"Okay, you kid is really righteous enough! It turns out that I have been waiting for me here for a long time, this is a script that has been prepared for a long time?

After Chen Baoming read the script a few times, he immediately felt that today's trip was really in vain.

After all, this script is really exciting, and the time span is very large, and it shows a kind of values with three views and awe-inspiring.

The drama conflict is also very strong, although I only watched the first few plays, but Chen Baoming has clearly concluded that this TV series can definitely catch fire when filmed!

There are some scripts, he really looks at it and knows that it is a good show!

"Teacher Chen, Uncle Chen, before you trusted me unconditionally and supported me, I have always been grateful, what is a good script? Whenever you need it and when you want a script, I can give it to you.

When Luo Chen said this, it was not a joke, after all, Chen Baoming had already helped him when he was a hundred family forum before, and he came to the venue many times.

Mainly because Chen Baoming felt that Luo Chen spoke really well.

At that time, it was just when he was preparing to shoot another drama, and naturally he wanted to come over to see what the descendants of his old friends really had.

When I saw the results, it was really gratifying.

And now Luo Chen has single-handedly built Luoshen TV into an existence that everyone is looking at, which naturally makes Chen Baoming feel very happy.

After all, he also regarded Luo Chen as his son and nephew.

Seeing Luo Chen so capable, he couldn't help but secretly be happy in his heart, and he also sighed.

Compared with Luo Chen, his own son is really far from it!

He himself is indeed quite good in this industry, and at this moment, he is already considered the existence of the industry leader.

But Chen Baoming's son is not high or low.

In fact, Chen Baoming himself was also very emotional about this matter, he didn't want his son to mess around in the entertainment industry, because he saw all kinds of things in this circle.

He didn't want his son to go through it again, and as a result, although Chen Baoguo's son was sent abroad to study other majors, he thought he could have a good future in other industries.

As a result, the son still likes acting in the end, maybe he, the actor father, really has a very strong interest in acting, and there is nothing wrong with the son inheriting his father's business.

At this time, my son is entering the entertainment industry, and he is already a little older.

This naturally made Chen Baoming feel a little guilty, feeling that he was blocking his child's way.

At this moment, suddenly seeing Luo Chen's strong rise, and it was still his own ability, most of them were some feats he had accomplished, Chen Baoming couldn't help but sigh in his heart, giving birth to a son should be like Luo Chen!

But with this sigh, it is useless, he can ask Luo Chen for the script, but it is not good to be shy with an old face, let Luo Chen give his son the role.

He Chen Baoming still wanted this face.

Others, he can directly say if he can let him bring his son to act together.

Just like this old mansion door now, he feels that there are some roles in it that can be played by his son.

The opportunity is given to the son, as for whether it can be fired, it is another matter.

And at this time, Luo Chen suddenly had a new idea.

The romantic house is continuing to be filmed, and in the follow-up plot, there will be a supporting role of male No. 2, and the scene of male No. 2 has not yet been filmed.

Chen Baoming's promotion and kindness to him, in fact, he has always known.

In addition to this period of time, Chen Baoming personally supported his career, in fact, during the years of his silence, Chen Baoming has been looking for him.

It's just that later I heard that he married Yang Mier, and I was in Yang Mier's house, so naturally I didn't bother anymore.

However, from time to time, he will contact Luo Chen privately and come over to care about it to see if he needs any help.

Later, Yang Mier made rapid progress in her film and television career, and there was also the factor that Chen Baoming secretly helped behind.

is to hope that Luo Chen and Yang Mier can live with Hemeimei.

It's just that Yang Mier didn't know that she had improved so quickly, and there were masters secretly helping behind her.

But these things are actually known to Luo Chen, although in the end he divorced Yang Mier, but Chen Baoming's kindness he has always remembered.

At this time, there is a character in his TV series, which is likely to be able to bring fire to others, and he naturally thought of whether he could bring Chen Baoming's son, the old brother Chen, over:

"Uncle Chen, what has my brother been busy with recently?" Are there any TV series that look for him again to film?

Chen Baoming waved his hand helplessly and said, "Hey, don't mention him, he's not comparable to you." Whether it is acting skills or doing things later, it is far from you.

I have an old face, I can usually take him into the group, I am really afraid of when, if I am not there, he will not be able to walk smoothly.

"Haha, I said Uncle Chen, how old my brother is, let him fly by himself, it's not a matter if you always take care of it like this."

Otherwise, Brother Chen, I think this acting skill is actually quite good, and the appearance conditions are also very good, or let him try it in my crew.

I still have several TV series to shoot, and there are more movies to come! If I can, I hope he can help, so that I don't have to go to other people and find outsiders to act in these scenes. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Chen Baoming's eyes couldn't help but light up, he was embarrassed to take the initiative to mention this matter to Luo Chen.

But if Luo Chen mentioned it himself, he was willing to take it.

After all, what is Luo Chen's identity now? Luo Chen is now popular, and has such powerful resources.

He can now see that Luo Chen is a treasure young man, and no one in the younger generation can stand out.

Don't say anything else, even if he lets his son always be a supporting role in Luo Chen, if he shows his face more, he can slowly turn red later.

So that his son can slowly accumulate popularity, accumulate experience, and accumulate contacts, which cannot be bought with money.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Chen Baoming originally wanted to agree directly, but after thinking about it, it was still a little inappropriate, what his son was like, he knew very well.

Although his son is also very attentive and attentive in acting, his appearance conditions are not as good as his father.

It's not particularly ugly, but it's not particularly handsome, in this entertainment industry, it's a relatively ordinary member, and it's really not easy to get some opportunities to get ahead.

Seeing that Chen Baoming did not directly agree, Luo Chen said with a smile: "Uncle, I know what you are worried about, aren't you afraid that the old brother will embarrass you and can't play my play."

In fact, the most dramas I have acted in are idol dramas, you also know idol dramas, the requirements for acting skills and all aspects, are not so strict, that is, the appearance conditions need to be improved a little.

My brother's conditions are actually quite good, although not particularly handsome, but very attractive.

I think there are some characters that may not have unleashed some of his inner potential, and I still have a bit of a level in this regard.

If uncle you are willing to believe me, I can give him some opportunities, I think it is better than letting you always carry him, always being told that he is the second generation of stars, but he can't get out, right? Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Chen Baoming immediately felt a little emotional, lowered his head and thought about it, feeling that he still couldn't block his son's chance, and finally he said gratefully:

"Okay, Lao Luo really gave birth to a good son!" If he can see how good you are now, he must be very happy!

You really gave face to the old Luo family, I know that you are giving face to your uncle, uncle accepts your love, thank you! Thank you so much! "

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