luo Chen's greater desire naturally wants to accumulate some of the popularity values in it to a higher degree.

The crew of "Love Apartment" before actually used only part of the power in his hands.

The most elite shooting team is still in Luo Chen's hands.

After all, the next two TV series in his hands are the most important.

"You from the Star, Scene 1, Realm 1, Action!"

Qian Songyi, played by Gerdina, walked into the elevator of the apartment, and Professor Du, played by Luo Chen, also walked in.

Professor Du had an expression on his face, and Shi Shiran pressed a floor and saw the number of this floor.

Qian Songyi's eyes suddenly froze: "You are very powerful, you can even find out where I live."

"My fan, right? Say, want an autograph or a photo? I can give it to you, but it's illegal to track it like this!

Moreover, the security of this community is still very good, in this case, I will call the security guard! At

this time, Qian Songyi was obviously high, and even looked like he could see through everything.

She mistook Professor Du for her fan, and she was still a stalker, illegitimate meal!

However, Professor Du looked at him like an idiot, just glanced at him, and then there was no then.

Qian Songyi: "Haha, are you still not satisfied?" It seems that I want to give you a little color to see that this is already on the floor, and you really want to come into the house with me?

"I'm telling you, I've seen a lot of fans like you! I have a way to deal with you!! By

this time, the elevator doors had opened. This is a two-family duplex apartment with one elevator.

Looking at the decoration and the equipment next to it, it is very luxurious.

And at this time, Qian Songyi, played by Gerdina, still followed Professor Du without mercy.

It's just that this young man doesn't mean to compete with her at all.

There was not a word, but his expression was grim, and his eyes were full of contempt, and he looked like he refused to be thousands of miles away.

A series of Didi password presses, the smart password lock opens, Luo Chen's role, pulls the door

, seeing this situation, where Qian Songyi next to him still doesn't know that he is misunderstanding people, and quickly changed his expression:


it turns out to be a neighbor?" Sorry, I didn't know at first. But you should know me too, right? I'm the national goddess Qian Songyi..." Professor

Du interpreted by Luo Chen, his eyes were indifferent: "I don't know." Then

easily, he opened the door and walked in.

When he turned back, he didn't forget to look at it coldly, Qian Songyi!

That look made Gedina almost come out of the character, that cold breath, disgusted expression.

There is also that series of interpretations that seem to be in hot spots, which can be clearly felt from reality that Luo Chen dislikes her.

“cut! It's perfect, director, and Xiao Di, you guys are really good! As

a result, as soon as she shouted cut, Gedina couldn't help it, and slammed the door all of a sudden.

The door opened quickly, it seemed that it was still the same professor, Luo Chen had not yet come out of the role, but Gedina couldn't help it.

Immediately threw herself into his arms: "Woo hoo... Husband, you don't really hate me, do you? Did I play it to you very badly?

That look in your eyes scared me just now! Don't don't! People don't want to do this, people are just acting. Hearing

Gedina's words, everyone present couldn't help but snicker, and Luo Chen was even more crying and laughing:

"My God, you also know that it's acting, then of course I want to act more realistically just now."

Gerdina suddenly pouted: "But your eyes are so terrible, it makes me feel as if you really want to leave me..." Gedina

suddenly looked aggrieved, in fact, a professional actor, should not have such emotions.

But she really cares too much about Luo Chen, even if she knows that she is acting, she can't stand the energy just now.

The key is that she and Luo Chen have just made great progress recently, and their relationship has steadily warmed up.

A little girl in love is naturally very sensitive.

Bai Ru: "Haha, silly girl, this can only say that my husband's acting skills are really good, but if he treats you like this in reality, I will be very happy"

Bai Ru next to him couldn't help but say with added oil and vinegar.

Gedina hated it: "Sister Bai, you will die this heart, even if my husband really hates me, I will use my sincerity to impress him again, hum!" At

this time, she did not forget to raise her small fist.

Jiang Yingxue: "But my husband's acting skills are really good, this is just the beginning, that little look, that temperament, really makes us feel a little cold." Absolute!

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but marvel at this time and said.

In fact, the entire crew was worried at the beginning.

Because they have never seen Luo Chen acting, yesterday they had seen Luo Chen, the director in the crew.

He is the kind, a tyrant-like existence on the set, although he doesn't say much, but he can hit the nail on the head every time, and he can point out very well every time.

And those few newcomers grew up quickly under his tutelage!

In just a day or two, I have mastered the essence of this role very quickly.

As long as Luo Chen sets the direction, the shooting behind will be very easy, so the next shooting can be completed by that director Zheng Feilong.

This contracted director seemed to have obtained a treasure, and he was instantly excited.

Previously, he had also filmed some TV series, but the response was mediocre.

It even made him wonder if he was suitable for this industry, whether it was this piece of material.

But in Luo Chen's demonstration, he learned a lot of things, Luo Chen was much younger than him, but he regarded Luo Chen as a teacher-like existence.

From contempt and suspicion at the beginning to his current worship and trust, Zheng Feilong's change in his perception of Luo Chen was only a day or two!

And now Luo Chen once again used his acting skills to conquer another crew at once.

And this time the role he wants to play will become a classic character that is popular all over the country!

He and Gerdina have also become very unique screen CPs because of this TV series!

It's just that no one knows now that this powerful TV series will be filmed in such a situation in the future.

And there is another crew, Luo Chen also began to prepare at the same time.

Because "You from the Star" is a weekly drama, and the daily drama also needs him to come up with an ace script!

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