This Saturday is a very unique day for the entire entertainment industry.

After all, Luo Chen turned out a new TV series after the outbreak of three programs.

This point is really unexpected to everyone, after all, under normal operating conditions, a TV series can catch fire, which basically lasts for about a month.

Then, it can give TV stations, actors, producers, etc., huge popularity and prestige and profits.

Over a sustained period of time, TV stations' advertising revenue will skyrocket.

On the other hand, as the starring actor in the TV series, he naturally became the more prominent party among the beneficiaries.

Their careers will soar, they will get more and more advertising endorsements, and their popularity in all aspects will also have a very good boost.

So while a hit drama is playing, some other film and television projects will slow down.

It is a TV series with the same shooting method on the same TV station, and a crew composed of the same starring actors.

Because watching the performance of both sides at the same time, there is likely to be a feeling of cross-play.

But Luo Chen did the opposite, and dared to use himself and Gedina to shoot TV series one after another, directly on the TV station.

It can only be said that Luo Chen has great confidence in the TV series he filmed, and he also has his own differences in the performances of the two people.

At this moment, everyone has a new idea.

Why is Luo Chen like this? Obviously, because of some of the tasks given above before, Luo Chen was under pressure.

He can only use this quick shooting method to solve the dilemma.

At that moment, this TV series, "You from the Star", is finally shockingly online!

Although some of the publicity investment and promotion in the early stage is not particularly powerful.

That already seems to be the most direct impression of Luo Chen's TV series and variety shows.

He doesn't seem to need to promote it at all, as long as he puts these works online, there will naturally be tap water to make a spontaneous promotion for them.

Such a performance can only say that the audience and fans really like them too much.

This time, Luo Chen's TV series is not only popular in China, but even when the first work came out, it has already achieved a very good result in the island country!

Such a thing is completely due to the fact that the previous voyager king was urged to change by the fans of the island country.

Because the anime on this side has been on the air for a long time, they also want to get the update of Voyager synchronization through their own efforts.

In such an environment, the Falling Cherry Loss Company Co., Ltd. on the other side naturally made a very friendly negotiation with Luo Chen.

That is really as long as Luo Chen's conditions, basically agreed, after all, Luo Chen's conditions are not too excessive.

Moreover, the Falling Cherry Club's side has also given a very good settlement method, and it will not be like before, and it will take a long cycle to send these settlement funds to Luo Chen's hands.

Although the time and process that they need to pay for the Falling Cherry Club, compared to Luo Chen's ability to get the real-time update of this animation copyright immediately, all the efforts are worth it.

And this time, Luoying Co., Ltd. suddenly saw the TV series that Luo Chen was about to broadcast.

So quickly they have already made their own reaction, that is, on the basis of animation copyright, they want to have a deeper cooperation with Luo Chen!

I hope that some of Luo Chen's original TV series can be updated in real time.

Full House and You from the Stars are on this list.

As for "Love Apartment", because although it is Luo Chen's director and screenwriter, without him as a starring actor, everyone has not seen some of the effects here.

So this island nation is ready to hold off.

Unexpectedly, "Love Apartment" has also achieved quite excellent results in China, so they are also ready to introduce it, but it will be postponed for a while.

At this moment, no one expected that Luo Chen's TV series had just achieved a good rating result in China, and immediately attracted the same degree of attention on the island side.

It's really unintentional, but this is Luo Chen, because Luo Chen's anime is really very popular in the island country!

So much so that everyone has also aroused great interest in him, a male god cartoonist!

After all, Luo Chen's national attention in the island country is now very high, and this anime of the sea king alone has attracted the attention of the entire anime fans.

No one expected that such a cartoonist would be a novel author and a TV station director!

The key Luo Chen is still so young, and now such a magical director has actually filmed a TV series himself!

Really fulfilled the saying that a singer who can't draw comics is not a good director!

A singer who can't act is not a good novelist!

How does this sound like a fantasy?

Is this still human? How can it be so powerful!

But the more so, the easier it is to attract the attention of fans of those island countries.

The point is that when Luo Chen's photo came over, all anime fans, especially female fans, were already crazy.

That's pretty handsome!

How can this be!

Can such people really exist in reality?

"Oh my God, this is our anime god? This is simply more handsome than some of the superstars in my country!

"That's it! I loved him to death at first sight, and all of a sudden, I found out that he was also acting in a TV series, which seemed to be called "Full House".

"Blessed are everyone, because this TV series introduced by the Falling Sakura Society is preparing to be broadcast in cooperation with our TV station, and we can update it synchronously this time!"

"Whaaa Suddenly, his good impression of Luo Chen increased, and the key was when the TV series of the Great God would be broadcast.

"It seems to be in this week, but it doesn't seem to pay much attention, it's just in a more general time period, and then we can pay attention to it ourselves."

In fact, Luo Chen's TV series did not attract much attention when it was introduced to the island country, unlike his anime, because it has been liked by all anime fans.

So the introduction of cartoons has already caused a great sensation, but because this TV series is performed by his real person, everyone does not know him, so naturally there is no big idea.

However, everyone does not know that when all these TV series are officially launched, a special effect caused by it has set off a huge wave in the entire island country!

Of course, these are the afterwords, and now everyone, the first intuitive feeling is that on the land of the Oriental native, all the audience fans, fans, are warmly looking forward to it.

Luo Chen's TV series was launched, and when the first episode was launched, everyone was stunned.

After all, they have not seen such a manifestation.

"I am an alien from the Earth number X056 nebula, and my spacecraft had an accident while passing by Earth, and the energy system was affected by this.

Therefore, I can only send a distress signal, stay on this unique planet, and wait for the arrival of my companions.

It's just that I found that my life is much longer than that of humans on Earth. So I stayed on Earth for more than 1,000 years.

But fortunately, after a long wait, I seemed to hear the call of my companion again, and I finally had the opportunity to return to my hometown!

But before I leave, I want to find the little girl I once met, and I don't know where she is now?

Counting the time, her reincarnation time should be almost up, I can sense it.

It's just close to the time I left, will I still see her before I leave? "

Seeing this beginning, everyone can't help but be stunned, the connection between aliens and earthlings?

Is this a sci-fi movie?

How can it be?!

Luo Chen really dares to shoot!


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the first more sent, good readers at noon, ask for five-star praise and book reviews! Special thanks to the readers: users 17996512 inspiration capsules, mountain climbing invitations and likes!! Thank you so much!! Special thanks to the readers: nickname for the mountain climbing invitation and mooncake likes!! Thank you so much!!

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