"You only smell my perfume, but you don't see my sweat; ...... You can despise our youth, and we will prove whose era it is;

Dreams are doomed to lonely travel, with questioning and ridicule along the way!

But so what, even if you are covered in bruises, you must live beautifully! I am singer Luo Chen, and I speak for myself! Suddenly

, this promotional video called "I am singer Luo Chen, I speak for myself" became lively on the Internet.

It seems that such a magical advertisement and promotional video has appeared on many video platforms and major online media.

This is a promotional video for me as a singer, and it was also made by Luo Chen's fusion and a very unique personal endorsement advertisement in my previous life.

Luo Chen in the promotional video is cold, elegant and calm.

And each advertising line has its own unique picture and story.

Most importantly, almost every advertising phrase has hit the hearts of these young people now!

In the face of injustice, in the face of ridicule, in the face of cynicism about dreams!

They are still moving forward with determination, this is the young people of the new era!

They are stressed, but equally motivated and have the perseverance to keep going!

And in this advertisement, just a few words of advertising slogans make all people have a sense of sympathetic identity!

Young people are here and see their own shadows.

And Luo Chen's last sentence: I am the singer Luo Chen, I speak for myself!

Even at once, he shouted out the momentum of the young man.

At the same time, all the suppression he has encountered now, as well as tribulations and troubles, are integrated into this promotional video.

This film seems to be not just him, but his declaration of war to some TV stations that suppress him!

People who know the inside story can't help but applaud Luo Chen's film at this time!

The shot is too good, the shooting is too shocking, with the simplest pen and ink, with the most concise picture, burst out all your emotions!

The key is that Luo Chen's shooting level is blessed by the director's halo and the operation of the special effects editor behind.

Quickly let this series of advertising slogans and pictures fuse, and there will be a feeling of giving people a critical attack!

As a result, this trailer became more popular than the show I was a singer!

Luo dust is on fire, this advertising film is on fire!

His handsome and unparalleled face in it, plus Bai Ru, Gedina, Tong Yaya, Jiang Yingxue, all appear in this commercial!

It also raises the quality inside to an unprecedented level.

The Internet exploded all at once, all about young people's praise for

this commercial:

"My God, this is a commercial, I feel that this has made a blockbuster, both visual!"

"Exactly! This should be the best quality promotional video I have seen in China! "

With this film, I'm looking forward to the next show called "I'm a Singer."

"Luo Chen Shuai exploded, this film Shuai exploded! I thought he was just a lecturer, but who knew he was still a singer?

"It's amazing, it's probably the most amazing trailer I've ever seen, it's amazing!"

"I seem to have seen some music critics before, and some public judges who participated in the recording of the show! Everyone praised me even more curiously, and I have high expectations!

"Haha, I advise you not to expect too much, as the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!"

"What tricks can domestic variety shows play? Back and forth are those games, those people.

"And this time, Luo Chen estimated that even people could not make up a good lineup, they were all veterans, what songs could those veterans sing?" What else can be done?

"Although there is a Tong Yaya in this lineup, she is the only one worth watching, if I watch the show, I will go for him!"

"At that time, I will fast forward other people's shows, just watch Tong Yaya's songs."

"Sister Yun, the queen of the music world, is also very good, don't you listen?"

"Haha, Sister Yun does have a lot of fans, those are all old people, not suitable for us young people."

"Anyway, let's take a look then, maybe there will be a surprise?"

"Anyway, I don't expect anything, if you expect, then look forward to it."

All kinds of voices on the Internet, all kinds of fan voices, everyone has their own opinion.

They don't know what Luo Chen's program, "I'm a Singer", is like.

And some of the public judges who recorded in the past are now very shocking, they are waiting, those who say that the show is not good-looking, do not expect, when the time comes, the real fragrant scene!

In terms of TV stations, major local TV stations are now fully urging Luochen TV Station to change the broadcast time of the Sea King within the specified time.

And it's almost time to get their TV series online.

In fact, there have long been rumors in the industry, and no one is willing to sell TV series to Luochen TV.

So the next three TV series of Luochen TV Station are all self-produced and self-sold!

I made it myself, broadcast it on TV by myself, and I heard that they used a bunch of newcomers in prime time.

Hehe, Luochen TV is really powerless to return to the sky, this time let a group of newcomers to film a TV series, who can watch it?

However, everyone still has a little idea, after all, in addition to this TV series.

I heard that Luo Chen also personally took care of it, and he and Gedina went to shoot two new TV series.

As for what kind of performance and what kind of broadcast method it is, they don't know, after all, it is an internal secret of Luochen TV.

And Luo Chen actually faintly released some wind in this regard, but it was all some wrong guidance.

Luo Chen through his character information viewing panel, he can see which people in the TV station are inner ghosts? Which people are sincere, serving Him and working for Him.

So, to whom to send some information? The door inside his heart is clear.

Just use these inner ghosts to convey some wrong information to various hostile TV stations.

After all, peers are wronged, and he understands this truth too well.

So let them bounce around for a while first.

Everyone doesn't know that the variety show that Luo Chen values the most is a singer, and once it shines, it will be out of control!

In this parallel time and space, no music show has ever appeared such a way of fighting.

It is also a new explosion to show music to everyone.

At this time, Luo Chen became popular all over the Internet because of his trailer that spoke for himself.

It suddenly made me a singer more popular.

This naturally makes the major TV stations pay more attention!

They are all curious, what kind of show is this variety show that is highly confidential by Luochen TV?

They see if they can learn a little new trick from it.

However, now major TV stations have their own awareness of copyright protection, especially in variety show production.

They registered the copyright of the production before recording it, preventing others from stealing their ideas.

But even if you can't directly copy people's ideas, you can also generate some new ideas, maybe give them different inspiration.

And on such a day of anticipation of love, I am the singer issue 1, finally online.

At the same time, there are two new TV series by Luo Chen, which are also online at the same time on such a day!

Roselle TV, on such a day, broke out in full line, which shocked all TV viewers and fans of the Internet.

And these, local TV stations, have not yet reacted, Luo Chen has used this to change the pattern of the entire TV industry!

The real battle begins!!


The author has something to say:

(4) is more sent, add more chapters, originally wanted to rest and finish, but seeing that readers still want to see it, then let's take another one. Thank you to all the readers who gave the author mooncakes and thumbs up and gifts. Thank you so much. Drop by for a wave of five-star reviews and book reviews, now I need your support so much!

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