For this performance, Luo Chen is still very satisfied.

After all, this is the first time he has played such a role, and he is a little paralyzed.

However, facial paralysis is only for those who do not have acting skills.

Like another time and space, Luo Chen especially likes an actor who looks more paralyzed: Jean Renault!

The killer he played is not too cold, it is simply a classic in the face paralysis drama.

A killer is inherently more wooden and less able to express himself, because they often have to bury their feelings in the deepest recesses.

But the wooden face paralyzed man that Renault interpreted, sometimes just a micro-expression can convey a lot of information.

The eyes and skin are all play!

This is what a good actor should have!

And Professor Du, who Luo Chen deduced this time, obviously also has such a very unique temperament.

The faint vicissitudes, the heaviness of history, and the depth and melancholy in the eyes.

Melancholy comes from his clear view of the nature of the world, and thus his downplay of many things....

After looking down, there is a new perception, which naturally forms a faint vicissitudes.

It looks a bit round, but it's actually a complete loop.

Luo Chen saw this feeling to interpret.

The actor who taught the other time and space interpretation is from another country.

That starring actor is mainly popular, and on the other hand, his appearance is also more pleasing.

Such a character also made him popular all of a sudden.

But the most important point is that he does not interpret the heaviness in that kind of character.

I didn't even see that it was a man who had experienced things for hundreds of years.

And Luo Chen's role this time is more profound, a man who has experienced a thousand years, how can it be so level.

So when Luo Chen's interpretation of this character came out.

The aura on the body and the temperament of the characters suddenly showed a very different taste.

And in this regard, as long as it is a knowledgeable person, there will be a very clear judgment.

Film critics in the industry, naturally, at this time, slowly entered the ranks of watching this TV series because of the sound outside.

After all, they eat by reviews.

And this time Luo Chen did not, hired any film critic to know him or do some good maintenance, but there are several film reviews in the industry as a whole.

I can't help but give a very high evaluation.

These film critics have relatively good professional ethics.

Brother Shui, a senior film critic of Oriental Film Weekly, commented:

"For Luo Chen's performance this time, I can only say that it is really very praised! The main thing is the eyes, the most important soul and acting skills of an actor, the eyes are very important!

"And in this character, we see the vicissitudes of history!" And his indifference to things, and the melancholy of his inability to return to heaven.

"At the beginning of the story, he already showed the thickness of this character, and he used to have a sense of compassion and some willingness to help others."

"But he found that with his help, sometimes things and people will go to a new alley, or even worse than the original!"

"So he became indifferent, became no longer acting for other people's affairs, and did not regret other people's disasters."

"Humanity also seems to have become an unworthy group in his eyes."

"But there are also some people he has been paying attention to, the surface indifference, it is difficult to hide his enthusiasm, although he belongs to different ethnic groups, but he has a human heart!"

"In fact, in a sense, this TV series has risen to a higher dimension, and compared with ordinary TV series, it has more deep meaning."

"I've only watched one episode now, but I'm already looking forward to the follow-up, Luo Chen is really a good screenwriter, but also a good director and actor."

"This role is actually not easy to perform, after all, on more levels, most of the time he only has one expression! But sometimes, it only takes him to change his expression, and we can fully feel the explosion of that emotion.

"At this time, I can only say that Luo Chen's acting skills are really powerful!" Among the younger generation, he is definitely the best! And

like this, long-form comments, one after another, appear in the comment section below "You from the Star".

And this time, there was a terrifying high score of 9.5 at the beginning, which was the highest opening score record of all mainland TV dramas!

The most terrible thing is that Luo Chen's TV series is a weekly drama.

At this moment, in addition to the most professional film reviews, that is a large group of fans and fans, the audience's urging!

"Oh my God! Kill people! Episode 2 was updated a week later, and although an episode of a TV series is more than an hour long, it is indeed enjoyable to watch, but it is really anxious to wait a week to watch Episode 2.

"We are all looking forward to it now, his encounter with Gedina, this character encounter, should be the CP encounter I am most looking forward to."

"The end of the film used the most bloody, and the chance encounter missed the terrier, but after watching it, we didn't feel any discomfort, but looked forward to their meeting even more!"

"Now I can already feel the charm of this TV series, Luo Chen is too bullish, I am willing to call him the first person in the oriental screenwriter!"

"In the future, as long as it is Luo Chen's TV series, I will definitely chase it, not chase it is a puppy!"

Some of these comments quickly spread in Luo Chen's comment area.

In fact, what was more excited than them were the few young ladies around Luo Chen.

Because they have not seen the finished film, when Luo Chen filmed this TV series, time was still relatively urgent, so when making the film, everyone needed to make some new adjustments.

And he didn't expect that Luo Chen didn't let some other teams take over, and after the video material was taken, after a series of his own editing, it turned into such a gorgeous transformation.

It became such an amazing piece!

Even Gedina was a little surprised when she saw the end: "Is the girl acting in my heaven me?" I feel that this should be the best I have ever acted in all my TV series!

Bai Ru smiled next to him and said: "Maybe you feel something in your heart, better brought into the TV series, you also like the feeling of acting with Luo Chen, I really envy you, Xiao Di!" We don't have a chance to play a couple scene with Luo Chen.

Luo Chen immediately answered, "Hehe, don't be envious, Sister Bai, we were originally a couple." And if you want to make movies and TV series, just find me, I can make you the most gorgeous beauty star in no time! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, the young ladies next to them couldn't help but light up their eyes.

Luo Chen has already said before that he will make all of them popular in the future, not only Gedina!

And now Luo Chen is actually in action, Tong Yaya has been greatly improved through my performance as a singer.

Now she is already very popular, although it is only the first issue, but because she won the championship with Luo Chen, she is naturally liked by everyone.

And at this moment, Luo Chen has become popular in another field in another way!

In this way, his popularity among me as a singer will only increase in the future, and he will quickly reach a position that is unimaginable to others.

And after such a performance, everyone has faintly felt that Luo Chen is likely to become the king of singers in the filming process of the first I am a singer!

After all, the self-creation ability and singing skills that Luo Chen showed before are all first-class!

And Luo Chen still has a very large number of new songs in his hands, so he is not a singer, who is still a singer?

But now Luo Chen has a new plan, the title of Song King, he does not plan to fight, because he has another way to get rewards.

However, he must fight for the king of TV series and the king of variety shows, because after having such a name, his TV series will be chased by countless people as soon as they come out.

And now "You from the Star" has only played the first episode, and it has already raised a wave of teaching fever throughout the Eastern land!

Everyone has begun to like this super, awesome alien hero!

Even the plot behind is already being discussed.

And in such an atmosphere, Luo Chen's TV series is not only popular in the eastern land, but also began to rise strongly in another country!


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the fourth more send, add more chapters, good evening, readers. One more chapter follows. And special thanks to the readers: the user 99940617 the reminder gift! Thank you so much!!

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