Uncle Liu, Old Qin, Sister Yun, Fang Zhou, Old Qi! These veterans of the music industry, one after another, have all finished singing.

This competition is undoubtedly a new life for them.

Because none of them have tried to be on such a stage, facing this kind of audience, direct performance, and such competition.

Of course, there is also Tong Yaya's singing.

Today's Tong Ya wore a special costume, and this costume was personally designed and prepared by Luo Chen for her.

White and blue, brilliance flowing, this slim blue and white blue and white slim long skirt sets off Tong Yaya's ultimate figure to the fullest.

It made her feel like the finest piece of porcelain in the world.

Just like the song she will sing today, "Blue and White Porcelain".

As soon as such a costume came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience and competing singers.

It made everyone applaud.

At this time, several veterans were already watching the live broadcast in the lounge in the backstage.

For them, seeing the performance of the players is naturally a different taste.

Especially as the first old Qin to sing, he felt that he had exhausted all his strength, but he was still a little unstable in his heart.

After all, all this he showed before can only be said to be one of his most distinctive styles before, and his style has been carried forward to an extreme.

But every old sibling has their own style, everyone sings well, without any flaws, and no one has a single mistake.

Such a stage pays attention to reducing mistakes, and then singing its own characteristics to move the audience.

However, this is the first time that everyone has come to this stage, so naturally they have no experience in this area.

And Luo Chen and Tong Yaya actually have some ideas of their own, Luo Chen combines the advantages and disadvantages of me as a singer in the other world before.

In terms of production, it is naturally very sophisticated, using the most advanced sound and output equipment, and on the other hand, the singers are very high-quality existence.

Especially this time, he and Tong Yaya joined together to participate in this show, naturally.

It also became a good story later, but at this time, Tong Yaya had not yet made the relationship clear to Luo Chen and did not disclose the connection between them.

Naturally, everyone just sees one of the manifestations.

But when Tong Yaya came out, these veterans in the studio were very amazed

: Sister Yun: "My God, this is a fairy under the mortal, right?" Come up this time and amplify the move!

Old Qin: "Oh, Old Liu, your nephew is really powerful enough, it is not easy to grab such a woman." Ouch, did you and I say something.

Uncle Liu suddenly said angrily: "You said a lot of things that shouldn't be said, well, this paragraph is pinched, don't broadcast it!" Sister

Yun: "However, this sister of mine is really powerful, so beautiful, really beautiful." Ark

: "Haha, Xiaoyun, don't be presumptuous, your outfit just now is also beautiful enough, our old buddies didn't find you so good looking before." Sister

Yun: "What did you say?" Is it human words? Old lady, I am also a lot of people chasing well.

Lao Qi: "But you're still single!" Sister

Yun suddenly rolled her beautiful eyes and said, "You are really old brothers and brothers, just poke the most painful point in my heart!"

"To be honest, if I were 10 years younger, I would be desperate to chase Luo Chen now!"

Old Qin: "Haha, this sentence, you can just talk to our brothers yourself, don't make people laugh." Sister

Yun was furious: "Get out of here!" "

The series of fights on the other side of the background is natural, and it is also a joy and fun between these old brothers and sisters.

But now they all began to pay attention to Tong Yaya's singing.

"The plain embryo outlines the blue and white brush strokes thick and light; The peony depicted on the bottle is just like your first makeup..." "

Azure and other smoke rain, and I'm waiting for you!"

"The moonlight was salvaged and covered up the ending!"

When the lyrics seemed to be sung softly, as if they were sung like poetry, everyone was shocked.

These singers who were still making noise just now were all intoxicated by Tong Yaya's singing.

And the 500 public judges at the scene all showed intoxicated and enjoyed their expressions.

In fact, the live music is really very shocking, although this is a slow song, there is no very high-pitched expressive ability.

But the emotions conveyed are also that infectious, which is really powerful.

Tong Yaya is worthy of being a powerful female singer in the new generation of music scenes!

Everyone enjoyed the singing process.

And in fact, as soon as this song came out, the entire music scene was shocked.

Because from the very beginning, the music industry has begun to pay attention to this show, after all, the invitations are all old-timers, and they are all the top singers of the older generation.

It seems that they can be brought back in the public again.

After all, they have been silent for a long time, and it is time for them to lead a new generation of musicians to rise again.

Now the entire Chinese music scene is in a relatively sluggish state, and there are fewer and fewer high-quality and classic songs like before.

More are some saliva songs, some songs with no connotation and no meaning.

These songs have been brainwashed by the style of the so-called Divine Comedy, and more of them let these other varieties make a fast food-style enjoyment.

But when it comes to aftertaste, there are very few.

At this time, suddenly such a high-quality national style song appeared, and the style was unprecedented.

It immediately attracted widespread attention in the music industry.

At this moment, a large group of music critics have been excited beyond words, because this is a new genre!

It has never appeared before, and once this genre forms a genre, it is a feat of founding a sect!

Whoever wrote this song and sang this song will have an indelible status in the music scene in the future!

From beginning to end, from beginning to end, this is the influence of this national style, blue and white porcelain.

At the same time, a new wave of "

Muggle, who wrote this song?" How is it so powerful? It's awesome this time! The elements of traditional culture, as well as the modern rhythm of these music, coupled with the ancient music, are perfectly integrated!

"It's amazing, it's amazing, this is what I want, a song to promote the culture of my country!"

"How can this be? It's a completely new genre, who wrote it? Hurry up and help me find this person!

"Didn't someone see who wrote the song just now?" Who is the composer and composer?

"It seems to be a person named Luo Chen?"

"What!! Luo Chen?! Isn't that the young director of Luochen TV? That young elite lecturer who talks about a hundred pulpits? And the male protagonist of the TV series just now? It won't be the same name and surname, but it's another person, right?

"It is estimated that not, after all, Luo Chen invited Tong Yaya to this show, gathered these people into this show, and he did a good thing for the contemporary music scene!"

"God, then what else is there to say, I remember that there seems to be a new singer named Luo Chen, who is going to appear in this show today, won't it be him!"

"It is estimated that eight or nine is not far from ten!"

"This time, I'm looking forward to the last song even more, there will be the last person left, right?"

"That's right, it's him! That's him! That's him! "

Oops... Now the music scene is about to change! "

All the biggest names in the music scene, as well as new singers, suddenly thought of one thing.

This music program was created by Luo Chen, and the song just now, blue and white porcelain, was also written by Luo Chen and sung by Tong Yaya.

And what song Luo Chen himself wants to sing, everyone's hearts hung up for a while!


The author has something to say: The

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