Today, Luo Chen's office is a bit lively.

Mainly because he has focused on filming TV series in recent times, and rarely returns to the office.

I finally caught up with the schedule and filmed "Full House" and "You from the Star" in the next two weeks.

And the romantic full house under his promotion, but also basically half of the filming progress, Luo Chen's speed of filming TV series was really shocked by a group of members of the shooting team.

The main thing is that it is fast, good and wonderful, and he naturally knows how to capture that kind of shot of the TV series.

And through his directorial aura and the tacit cooperation with Gedina together, the roles of the two sides can be reversed.

And the plot or something, he has always known it.

He knows very well what kind of arrangement and interpretation can be used to achieve the effect he wants.

Most importantly, after the growth mission gift package is obtained, the super brain aura in it, as well as his microcellular super brain, the chemical effect produced by it also acts on his performance.

There is also this unique effect of the protagonist's halo, which also gives him a new idea.

When he is performing, he can connect to these monitors through his superbrain and quickly see a picture of his live performance.

One of the biggest difficulties in writing, directing and acting is that as a director, there is no way to capture what the moment of your performance is like.

Therefore, the latter interpretation can only be through feeling, and then looking at the playback in the lens, and then getting a new change to judge whether different adjustments need to be made.

And some talented actors are reluctant to watch the camera playback.

I feel that this moment of his interpretation is the best, and once he goes to watch the camera playback, he is easy to fall into a trajectory and cycle of performance.

You may think that the last interpretation was quite good, and you must also act according to the previous interpretation.

So each actor has a different influence, and their judgment of their acting skills is also different.

And Luo Chen naturally has his own very unique set of guidelines for this aspect, because he is different from everyone.

At this moment, he can promote his plot through cooperation and understanding in all aspects, and he can also integrate his performance into any link.

This is simply incredible for others.

And the people in the crew are undoubtedly the ones who can best reflect this, especially when he shows these roles, which really amazes everyone.

As his rival actor, Gedina is often amazed by his performance, and can be driven into the role by Luo Chen.

She sometimes has a dreamlike feeling, she takes on the role of Qian Songyi to love Professor Du, and then she will have the illusion that he loves Professor Du or Luo Chen?

Later, he found that whether it was Professor Du or Luo Chen, it was a characteristic of Luo Chen itself, and Professor Du seemed to be a character tailored for Luo Chen.

It's just that some of the characteristics in Luo Chen itself are infinitely amplified, such a performance, and after understanding, Gedina is relieved of a dreamlike feeling produced by playing against Luo Chen, anyway, love is the same person, is there any difference?

Moreover, such a interpretation makes her seem to have come to a new link of falling in love again, and the process is so wonderful.

Of the 4 sisters, only she can have such a chance to enjoy such a process with Luo Chen.

After all, when they fall in love, it is a very strong competition, and several young ladies and sisters are trying to make all kinds of tricks in order to gain Luo Chen's attention and recognition.

Of course, now they have all successfully stayed by Luo Chen's side and are in charge of Luo Chen's different careers.

But no matter what, the deepest cooperation in the film and television industry now is Gedina.

She enjoyed the process of falling in love with Falling Dust in the TV series very much.

No matter what role they play, they are both lovers and will eventually get married and become husband and wife.

In reality, they are the strongest couples, no matter how they act and experience, this is a good memory!

And keeping the image allows them to reminisce about such a process.

The three young ladies are extremely envious of the treatment that Gedina has, because they also want to have such a vigorous love with Luo Chen.

Although they are also vigorous now, they have always wanted to stay by Luo Chen's side at all costs.

But in the TV series, Luo Chen designed a variety of the most romantic bridges.

Like "Full House", although there are usually some quarrels, but after all kinds of quarrels and disputes, as well as chance encounters and misunderstandings, their feelings continue to heat up, and this process is also very interesting!

So in such an environment, a group of young ladies couldn't help but say their demands.

They also want to have such an interpretation process, can they also act in TV series with Luo Chen in the future?

The answer is definitely yes!

And after having such an answer, the young ladies still relaxed their mood, not so urgent, but full of expectations.

Of course, there is such a request, not only these goddesses around Luo Chen, but also talents from all aspects of the company!

They have already discovered that Luo Chen is a treasure male god, as long as they are excavated from him, they can get many unexpected surprises.

Especially Bai Ru, this entertainment company under it is about to become Luo Chen's entertainment company.

Now there are some new TV series about to be launched one after another, and as soon as Bai Ru said that Luo Chen's TV series was ready to recruit people, countless people immediately wanted to come over and compete for roles.

After all, everyone can now see that Luo Chen's works will definitely be popular.

Didn't you take a look at the newcomers in the love apartment? Those were all newcomers selected by Bai Ru who had no name and no foundation.

And now, with the broadcast of TV series for a few days, they have become the most popular new generation of actors among young people!

Such a performance is enough to say it all, and Luo Chen himself is even more so!

He didn't have much fame in the entertainment industry, and he had never acted in any TV series or any work.

But as soon as his work came out, it quickly pushed him up, and now the position of the national male god is really hotter than Gedina!

Of course, they are now, this magical screen CP, quickly conquered everyone, and is known as the most popular screen CP.

Seeing that Luo Chen and Gedina were originally a couple, so there were many times when they were interpreted, and the process was natural and the true feelings were revealed.

There are three things in this world that cannot be hidden, poverty, stupidity and love.

And Gedina, the deep admiration for Luo Chen revealed in her eyes, which made all fans see it, which was called an excitement.

It seems that their goddess has also found her true destiny!

And some of the interactions between Luo Chen and Gedina before, as well as some of the influences of a few girls around him, were slowly excavated by people with hearts.

Of course, that's all slowly being discovered later.

And now Luo Chen is facing a large group of people, from his own TV station, as well as the attention of a group of old friends in Bairu Company.

They either want to get the role of Luo Chen's new TV series now, or they want to come over and ask Luo Chen to get the script.

Now Bai Ru and Luo Chen are basically indistinguishable from you and me, so the entertainment company has long had such a judgment, and Luo Chen is not so angry.

Just like now, the people in all aspects of the office that appear today are really a little big-headed.

I was a veteran of the singer's last few songs, and I asked him for a song.

The actor Chen Baoming asked him for a script, and the singer Guo Youhua, who is also a superstar of film and television songs, also wanted to ask him what cooperation he had.

Bai Ru at this time, is also a helpless stall hand, these big coffees know how powerful Luo Chen is, and they all come to the door to block him!

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