Today is an unforgettable day for the major TV stations in the Eastern Land.

Because today is the day Roselle TV launched "I am a singer".

It's just that no one expected that in addition to the program "I am a singer", Roselle TV has other new programs online!

That's the sitcom "Love Apartment" that has already recorded a lot of progress before! There is another TV series "Full House"!

The first TV series was played by pure newcomers.

The second TV series has the current popularity of Shan Dendina joined, as for the male protagonist is even more unexpected!

That is Luo Chen, which is very hot on all major platforms now!

For such a suddenly rising male god, everyone is a little inexplicable.

After all, Luo Chen's popularity before was too low, and no one knew who he was at all.

However, now it is only a week or two, first a hundred pulpits, and now again, I am a singer.

There are even TV series, let him directly be the male lead.

Such a string speed really blinded everyone's eyes, and no one knew how this man did it.

But the women around him know very well that it is he who completes this series of operations by himself!

Of course, there are also team cooperation, not in some teams, usually in the hands of others do not perform so well in Luochen.

It seems that as long as there is Luo Chen scheduling, these teams are like the sharpest swords, the most powerful weapons.

One by one, they began to shine!

And such an effect, whether it is a variety show, a hundred schools of lectures or a TV series, as long as it is a work created by Luo Chen, it will give people a bright eye and become a very exquisite boutique production feeling!

And today, originally "I am a singer" should be the hottest, a point of concern.

After all, before, the love apartment was a preview on One Piece, and Luo Chen also had such a preview on the Baijia Forum.

But after all, the actors in the love apartment are all newcomers, and everyone does not have any different expectations.

But when this step, the unique work comes out, a group of people with the idea of taking a look at it and passing the time with boredom, let's take a look first.

And it's partly because I didn't know much about the Voyager Time Adjustment Measures later.

Directly follow the original viewing habit and turn on the TV station to watch.

In fact, the ratings of the Sea King have been superb recently!

As the plot slowly unfolds later, and some of you know that it is likely that after adjusting the time, they will cherish the days when they can watch this anime in prime time.

After all, there are only a few days, so that the ratings of this anime have exploded to a new height one after another!

It is even above the highest ratings, breaking the record of 5%!

This is nothing short of miraculous for prime-time ratings! The point is, this is just a cartoon!

But no matter what, now everything has settled, a new revision of Roselle TV, and a new direction has come.

Everyone didn't expect much from this new TV series.

That is, look at it casually, and the result is quite good.

The style is very lighthearted and has a bit of a spoof flavor.

Lu Zhanbo, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, after the appearance of a characteristic character, the audience who just looked at it casually at first, all felt that this work seems to be good? And to watch with relish.

The last and one after another explosive terriers made them instantly feel that this film is very interesting, not worse than the Sea King.

And because they are all young people, many of the terriers in this coincide with their usual lives.

It is precisely because of this that this TV series has attracted a lot of attention all of a sudden.

In particular, the original audience of the Voyager King is actually comprehensive with these audiences of the love apartment.

And those terriers are Luo Chen's cognition of this world, slowly changed, and became a work that is more in line with the aesthetic standards of young people in this time and space!

"Hahaha, Lu Zhanbo got on the bus and used PP to go to the section of Didi bus card. It really made me laugh!

"Also, Zeng Xiaoxian is really cheap,, but why is it so likeable?"

"And why is Lu Ziqiao so similar to a buddy next to me, I seriously doubt that the screenwriter knows him and specially found such a prototype?"

"Oh, several goddesses are very beautiful and cute! It feels like I'm in love again! "

One after another praise, all of a sudden after this TV series was played, they were all online!

In fact, many netizens are young people, after watching this TV series, they feel very good, and then in their own space, have a good amway.

"This TV series was originally what I wanted to watch before I was a singer, and it turned out to be surprisingly good-looking, not at all worse than the level of the Sea King."

"As soon as I saw that the screenwriter turned out to be Luo Chen, and the co-director was also Luo Chen, I knew that another masterpiece had appeared, and Luo Chen as a screenwriter and director was definitely a boutique!"

"I didn't expect that a person who draws comics, as a screenwriter, is still so bullish, and the terriers in it are one after another, and the baggage is one after another, which makes me laugh miserably!"

"Yes, yes, this drama completely exceeded my expectations, really praised, I have to say, a few actors are remarkable!"

"Of course, there are still some things that need to be improved by the new actors, but I can only say that the arranger is too powerful!"

"Sure enough, Luo Chen's production must be a boutique, as long as it is his work, it must be good-looking, I now have another TV series that can be chased, just one episode I fell into the pit and became his true love fan!"

"Okay, okay, now I'm completely shocked!"

"And Luo Chen, now I find that this man is simply a treasure male god, not only an elite lecturer of a hundred pulpits, but also the author of two popular novels, and then even more the light of national comics, the god of national comics!" What else would he not do?

"I heard that he is also the director of Los Angeles TV, and all these shows were planned by him, and when I watched some of them, I suddenly had great expectations that I was a singer!"

"Yes, yes, I suddenly found that as long as I am on Roselle TV's new programs, they are very good-looking, no, they must be sent to Roselle TV, plus Luo Chen's production!"

"Because some other old films are really old, but I feel that Luo Chen is slowly replacing those old content with his own efforts, and then countless new content will appear!"

For a while, the news that Luochen TV Station was getting better and better was spreading.

Especially among young people, they are full of expectations for the latter performance.

In the field of TV stations, Luo Chen's opponents began to panic a little one by one.

Especially when they all shivered under the rule of Los Angeles TV, that era is really memorable.

And such a performance was once caused by Luo Chen's father, the king of the entertainment industry, the superstar who once dominated the entire era!

Now his son is here! Inheriting his usual domineering style and inheriting his will, is another dark age in the entertainment industry coming again?

All the people will be eclipsed under the scenery of this TV station!

And in such an atmosphere, Luo Chen's second TV series began to be online again.

At this time, no one dares to take his every move lightly, because a brand new person to do the TV series, has achieved the success of step 1.

So what's next for his second TV series? Immediately put everyone on guard!

Especially in some TV stations, data collection in all aspects has already begun.

When they knew the ratings of the first day of the love apartment, they couldn't help but gasp!


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Section (1) is more sent, good morning, readers! Ask for a wave of five-star reviews and book reviews!

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