Tong Yaya's blue and white porcelain song was sung, and it instantly exploded in the audience.

Of course, this is not to say how excited, how passionate she sang, the kind of explosion that ignited everyone.

But it can let everyone experience a completely different kind of seclusion and elegance in this song, and there is also an oriental ancient rhyme implicit in it.

Such an experience made others not expect that the original ancient style and ancient style could also be used in these modern pop songs.

The lyrics of this song are so well written and the tune is very attractive, and everyone has a deep feeling after listening to it, and at the same time immersed in it.

A high-quality song should not just say to go to high notes or do some very powerful showmanship, etc., of course, these will naturally have a good effect in terms of live performance.

Just like some veteran singers before, in fact, their performance is also very good, and they have also integrated their emotions into their singing skills.

But in terms of artistic conception, it is really this blue and white porcelain song that Tong Yaya sings a very unique style.

After the artistic conception of the whole song is improved, it gives people an appreciation experience, which is still very good.

So to such a level, everyone has long been able to have a prejudgment, this song is going to be hot, especially the kind of fire!

With such a cognition, everyone will naturally have some deviations from many subsequent ideas.

At this moment, for many listeners, the 500 public judges on the scene naturally have completely different definitions for them.

At this point, they all felt that they were afraid to make a very difficult decision today.

The previous songs were too good, and now there is a new style of song, which is undoubtedly a boon for the majority of listeners. Because there has not been such a high-quality song in the Chinese music scene for a long time.

More are some saliva songs, some so-called divine comedy without connotation, just the melody and lyrics are more brainwashing, over and over again impacting the eardrums of the public, touching the bottom line of music fans and listeners.

However, some of the so-called elegant and common appreciation people think that it is good to be able to be popular, to be able to let more people contact music.

But they will not continue to raise their music to a higher level.

This is undoubtedly a very worrying thing for the entire music industry.

Listeners are lowered by these people to lower the lower limit for enjoying music.

At this time, the wind direction and changes in the market will guide the new generation of young people to make this aspect of pandering.

In this stall, in fact, the older generation of musicians have this worry, they hope that young musicians have their own original ability, but more can create something that can be refreshing. Songs that can make people feel and move!

And this blue and white porcelain has undoubtedly become a white moonlight-like existence in the minds of many musicians.

More and more people in the music industry are paying attention to this show, and some even began to Amway their colleagues and peers just after listening to the first song.

After all, these songs are all sung by veteran singers, and they all interpret the characteristics of many eras!

So in the music world, spread ten by ten, slowly, the whole music industry began to pay attention to this music program, because it seemed to find another way to guide music in the right direction.

Of course, this is the focus of the music world. But the public's focus is different, the song is very good, they can also say it, they like this song, but why they like it they don't know.

But as long as you like it, more listeners and even Tong Yaya's fans, these fans pay more attention to is even different.

"How can I hear that the goddess seems to be in love?"

"That's right, it seems that he sang it to his lover, that kind of heartbeat is not the feeling that Yaya can sing before, before his and her voices were relatively cold, more ethereal, and there was a feeling of not eating the world's fireworks."

"But this blue and white porcelain, I think it is very suitable for her timbre, but I can hear it, it is a woman in love who sings it to her man!"

"Especially that sentence, azure and other smoke and rain, and I'm waiting for you, I feel that the singing is very tactful, singing to my heart!"

"It's a pity, she shouldn't have sung it to us."

"Oh, this is over, our goddess has a man!"

"Haha, I suddenly have a bold idea, you guys look who wrote this song?"

"Ah, is that amazing man again?"

"That's right, that's him! It's him again, how is it still him!

"Crazy, crazy, the world is crazy, isn't he with Gedina?"

"Really? "

Don't worry, let's ask our goddess, let her give us an answer when the time comes."

"Actually, I don't think it matters who she likes, who she is with, and what kind of way she gets along, we just need to pay attention to her music, what do we do with her private life?"

"Yes, yes, I think so too, this song, really love love."

"The goddess is really beautiful, singing is good, talking is better, people are good and gentle, I like it very much!"

"What's the use of what you like, everyone has men!"

"What about having men? That won't abandon some of our fans! "

Suddenly, in the barrage of the show, the discussion about Tong Yaya suddenly turned crooked, as if the audience's eyes were shining with snow.

Unexpectedly, listening to the song, you can hear a lot of connotations, and this time, there is another hot topic.

Weibo hot search on the rapid more, Tong Yaya blue and white porcelain, the man who writes blue and white porcelain, the man Tong Yaya likes, Yaya wants to sing to her man......

A flurry of news has been circulating in this regard.

Tong Yaya and Luo Chen may not know that these netizens and listeners are so amazing, just listening to a song can think of so many things.

Are you all so capable of brain supplementation?

It's just that this brain supplement is so accurate!

This time, the later effects made Luo Chen and Tong Yaya feel crying and laughing.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, their lives are protected by themselves, and others have no right to say anything.

At this time, Tong Yaya had returned to the lounge, and naturally welcomed a warm welcome from a group of senior singers.

Sister Yun: "My God, Yaya, you really sing so well!" Today you are the most beautiful, much more beautiful than me.

Tong Yaya said embarrassedly: "Sister Yun, you have passed the prize, how can I compare with you!" I was able to stay and not eliminate it in the end. Ark

: "Oh, I'm nervous when you say this, everyone has amplified the move today, I feel that I am not ready, I am going to die!"

Tong Yaya: "Senior Ark, can't you say that, your song is still very good." Ark

: "Haha, forget it, I know my own business, the preparation is a little inadequate, but the recording time is a little rushed, I didn't expect the competition to be so fierce, too tough for you!" Old

Qin: "Haha, the strongest is still behind, the next Luo Chen's estimate can scare a large group of people, didn't you hear, the song he sang during the rehearsal before shocked us all!" Ark

: "Ah, is it so powerful, this young man?" By the way, Yaya's song seems to have been written by Luo Chen, right? When will he write us a song?

Lao Qi: "Haha, we have already booked!" Luo Chen gave us the privilege that everyone can use a new song he wrote, and at that time, if you really can't do it, ask him which song he wants, maybe it can come back to life.

Uncle Liu: "Don't say it, don't say it, Luo Chen is on stage!" I'm especially looking forward to the song he has prepared now. Sister

Yun: "Oh, I also rehearsed last time, he shocked us beyond words, this time he officially appeared on the stage, he can keep it very secret." It seems that he rarely comes to this side to rehearse and rehearse, but it feels like he is holding back his big move?! "

A group of old-timer singers, at this time, are very looking forward to Luo Chen's next performance, although they are competitors, but Luo Chen can be strong, they are also happy.

Tong Yaya needless to say, her husband naturally hopes that he will be as bright and beautiful as possible.

And at this time, as soon as Luo Chen's shape came out, the whole scene immediately exploded! Including the competing singers in these lounges in the back, they all jumped up one by one!

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