The filming of "Full House" is still going on, and soon it has advanced to the plot of the later part.

The previous series of shooting has used a lot of Luo Chen's time and resources.

As for this male No. 2 who has not appeared for a long time, naturally because he does not need his role for the time being, Luo Chen is thinking, who will play this role?

After all, only those who can trust him can get his support.

And at this time, Chen Baoming's appearance naturally gave him a new sign, Chen Baoming's son Chen Yue, in fact, his acting skills are quite good.

After all, there can be a national actor at the level of an actor, constantly giving him guidance, even if he is not from a science class, he must have acting skills.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for his name as a movie star.

And at this time, Chen Yue was also full of apprehension, although he played quite well with Luo Chen when he was a child, but after all, he hadn't seen him for many years.

Over the years, he has also followed Chen Baoming and has been running outside. Polishing your acting skills in different crews is naturally effective.

However, the connection with Luo Chen was much less.

Chen Yue did not expect that many years later, his little brother had come to such a dazzling position now.

And he is still in the position of a marginal person, not up or down.

It's a little embarrassing to think about.

But the entertainment industry is like this, although sometimes it is about seniority, but that is also for famous people.

A little transparency has no generation.

Chen Yue has also been in the circle for so long, and naturally knows this very well.

Therefore, what Luo Chen has become now, he himself does not know.

In the impression, he is a very mature and calm child, who has been very assertive since he was a child.

Of course, he didn't know that Luo Chen had already been reborn once in this time and space, and his soul had long been changed.

But all this is not important, and now Luo Chen's achievements have also made Chen Yue look up a little.

I have to say that all that Luo Chen did was indeed very amazing to Chen Yue.

He never thought that that little fart back then had grown to this extent now.

So today he came to Luo Chen's office, and the scene he saw was also very shocking.

Because the people in and out are famous figures in the circle, there are singers and acting stars, so Luo Chen will not have time to receive him for a while.

When Luo Chen was finished, Bai Ru came out of his office, and Chen Yue couldn't help but feel amazed when he saw Bai Ru.

However, he knows the proportions, just an appreciative mentality, and has no other ideas.

Moreover, he also knew that this kind of imperial capital princess was not something he could think of, and it was not a woman at his level.

Bai Ru was also very polite: "Brother Chen, right? Sorry, this time is really too busy, Luo Chen is temporarily busy now, you can go to see him.

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, I'm really sorry.

Chen Yue said politely: "No, no, it's not long, it's just that I came early?" I went in to see Luo Chen, thank you, brother and sister.

Bai Ru was very generous: "It's okay, it's okay, I hope you have a good cooperation with my family Luo Chen, the protégé of the actor's family is still very powerful." "。

Bai Ru is very good at dealing with people, and she can also see that Chen Yue is a little uncomfortable, after all, he is not particularly familiar with her.

At this time, it is better to let Chen Yue deal with Luo Chen.

And what else did Bai Ru say, Luo Chen himself personally came out and took Chen Yue over:

"Brother Chen, you are here!" I'm very sorry, I was too busy just now, and it was not good to make people wait too long. So your side snubbed off a bit, anyway, it doesn't matter if it's your own brother, right?

"Sister Bai, you go and get busy first, I'll entertain you here." Luo Chen turned his head to Bai Ru and said, Bai Ru smiled, explained two words, and went to busy his own affairs.

Now her entertainment company also has Roselle TV, she is also taking care of it, and she can be regarded as helping Luo Chen take care of it.

Luo Chen turned to Chen Yue and said, "Come, brother, come in and sit." Qing'er, make us two cups of coffee, Brother Chen likes lattes.

"Ha, it's rare that you remember my taste?" Chen Yue immediately had a feeling that his old brothers had met.

At the beginning, he was still afraid, because Luo Chen and he had not seen each other for a while, and there would be some life.

Unexpectedly, in just two sentences, the two became acquainted, and there was no sense of rustiness at all.

Luo Chen wouldn't even say that he hadn't seen that kind for many years, because he was radiant, and Chen Yue was still on the edge of the dust and looked down on the other party.

On the contrary, it is like two very close friends, and it is natural to have a joy when old friends get together.

The two of them couldn't help but laugh when they talked about some interesting things when they were children.

Luo Chen: "Brother Chen, this time I want you to help, there is a role here that I think is very suitable for you, this is not what Uncle Chen asked me, but I think you are really suitable!"

I have seen your plays before, in fact, your acting skills are already very good, but there is a lack of a director who can bring your advantages to the extreme.

I think that you should shine with me and become better!

Chen Yue smiled bitterly and said, "You can really lift me." I know what I do.

Brother, I thank you, I know that you are also taking care of my father's face, but also taking care of my brother's face. There is nothing to say, you brother, I have recognized it all my life!

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Look at what you said, we are all old brothers, is it interesting to say this?" Come, your latte has arrived. At

this time, Su Qing'er knocked on the door and picked up their coffee.

In fact, at a very young age, Chen Yue began to show her passion for theater creation.

Even, when he was just in middle school, he began to write his own scripts, and it was common to stay up late to write scripts, and he liked to drink coffee to refresh himself.

It's just that at that time, Chen Baoming disciplined him extremely harshly, and did not want him to enter the entertainment industry, so he strongly opposed it.

In the end, this old brother also had no choice, succumbed to the majesty of the actor's father, and really went abroad to study for a degree in business administration.

It was only while studying abroad that he once again aroused some interest in theater.

Moreover, the emperor of Tiangao was far away, and naturally went to participate in some performances with local foreign students.

Slowly, I really have my own performance style.

It's just that this style doesn't seem to be very popular in China, which is undoubtedly quite painful for Chen Yue.

But now he has slowly adapted to the domestic film and television market, and he is also confident in his acting skills, but he lacks a real opportunity to perform.

Because most of the time he went forward was brought by his father, Chen Baoming sometimes hoped to give his son more opportunities to perform.

But once with him, it will be overshadowed by his light.

Chen Yue was also a little sad, and was killed by his father when he was a little interested at the beginning.

Now it's finally on track again, and it's covered by his father's actor halo.

Everyone only saw Chen Baoming's performance, but they couldn't see him.

In fact, this is also a normal thing, after all, Chen Baoming is accustomed to such a performance, and it is all that kind of drama of the big male protagonist.

His protagonist aura is not strong, and no one can focus on the protagonist at all.

Thus, such an embarrassing situation appeared.

At this time, Chen Yue came to Luo Chen's crew, which was naturally a different situation.

Luo Chen knows how to stimulate the potential of this old brother, after all, he has a director's aura, and an actor please take place, such a magical aura and skills are there, it is still very easy to stimulate Chen Yue's potential.

And no one expected that it was he who made such a decision to make a gold medal supporting role, and at the same time, when Chen Yue later played the protagonist, he also looked like it.

So that the whole East has made a very high-quality actor.

It also became a very important member of the later Luo Chen movie Iron Triangle!


The author has something to say:

I am the author Dynasty Wu Jindao, thank you for your support, this chapter is a plus chapter. Today's update has been broadcast, and I wish you all a happy National Day. Strive for explosive changes during the holidays, so that everyone has fun watching. By the way, push a brother's new book: Da Tang: The Beginning Integrates Three Lü Bu's combat power. It's very well written, you can go and check it out

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