Why do you say that Luo Chen really dares to shoot.

Mainly because in this time and space, in this oriental field, science fiction films have basically not succeeded.

The main factor is, of course, that the film and television industry base in the East has not reached a certain level.

There is still a very big gap between the film industry and the world's leading level.

And such a unique existence as science fiction films, it is necessary to use a variety of special effects and a very powerful production team to complete a relatively good degree of completeness.

On such a thing, everyone's views are the same, that is, there is no science fiction in China!

The door to domestic science fiction has long been closed, and I don't know when it will be opened.

In such an environment, it is simply difficult to make a good sci-fi film.

Because there are no friends to help at all, there is even less chance of success when you go it alone.

After all, it will be with the power of the entire industry, sometimes it is possible to make a sci-fi film to a perfect degree.

If there is no such foundation, even the film made is just a joke.

And now Luo Chen dares to use a sci-fi film as the background of the TV series, which is simply whimsical.

The production cost of TV series is not as good as that of movies, and the longest movie is two hours, but TV series have to support a long time dimension.

One episode a day, a month of screening, ten to twenty episodes less, dozens more episodes in length, in such a duration, the screening cycle is so long, and the cost of consumption is also quite a lot.

At this moment, wanting to use a variety of sci-fi themes to support a TV series is not something that can be completed at the domestic level.

This consumes a lot of special effects effects, various capital inputs, etc., and the one produced, profit benefits, is completely difficult to balance these inputs.

So basically no one dares to do such a thing.

And now Luo Chen is just a TV series, and he dares to use such a way to shoot him, which naturally caused a sensation in the industry's income.

As soon as his opening and starting methods came out, many people had already predicted it.

It's over, it's another bad movie!

Luo Chen is going to play his own brand, he just played a good hand, now he wants to break this good hand again?

However, for Luo Chen to have such a performance, these peers in the industry can't help but have a gloating view.

Let's see how he plays himself to death this time, this young class master of Luochen TV Station may be a little inflated!

Don't know who you are?

After successive successes, let Luo Chen also have a feeling of blind arrogance?

But this is the feeling of outsiders, and when it comes to their own and my team's shooting, it is not like this at all.

They felt the power of this script and the power of Luo Chen's acting skills.

This is a shot in the arm for their entire crew!

After all, with this powerful director and star, if you want to shoot all this, it can become natural.

Then, in such a shooting process, Gedina was completely guided by Luo Chen.

Until now, she still remembers that at the beginning, she filmed a scene, because she was still immersed in the relationship with Luo Chen, she did not pull out.

Therefore, it is naturally a little difficult to bring in the character who has just clashed with Luo Chen.

However, for Luo Chen, all this is not too difficult a problem.

Because he has a directorial aura, after a series of hints and guidance from him.

Gedina quickly pulled herself out of the original absence and once again showed her professionalism.

In fact, most of Gerdina filmed in the past were idol dramas, and there was no really powerful art that could be obtained.

This is also the existence that she has always been criticized as a traffic flower.

Now there are a variety of these new generation traffic in the entertainment industry, they have their own fame, traffic, but there is no one that really supports some of their famous masterpieces.

This is the legendary virtue unmatched, and it is easy to be countered.

Some of these popularity are all illusory, without works, without a single strength as a support, sooner or later they will be corrupted.

And Gedina has always relied on hype in Yang Mier's company before.

Yang Mier herself knows that there will actually be difficulties under such a performance, and there will be other bad effects.

But they are used to using this method to quickly gain fame traffic.

So in the end, they still continue this habit, and it is already difficult to change it.

At this moment, what Luo Chen has done is to break everyone's stereotypes about them and speak with a work!

Speak with more and more quality works!

However, some people are still willing to use colored glasses and watch their performances with prejudice.

The first episode of "You from the Star" has not yet begun, but when they hear the narration, many people have already said that they want to abandon the show.

Of course, these are all fans passing by, which is equivalent to passers-by fans.

As soon as they heard that this was the beginning of a sci-fi film, they immediately made a conclusion:

"It's over, this time it must be a bad movie, and the domestic TV series even dares to have a sci-fi background, it's just death!"

"That's it! It seems that Luo Chen is swollen, yesterday I watched his romantic house, I still think his acting skills are very natural, this male star is quite attractive.

"It seems that I can only chase their "Full House", this new TV series I will put it first, let others try poison, I really don't have any expectations for domestic science fiction films!"

"Haha, anyway, you love to watch it, I must watch it, the combination of Gedina and Luo Chen is simply king fried, after seeing "Full House", I knew that they were on fire this time, and now there is a new TV series, it's strange not to chase it!"

"Upstairs is a brain-dead fan, just look at people and don't look at things? But it is also understandable that since this is the case, you should try the poison first, and Uncle Ben will not accompany him.

"Some of you haven't even seen it, and you have already made up your mind, it's brainless!" I think Luo Chen's production must be a boutique, and all his previous works as a screenwriter have already seen this problem, so I still believe in his quality control! "

Now there are two opposing remarks on the Internet at once, one thinks that Luo Chen is dead and uses the theme of science fiction films as the background of the TV series, which is absolutely dead.

On the other hand, he believes that Luo Chen has proved everything with his strength, and he has this level and can do all the screenwriting work.

And this time it is still his own writing, directing and acting work, as long as Luo Chen's big trick is used, it is definitely good-looking!

I don't know when, maybe it was only two weeks, Luo Chen has already established such an image for everyone, I have to say that his use and subsequent performances have been recognized by most of the audience.

But this is just the majority, it is basically impossible to make everyone like it, after all, no matter how good it is, there will always be someone to pick bones in the egg, not to mention that there are many people in it.

Is the opponent ready to discredit his trolls?

So now on the Internet, there are already faint people who deliberately do it, provoking everyone's emotions, hoping to bring more trouble to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen originally did not invest much in the promotion of this TV series, because he had great confidence in this work.

He feels that as long as he does all these things well, the following things will naturally fall into place, and he doesn't need to do too much pushing.

And now, everyone has seen some clues, and they feel that Luo Chen is too Buddhist and casual.

However, many people were also affected by something, and after seeing such a beginning, they basically left.

But there are still many people left, after all, at the beginning, everyone has not seen the full picture of this work.

Those who leave naturally have their reasons, but those who stay have a new experience.

Because just after watching the first picture, they exploded!

"Groove! Is this really a TV series? This is simply a sci-fi blockbuster! "

The person who just said that this TV series is a bad drama! Give me out, I'm going to smash his krypton golden dog head! "

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