No one expected that Luo Chen would write and direct and act by himself, and manipulate two crews to shoot at the same time.

After all, in terms of starring, many directors hate actors very much.

Because it is easy to have a feeling of performance confusion, it will make the actor have the possibility of a role substitution that is not deep enough.

Therefore, the director side actually hates actors to enter multiple crews at the same time.

But now, the situation is stronger than people, and it is necessary to adapt to the situation according to the situation.

And Luo Chen himself, because of the help of the system, acting skills and role substitution, can be completely put away.

Even more powerful than an actor from a science class!

After interpreting the role and teaching this role, everyone is already very relieved about his performance and the guidance of some subsequent directing skills.

The members of the crew, that is called a heart-warming convinced!

Their director is really awesome!

Especially a few young ladies, after seeing Luo Chen's performance, they were simply shocked.

After all, a character like Professor Du is actually a little suspected of facial paralysis, and the whole play is remarkable in other places.

But if you want to express this kind of role, refuse to be thousands of miles away, and the cold sense of déjà vu is easy to have some sense of déjà vu of facial paralysis.

There are also follow-up, on top of different emotional expressions, may require less facial expressions.

However, if the role of facial paralysis is to be played well, the difficulty is undoubtedly higher.

After all, if the performance is not good all the time, it is easy to be ridiculed by fans and fans.

Such an industry evaluation will not be good.

And Luo Chen is very good at using some micro-expressions to express the emotions of characters!

This has been seen by all the crew members present, relished, and even sometimes watched them act.

It's as if you're watching the story happening around you, it's very exciting!

And a unique aura led by Luo Chen himself, the director's halo, this time has a wonderful effect.

Self-written, directed and acted, it looks very beautiful and powerful, but it is actually very difficult.

At the same time, it is something that many directors cannot do.

After all, first of all, personal image, and storyline, etc., without the first time, under the situation, it is difficult to control the rhythm of the entire scene as a director.

But because of the role of the director's halo, the entire crew is constantly moving forward under Luo Chen's will.

In this way, a shooting process that originally seemed very difficult was quickly smoothed under Luo Chen's deployment.

At this time, everyone already knows that Luo Chen is definitely a very powerful director.

At the same time, he is also a very powerful male protagonist!

This time, when Gedina acted, she felt a sweet and vivid sense of déjà vu!

It's so cool to play against Luo Chen, and there is that kind of cheerfulness that plays with the bones of the old drama.

In the past, between her and Luo Chen, it was a kind of mutual affection.

At this time, there is another feeling, that is, business recognition, ability worship, and that feeling of sympathy.

Knowing heroes and heavy heroes is not only between brothers, but also between lovers and lovers.

A very special and unique concept that allows Gedina to fully integrate when performing a scene.

The other drama is a completely different style.

Because the role Luo Chen played at this time is another extreme with Professor Du, Professor Du is a little calm and cold.

After experiencing the changes of the times and seeing all kinds of worlds, there is naturally a historical precipitation.

In fact, when the idol in another time and space went to interpret this professor, Luo Chen saw it, and he was not the most satisfied.

He felt that there were some places that could be interpreted better, deeper, and deeper.

After all, everything that this character has experienced is estimated to be difficult for ordinary people to understand.

But that actor may be more of an emotional expression, and that historical thickness is not shown.

And Luo Chen's version is a more prominent interpretation of this aspect, allowing everyone to see a handsome young man, but there is a vicissitudes of heart buried under his face.

Just the look in the eyes can make people deeply fascinated by this character.

In fact, some actors are easy to fall in love with the drama, because the character aura is too strong, and after the characters are brought in, they are easy to fall in love with each other's characters!

And at this time, Gedina was deeply obsessed with her male god.

She is even recognized as the only husband in this life!

But such an experience is amazing.

Especially experiencing another feeling of being in love again.

Because of another play, the role played by Luo Chen is another flavor, which is lively and cute, with a little naughty, and warm and charming.

This role is more in line with the aesthetics of young people now, and brings people more a joyful atmosphere.

"Husband, you played so well! I don't even know which one is the real you, but it seems that whichever one is you, anyway, I love you even more after this play with you! "

It's time for another crew break.

Gedina hugged Luo Chen tightly at this time period, even when the crew was resting, she was not willing to be separated from this man for a minute!

Acting with Luo Chen is really a pleasure, a real master, it is such a master's move, and you can feel the other party's intention at once.

At the same time, you can also enjoy a kind of happiness of meeting opponents and meeting good talents.

Bai Ru next to him is also the same: "My husband really stunned me, I didn't expect that your acting skills are so good!"

It's really better than some of the actors under me! I feel that your acting skills can only be compared with you!

Jiang Yingxue: "Yes, yes, I also feel this way, my husband's acting skills are really good."

It is obviously a small fresh meat face, but it has the performance level of old drama bones! I feel that among the younger generation of actors, there is no one who can match yours!

Gedina raised her pretty face and said proudly: "Hehe, that's it, who is our husband?" Otherwise, how can we agree with each other, and let us all follow him with a dead heart! Gedina

was even happier at this time, and arched directly in Luo Chen's arms, enjoying the familiar and fresh taste on Luo Chen's body.

When Luo Chen heard them say this, he couldn't help but cry and laugh a little:

"You guys, don't praise me to the sky anymore, if I continue like this, I feel like my tail will fly!"

Gedina: "Hehe, husband, can your tail fly?" I do not know. But you can make us fly!

Luo Chen smiled: "Oh, you said so, I still remember, didn't you say before, you will be happy with me on Sunday?" 4 people come together, why is there no follow-up now? "

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