Chen Yue's appearance, Luo Chen's actor echelon has become richer again.

In fact, at the beginning, Luo Chen really did not have many actors on hand, more of them were the personnel of the production team.

Of course, there are also a lot of actors in Bairu Entertainment Company.

But that is also Bai Ru's, although it is said that his wife's is his own, but Luo Chen still hopes to have his own core actor team.

Chen Yue has been included in the key observation object, after all, with Chen Baoming such a movie king father, Chen Yue's acting skills are really not bad.

For Chen Yue's cultivation, there is some guilt, so Chen Baoming is very concerned about Chen Yue's acting skills.

And following Chen Baoming in various crews for so long is enough to bring a lot of different influences to Chen Yue.

Now Chen Yue's acting skills have slowly developed in a very tasteful direction.

At this time, for Luo Chen, there are undoubtedly many new possibilities.

Of course, Bai Ru's actor can also be used casually, but Bai Ru's agency is also operated independently.

Their actors have already had a lot of things before, and there are schedules and schedules.

Therefore, in such an environment, the actors that Luo Chen can choose have become less.

Especially before, when some TV stations joined forces to implicitly block, it was already very obvious.

Some of you actors went to Luo Chen's TV station to act in TV series, so don't think about coming to our TV station to show their programs in the future.

Therefore, in such an oppressive environment, Luo Chen can use very few actor resources.

That is to say, when Bai Ru suddenly sent a group of new actors to Luo Chen to play in the love apartment, Luo Chen had no room to choose.

Fortunately, this group of newcomer actors in love apartments is still contentious.

Although there are several undercover traitors inside, they were also liquidated by Luo Chen, and the last group of people left can also support Luo Chen's crew.

The effect given is also okay, under such a performance, the operation of the entire love apartment is also very well done.

But Luo Chen wants to make more TV series, which is a little difficult.

So the heroine of the romantic house is Gedina, and the female No. 2 is Tong Yaya quickly shooting.

Male No. 2, he didn't find any of them that could support the acting skills of this role, and there was a little bit of card space to shoot.

Therefore, Chen Yue was also captured by him as a strong ding, which can be regarded as mutually beneficial.

Chen Yue was also willing to seize this opportunity. came over, that is, one of Luo Chen's hardcore actor team.

After all, the relationship between Chen Baoming and Luo Chen is there, there is no need to say too much between each other, and Chen Baoming is also happy to see Chen Yue and Luo Chen getting closer and closer.

Anyway, in the past, those TV series were also brought by Chen Baoming into the group.

A coffee position like Chen Baoming did not look at the so-called hidden blocking of those TV stations at all.

He knows the urine nature of these TV stations too well, and whoever has money and brings them benefits is the uncle.

These so-called hidden blocks, as long as they can bring them profits, will soon automatically collapse.

Who is he Chen Baoming? It is directly the national first-class actor actor and the TV emperor, and the impact is not a joke.

As long as he is there, the ratings are guaranteed.

Will these stations have a hard time getting by with ratings and money?

Even if these TV stations can't go, there is still Yang's mother crying and shouting to ask him to film. There are also a bunch of bigwigs in the movie circle waiting for brother to play the protagonist!

So everything is fake, its own strength is strong, and naturally it is not afraid of all dirty!

And the actors in Luo Chen's hands now, they really only look at the only enough to shoot these TV series, and if they open more, there will be no real actor reserves.

This is also one of the things he is more embarrassed about now.

However, since the three TV series have exploded one after another.

Naturally, there are people who do not think of the original so-called hidden blocking, and many people have already offered a price, but the price offered by these people is a bit high, and it is not generally high.

Seeing such invitations, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh, and directly asked Bai Ru:

"I said that my wife and these people are fools?" I'm so popular with TV dramas now, do they dare to ask me for this price and slaughter me as a fat sheep?

Bai Ru smiled: "Hehe, who made your TV series so popular now, you have a lot more advertising costs!"

Those are popular big stars, although they want a high price, without this price they will not come.

And they all know in the industry that it's not easy for you to hire actors now, right?

In addition, coming to us to film TV series, or participating in variety shows, there is a risk of being rejected by other TV stations.

Those veteran singers don't say anything, and they usually don't have the opportunity to go out to stage on these large TV stations, and more are the ground in other places, so these hidden bans have little to do with them. "

And Uncle Liu's favor is there, and their status in the rivers and lakes is high, so naturally they are not afraid."

But other actors, just popular, some actors TV series are still broadcast on their TV stations, so they dare not take this risk.

There are some cooperative units that also want to consider it.

After all, now you have three TV series on fire, although it is very popular, but, who knows what will happen to us in the future?

It can only be said that although we have passed the difficulties of this review, if we want to stand out in the situation of many TV stations and the struggle for hegemony of all nations, others still have a little lack of confidence in us.

Bai Ru explained to Luo Chen very patiently.

After all, although Luo Chen has a very strong talent and sufficient financial support, he is certainly not familiar with the current situation in the entertainment industry.

Bai Ru is now in the most central position of this circle from beginning to end, and naturally understands all the conditions.

She is also clear about the minds of the major TV stations now, and she is even more clear about what these actors think.

Therefore, Luo Chen can conclude that some first-line superstars are difficult to invite, and then some middle-level stars cannot afford to offend those TV stations.

Little star, needless to say, there is no difference between inviting over and not inviting, it is better to use a new person.

So it has become this embarrassing situation now, Luo Chen is now using all his own people, either Bai Ru's artists, or his own iron relationship.

After figuring out the current situation, Luo Chen scratched his head a little innocently:

"So, I'm the single commander now?" It's all supported by the relationship of your wives. Have I really become a soft rice eater? Luo

Chen was really right, Bai Ru couldn't help but smile when she heard him say this: "You know, it's good that our sisters have sacrificed a lot to stay by your side."

But even if you eat soft rice, we force you to feed it. Hehe, so in the future, please be kind to us!

Luo Chen called a heart beating Bang Bang Bang: "That must be!" From now on, I will die to be good to you. Hehe, by the way, wife, you will let Qing'er come over later, I have something I told her to do. "

What's going on?" Bai Ru was naturally a little curious about what Luo Chen ordered Su Qing'er.

"Hehe, keep it secret for now, you'll know later." Luo Chen revealed a mysterious smile.

Bai Ru saw him like this, but knew that he must be thinking about something bad again? I couldn't help but roll my eyes angrily.

But immediately after, Sister Bai hugged Luo Chen's neck again and said closely:

"By the way, now the review of the TV station has passed, and everything is on track." Then we also have to think about other things, another thing the sisters are anxious, you know..." Luo

Chen smiled: "Got it, got it!" Soon, fast, I'll be done! Isn't National Day approaching?

That's why I asked Su Qing'er to help me do something, and after doing this, I almost achieved my divine skill.

Bai Ru's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up: "Ouch, it's so mysterious, it's a powerful husband, seriously?"

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Of course it's true!" When have I told you lies, promised you things, and when have I made an appointment?

Bai Ru was really happy now: "It's really good, love your husband, I'm waiting for you!" Okay, I'll go out and help you with some things.

By the way, see if there are suitable actors, in this regard, I still have a lot of insight.

Luo Chen couldn't help but pat her right up: "Okay, thank you wife, don't forget to help me call Qing'er in."

Bai Ru muttered and said, "Got it, Qing'er Qing'er, it's really affectionate, is it Qing'er or your little lover?"

Luo Chen was interested: "Yo, Sister Bai, are you jealous?"

Bai Ru rolled her eyes playfully: "Who doesn't know the bad intentions of you men, there are secretaries to do, nothing to do secretaries, bad hearts!"

Luo Chen smiled: "Well, the young lady knows a lot." But don't worry, I'm not in the latter situation, but there is really something for Qing'er to do, and it's a good thing for you.

"It's so mysterious, I'm looking forward to it!" Okay, okay, no kidding with you, I'll go and call your little lover over.

Bai Ru smiled charmingly, twisted and twisted and walked away, and Shi Shiran opened the office door and walked out.

Looking at her deliberately sultry look, Luo Chen almost couldn't help but want to put her on the spot.

But then Su Qing'er walked in, with a little blushing: "Sir, I'm coming, do you have any orders?"

Luo Chen said lightly: "Qing'er, help me go, customize a big bed, put it in my bedroom, 5 meters × 4 meters." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Su Qing'er couldn't help but blush even more.


The author has something to say:

I am the author Dynasty Wu Jindao, I am very sorry, yesterday I uploaded the wrong chapter of the old book, my hand trembled, sorry everyone. To make up for the apology, this chapter deliberately has more words. And today will explode more, how much can explode, it depends on the readers. The more five-star reviews, the more gifts, and the more explosive it is

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