In fact, Chen Baoming's affairs about his son have been very attentive over the years.

It may be because he delayed his son's youth before, did not let him enter the entertainment industry earlier, and now he is old, so he has such a little reputation.

Therefore, Chen Baoming did not hesitate to use various relationships to give his son resources and intimate support.

But the more Chen Baoming did this, the more it would put a huge pressure on this second-generation son.

Because it is basically all played by Chen Baoming, he took his son to play the father-son party together.

But acting with Chen Baoming, smooth is smooth, it is easy to take the play, and in the end, it shows a state, that is, Chen Baoming's brilliance is too strong.

Completely covered up his son's light, especially in the same play, everyone put all their eyes on Chen Baoming, after all, he is a movie king and has his own light.

Even if he wants to take care of his son and wants to give him more scenes, he is embarrassed, it is too obvious and powerful.

In fact, bringing your son into the group is already easy to be criticized.

But as a father, it is natural for him to do his best to give his children a good future.

There is nothing wrong with such a thing, and others can't say anything, but Chen Baoming also has professional ethics, he can bring his son into the group together, but he must be treated the same as other actors.

In this way, although others also treat his son a little differently, they will also take care of it.

But various factors naturally brought a lot of different influences to his son.

So that his son has no chance to really develop himself, he has been shrouded in the aura of his actor father, and he can't raise his head.

And now Luo Chen is willing to give this series of opportunities to let his son come over, act here, and get rid of the light of his father as a movie king.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity, but also a great love.

After all, Luo Chen gave such a good script at this time, and it was also a great favor for Chen Baoming.

You must know that Luo Chen's current script has been targeted by countless film and television bigwigs, not to mention the two novels that have not yet been adapted.

is that Luo Chen has now written some scripts casually, and there are people vying for them, after all, Luo Chen's three TV series have been released.

Three films won the ratings championship at the same time, and everyone can see how powerful Luo Chen's script is.

Such a script is naturally extremely sought-after, and the most lacking thing in this entertainment industry is a good story and a good script!

And at this time, Luo Chen didn't say a word or mention the conditions, didn't have any price position, and directly gave Chen Baoming a script, which undoubtedly really returned some of his previous love.

And now there is such a cooperation, let Chen Baoming's son enter Luo Chen's TV station and crew to perform a performance.

Such a situation can only say that Luo Chen is really a person with great affection, and the people who have helped him, he has retributed!

It's not about the Virgin, it's not about some other thing, it's just about his principles as a man.

When he was in difficulty, Chen Baoming had always given a helping hand, and now Chen Baoming encountered difficulties, and it was difficult for others to help, then he naturally had to stand up!

He could see that this old uncle was not easy, on the one hand, he wanted to go further in his career; On the other hand, I also want to bring my son to a good development prospect.

These two aspects are actually a bit conflicting, and it is not easy to balance.

Under such a performance, Luo Chen was naturally willing to help.

And when Chen Baoming walked out of this office, his perception of Luo Chen naturally rose countless notches.

Now he finally knows what others mean when they say that giving birth to a child is like Luo Chen.

Truly! This young man is amazing! Whether it is doing things as a person or doing things, it has its own temperament and style, and it is possible for people to cooperate with him sincerely.

There are not many such young people in the entertainment industry, now they are all interests first, and who will do it if it is not good for themselves?

But Luo Chen is still different, he has always taken good care of his own people, and he is extremely humane.

At this time, Chen Baoming couldn't help but make a call.

This time at the gate of the mansion, he is not ready to bring his son into the group again, let his son go and practice with Luo Chen.

Although Luo Chen will still call Chen Baoming's son a brother from the age, but in terms of handling things and his status in the entertainment industry, as well as some subsequent developments, Luo Chen is the real big brother!

So now, letting your son go and mess with Luo Chen for a few years may be better than anything.

He made a phone call and conveyed this incident to his son.

I thought of my son, who is usually a little arrogant, maybe he will be a little resistant.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he heard that he was cooperating with Luo Chen, his son was immediately excited: "Dad, is what you said true?" Can I work with Luo Chen? Oh my God, this is a great opportunity!

"Dad, did you fight with me?" Thank you so much, I thank you all my life. This

reaction of his son was really unexpected by Chen Baoming, after all, his son's eyes were high and low before, and he had experienced a lot of things.

At the beginning, this kid still felt that he was the son of the actor, and he was very arrogant in the crew, but he was soon taught a lesson by Chen Baoming.

With several years of experience, my son has also become calmer and more mature.

But on some developments behind the acting theory, he can see that his son is, completely inferior to the current Luo Chen.

But I'm afraid, I'm more jealous than others, and I'm a little arrogant and look down on others.

Fortunately, none of these things seemed to have happened, Chen Baoming breathed a sigh of relief, and said seductively:

"It's good that you know, dad, this time it's really a shy old face, go and give you the opportunity to fight, you must not embarrass your father."

"This is a rare opportunity, Luo Chen has several plays next, all of which have important scenes that allow you to perform, it should be like two men and three men, their own scenes are not as many as others, don't mind, just act well!"

Chen Yue swore and said: "Dad, I know, after following you for so long, I have long known the survival rules of the crew.

I will definitely seize the opportunity this time! How many people want to enter Luo Chen's play now, how many people squeeze their heads, they all want to fight for a role in it, even if they show their faces, they are likely to be popular.

I didn't look at the group of newcomers, that is, Luo Chen came out of a whole crew at random, and he brought them on fire, Luo Chen's screenwriting ability is too powerful.

If I can act in a few Luo Chen's TV series next, I can also gain a foothold in this entertainment industry, and I won't have to look at other people's eyes in the future, saying that I can only mix and eat after you. Chen

Baoming's son, Chen Yue, was also very excited and happy at this time.

To be honest, as a young man, he is also always paying attention to the new dynamics in the entertainment industry, which crew is popular, which crew has made a drama that the audience likes, he will go to see and study.

Because he wants to keep up with the trend and pace of the times, the actor daddy is indeed powerful, but his acting skills have the imprint of the times, which is not something that ordinary people can control.

He feels that he is still taking one step at a time to interpret some of the roles he can play now.

At the same time, if some special, young character finds him, he is naturally willing to try.

But I didn't expect that this time came to be such a great opportunity.

Luo Chen's TV series, Luo Chen's role, that is now a hard-to-find existence in the entertainment industry.

After all, Luo Chen is really hot now!


The author has something to say:

Hello everyone, I am the author Dynasty Wu Jindao. I wish all readers a happy National Day. During the National Day, try to add more to make everyone happy to watch. Special thanks to readers greatly: users 41953302 the inspiration capsule reward. Thank you to the reader greatly: the user 13278081 for the invitation to climb. There are also mooncakes and likes from the spirit guys

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