In fact, Luo Chen has long known that as soon as this background comes out, it will definitely cause many people to be unaccustomed and uncomfortable.

After all, in such an environment, everyone no longer has any sense of trust in domestic sci-fi films.

As long as it is a personal opinion, as long as it is a sci-fi film produced in the context of domestic production, it is a bad film, even if it is stained at all.

Because all this has already been proven many times, there is no need for more facts to list.

So now in the industry, either thinking of making money quickly, using sci-fi films as gimmicks is difficult for some sci-fi fans to see.

Or hang a sheep's head and sell dog meat, the surface is science fiction, in fact, it is not the same thing at all.

Now what Luo Chen is doing is actually through the name of science fiction films.

But just at the beginning, he has already made everyone's eyes shine, because when he first started, there was a narration.

Although it is a black screen, some pictures slowly appear behind it, which makes everyone unexpected.

A very gorgeous spaceship descended on Earth.

At that time, it was still an ancient world, especially the eastern China, which was a feudal dynasty a thousand years ago.

Under such a performance, everyone can naturally see a shooting star-like picture across the long sky.

Cut across the ancient sky!

And that's where the story begins!

That unique girl was escorted here by a large number of guards, thinking of the distant east, she was a princess of the Western Regions who was about to marry into the Eastern Dynasty.

She has no idea about her future, just a tool used by the state to balance external crises.

And this meteor completely changed the fate of this princess of the Western Regions!

And so the story unfolds.

At the same time, this alien protagonist played by Luo Chen also began to live on Earth.

Just came to meet this princess of the Western Regions, and there was a series of intersections.

Just an accident, the princess died in order to save him, an alien who had just arrived on Earth and was still very weak!

But soon aliens adapted to the world, quickly adapted to the language here, and adapted to the changes of these times.

Slowly passed a thousand years, until the modern era, this state of scientific and technological development.

He witnessed the trajectory of the development of civilization on this planet.

At the same time, he also saw a lot of things that he could not have imagined before.

Human life is much shorter than his life, but it also has its own fireworks like wonder!

The male protagonist played by Luo Chen will change his identity every 20 years.

Because as an alien, he adapted from the weak state that had just arrived on Earth that day and reactivated some of his abilities.

He possesses many special abilities that are difficult for humans to understand.

Teleportation, mind shifting, cooldown!

He is simply a superhuman-like existence, and these special abilities also make him feel good in this world.

Having built an invisible business empire, the wealth he has accumulated over such a long period of time has naturally become unimaginable to many people.

At this time, for the TV series filmed by Luo Chen, everyone has slowly seen a character set by Luo Chen.

Professor Du, an alien who has experienced thousands of years, looks handsome, has strong abilities, and is rich and invincible!

Such an existence is simply a template for a super male god, and it is simply the same existence as the lover of all women's dreams!

The key is long-term love.

After so many years of waiting, he still wanted to see that one, the little girl he had seen for the first time, the princess of the Western Regions who had saved him!

And the setting of this drama, people's souls will be reborn, and the rebirth identity of this princess of the Western Regions after a thousand years is about to appear.

Professor Du has a special kind of induction, he can sense it!

At this point in the story, the audience already knows some of Luo Chen's intentions.

Of course, this version is adapted by Luo Chen, which is more suitable for Gerdina to interpret and more suitable for the aesthetics of this time and space East.

So, when it's all laid out and these identities are on display.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a huge sense of shock.

Especially when Luo Chen was regarded as a monster by all people through the contact between aliens and humans.

That kind of sadness and helplessness really made all the audience feel the same way.

In the end, the aliens played by Luo Chen are all professors, and they finally have a friend.

But this friend also slowly changed from a young man to a middle-aged person and then to old age.

Only Professor Du's own face has remained unchanged.

Even in some places, he met people he had gotten along with, and they all felt that he seemed familiar, and in the end, the professors could not recognize each other.

Fortunately, the East is too big, and when they meet again, there are not many opportunities, which hides his identity problem very well.

Especially in ancient times, sometimes once separated, it was forever separated by heaven and man!

This kind of separation, such a parting, he didn't want to experience it again, so he basically cut off the idea of getting along with people and had almost no friends.

By now, the only friend has almost become an old man.

And this friend was called the existence of Acheng by Professor Du, and it was played by actor Chen Baoming.

Chen Baoming first met Luo Chen, although it was because Luo Chen's parents were also his friends.

And recently Luo Chen's hundred family forum, Chen Baoming also went to the scene, plus there is also Bai Ru's relationship, come over to make a few cameo appearances, naturally there is no problem.

It was also a show for the son of an old friend, as a support.

The key is that when Chen Baoming saw this script, he had a shocking feeling.

Although it is an idol drama, the setting and script setting are very interesting, which makes this actor interested all of a sudden.

And it's just a few scenes, and there are not many scenes that appear, so it should be a favor.

Of course, Luo Chen would not treat anyone who helped him badly.

Teacher Chen Baoming will definitely be given a big red envelope later.

After all, with the actor doing such a supporting role, this TV series has immediately been upgraded I don't know how many grades!

Although this TV series has a bit of a sci-fi background, it has tricks and there are not many places where special effects need to be used!

But there was only a little special effect that shocked everyone, and that was the picture at the beginning of the film.

Really made the texture of the whole special effects blockbuster.

Such a picture, in legend, a few seconds of footage, can burn millions or even tens of millions of dollars.

However, Luo Chen only needs to use the popularity value to exchange it for the picture he wants through the special effects editor, which is undoubtedly very cost-effective!

Of course, if the popularity value is used to turn into money, I don't know what kind of algorithm it is, but now Luo Chen's popularity is growing rapidly, and there is not so much calculation.

With the continuous outbreak of three TV series, Luo Chen's popularity has exceeded 50 million, and even soared towards 60 million.

He believes that if this "You from the Star" is fully unfolded, it will soon reach 60 million.

Then he has other tricks to pile up this temperament.

Maybe it doesn't take a month at all to reach the number of an artist's temperament!

This is undoubtedly a huge piece of good news for Luo Chen.

His SSS-level special attribute task can finally be completed, which is not only what he hopes to complete, but also the wish of the young ladies!

And these some people's temperament Luo Chen was not in a hurry to consume, because he felt that there would probably be some new uses later.

Moreover, these skills and attributes in his own body can already cope with the current situation.

So for a while, he didn't rush to use some of these popularity points for the lottery.

At this moment, he still wants to make the TV series "You from the Star" to a perfect point.

After all, after everyone saw the beginning of episode 1, as long as the people who stayed, there was nothing bad to say.

Soon, some news about this TV series has already come from the Internet.

"Oh my God! It's so good-looking, Luo Chen is really good, Luo Chen is really handsome in it, this TV series is super good-looking, even better than a romantic full house! "

Exploded and fried, bombed and fried, the first time I met such a TV series setting, and the country should be the best screenwriter, the best director can do this point, Luo Chen alone undertook it, it's really a bull!"

"That's it, the picture texture of this TV series is really very good, and it is a well-made production at a glance!"

"Ah, it's over, I've been poisoned by Professor Du, just one episode! I can't stand it for one episode! All teach I love you!

"Haha, do you love Luo Chen or

Professor Du" "All love everything, all love to death, I suddenly found that Gedina, who filmed with Luo Chen, was really lucky, she simply saved the women of the entire galaxy, and she can fall in love with Professor Du!"

And soon, Gedina, the woman who saved the entire galaxy, quickly landed on Weibo hot search.

However, the bigger hot search is naturally "You from the Star" and Luo Chen's name and so on!

Everything can only show one problem, Luo Chen's new TV series is popular again, and the fire is out of the circle!

The key is that the industry was not very optimistic about this TV series at the beginning, thinking that Luo Chen dared to use science fiction as a background.

When many people first started, they still made a big fuss on the Internet, saying that Luo Chen was finished this time, but their words did not fall.

The rating for Episode 1 is out.

There was only one episode, and Luo Chen received a rating of 9.5!

The entire entertainment industry, and even the circle of drama critics, was in an uproar!

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