Now Luochen TV Station has entered a very unique stage of development.

Because without the mountain-like coercion above, they can relax their minds, reduce their weight, and go straight forward!

With such a good environmental condition, everyone's mood can't help but be more cheerful.

The efficiency of everyone's work has also improved a lot, and in this environment, they naturally want the TV station to prosper.

After all, now in fact, Luochen TV has come to a very good position.

Before Luochen TV Station was really unknown in the overall TV environment, they used to be brilliant, but now they have declined.

It is completely out of reach of the battle for those local TV stations.

But now it's only been two weeks, and they've become the first tier again, after all, winning ratings championships one after another, which is a shame for their entire TV station.

Once they were also so arrogant and domineering, once they were also so powerful, they could get everyone's attention, and every show could set off a boom in the entire entertainment industry.

And now after experiencing endless troughs, Luo Chen has pulled them to a divine altar again!

In this way, these staff members of the entire TV station have a new mental outlook, and they all begin to have their own pride!

We are also people from top TV stations, and we have a lot of face when we say it!

As the saying goes, a soldier will bear a nest.

And the troops led by a tiger naturally have a murderous aura!

Luo Chen is the existence of the king of a hundred beasts, leading the entire TV station to run forward quickly.

In the beginning, these employees were still a little lazy.

After all, he was used to leisure before, but under Luo Chen's vigorous rectification, everything began to change drastically.

People's ability to adapt is very strong, especially those who still have expectations in their hearts, desires in their hearts, and people who want to go further and go to a higher level, they will be more full of motivation to move forward.

And Luo Chen gave them this channel and opportunity to rise, and everyone quickly entered a new state like chicken blood.

And Luo Chen TV Station finally saved, for Luo Chen's small family, it is undoubtedly to lift a mountain that weighs on them, and they can finally plug in their flying wings and quickly continue to move forward.

The group of young ladies around Luo Chen were very happy, and they even went on a very special celebration because of this, and they were even ready to celebrate their achievements.

Of course, Luo Chen is still very busy now, after all, two TV series are filming a TV series at the same time, although it is not him to direct, but he still has to occasionally make some quality monitoring.

In fact, after Zheng Longfei took over the TV series of Love Apartment, he inherited Luo Chen's will very well and made this soap opera and love comedy sound.

After a week of broadcasting, as long as it is their time period, they will directly win the ratings championship.

Other TV stations were directly beaten out of temper, because they all felt that the creation of this TV series was relatively easy at the beginning.

But it is still difficult to maintain this relaxed, joyful and cheerful atmosphere all the time.

They felt that no screenwriter could build this TV series with so many dense memes.

After all, domestic screenwriters are like that, and many of the jobs and things they accept are constrained by various frameworks.

But Luo Chen as a screenwriter does not have this aspect of constraints, he also has this courage, also has this ability, and has more resources to make his TV series exciting!

The support of Bai Ru and Jiang Yingxue made Luo Chen feel like a fish in water in this regard, like a tiger with wings, without any obstruction at all.

And only he, the TV station, can complete this kind of quick trial while filming, because there is a schedule for all the work in ordinary times.

However, Luo Chen was opened to a green channel-like existence, quickly opened his own Ren Du two veins, and increased the production speed of the entire TV station.

And such a treatment can only be possessed by Luo Chen, who makes him now in the limelight, and the audience has also become very interested in his works.

On the other hand, the weekly drama: You from the stars have also had a very different impact, not only on the eastern land, but also on the island countries are becoming more and more popular.

As long as he broadcasts, even if it is a time slot for replay, it can be boosted by a very enthusiastic rating.

Under such a performance, the TV stations of the island countries naturally thought about how to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Luo Chen.

Because they have already seen that Luo Chen is now in a period of very strong creative desire.

Under normal circumstances, a writer and a screenwriter, the works produced in such things are very high-quality.

Sometimes a good creator is piled up in such a time period, and his life's talent has burst out, and if he misses this village, there will be no store.

Therefore, they all very much hope that they can grab the broadcast rights of this TV series in the first time.

What surprised everyone was that in addition to the island country, the Goryeo country on the other side also had a new idea, hoping to cooperate with Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's TV series really caught fire this time above the international and quickly produced a very good chemical effect.

This is really envious of other local TV stations and various TV producers.

After all, they can only have a certain influence in their own country, but when it comes to international influence, they are still far behind.

And now Luo Chen has opened up this kind of international market with his best quality works, and after that, he and the subsequent cooperation can come in one after another.

This is undoubtedly a huge good news for him, because there is no way to open the situation in the domestic market of technology, and this unique progress can be completed through the international market.

Luo Chen is naturally popular, anyway, as long as the money is enough, his copyright can make a good sale, which is undoubtedly a very good source of funds for him.

And with the sale of these copyrights, Luo Chen has harvested almost 200 million funds, and now his funding level has reached the level of 800 million yuan!

In this way, it will be easier for him to make some big productions in the future.

In fact, the most excited at this time is not Luo Chen but Chen Feng, because I am a singer has been made into a first-line variety show in China by him, and has won the ratings championship.

According to Luo Chen's promise, as long as this momentum continues until the filming of this episode is completed, then he can obtain the right to shoot Luo Chen's martial arts film.

At that time, he can really try to be a film director, which is the opportunity that Chen Feng has always dreamed of!

He once begged countless people for investment to let him shoot, but his script was not recognized, and no one wanted to trust such a new film director.

But Luo Chen was willing to believe him and gave him the best script, which undoubtedly rekindled his dream of being a film director!

In Chen Feng's opinion, this is his only chance, if he misses it, he may not have such an opportunity to regain his dream in his life, because his family does not support him to do this at all.

And others estimate that their family's factors will not give him the strongest support, only Luo Chen is fearless as such a bigwig-level figure, let alone put the Chen family in his eyes, he can play as much as he wants.

So with Luo Chen's support, Chen Feng naturally had a maximum hope to achieve everything for himself.

Moreover, he also used his own efforts to complete the task given to him by Luo Chen, but there was a meaning of dying for a confidant.

Indeed, Luo Chen had the grace of promoting him and knowing him, and this kind of kindness he was willing to repay all his life.

So now he has to make me a singer more perfect.

And in fact, after filming this variety show, Chen Feng also had feelings for this idea, especially Luo Chen's performance made him feel unparalleled surprise!

Now he is very much looking forward to what kind of performance Luo Chen's second round of public performance will have.

But at this time, another singer with a lower ranking turned to Luo Chen.

Because before, he was ranked lower than several singers, so in comparison, the next competition he was very dangerous.


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This chapter is a plus chapter, the fourth chapter, good evening readers great. By the way, ask for a wave of five-star reviews and book reviews, book reviews in the book review area ha! Love you guys! There will be a chapter update in a moment. Wait for the meeting.

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