Hearing Luo Chen's order, Su Qing'er couldn't help but blush even more.

Everyone knows what this big bed is for.

It's so big, isn't it a bit exaggerated?

But thinking about the goddesses around Luo Chen, Su Qinger immediately knew what Luo Chen wanted to do.

Recalling that she heard Luo Chen say that she was about to achieve a divine accomplishment, she immediately knew that this time it was estimated to be true.

And the time was very close, and I suddenly knew what might happen.

Su Qing'er doesn't know if she will have her own share at that time, but this big bed is so spacious, it should allow her to squeeze in a little position, right?

But she didn't think so much now, just blushed and saluted: "Okay sir, I'll do it now!" It will definitely satisfy you!

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I know that you have always satisfied me, and I will also satisfy you when the time comes."

Well, go ahead, help me prepare some of this by the way, hmm... The normal model size may not be enough for me, quickly go to the best brands on the Internet to get me a few boxes of extra large sizes. Seeing

Luo Chen give her some sets of brands, Su Qinger immediately took it and fled, running faster than a rabbit.

As a result, she just went out a few steps when she was stopped by Bai Ru.

Bai Ru didn't really leave to help Luo Chen deal with things, and was still waiting by the side.

She looked at how long Su Qing'er could stay inside, but she didn't expect that this beautiful housekeeper would come out after a while.

Her face was still red and red, and I didn't know what Luo Chen said to her.

Bai Ru quickly stopped her and asked, "Qing'er, don't worry!" I'm here to tell me, what are Luo Chen letting you do?"

Su Qing'er blushed and showed Bai Ru Luo Chen's instructions just now

: "Sir said let me customize a 5-meterĂ—4-meter big bed, and then let me go to the brand to customize this extra-large size..."

After Bai Ru saw it, her little face couldn't help but turn pink:

"This guy is getting worse and worse, so busy, he still has time to think about this."

Su Qing'er quickly explained: "Sir said, he will soon achieve great achievements, and he will treat you sister well."

When Bai Ru heard Su Qing'er's words, she gently patted her shoulder and said, "

Hehe, Qing'er doesn't need to be discouraged, and you will be indispensable at that time!" Sister counts when she speaks, she won't treat you badly, yes, you go and get busy. "

Okay Sister Bai, then I'll go and get busy." After saying this to Bai Ru, Su Qinger's face turned even redder.

However, thinking of the promise Bai Ru made just now, Su Qing'er couldn't help but feel apprehensive and full of expectations in her heart.

She looked at the oversized instruction in the book again, and she didn't know why, so she became a little panicked.

Her heart beat a lot faster, and when she thought about the time when she had some closeness with Luo Chen, the scale of that weapon really made her a little overwhelmed when she thought about it.

Well, I don't want to be so much, let's finish Luo Chen's instructions first.

Luo Chen couldn't help but feel very happy when he saw the two little women, both of them fleeing like this.

Look at the popularity value obtained by the system in your hand, after this period of accumulation, it has quickly climbed to as much as 80 million.

At this rate, he could reach a hundred million in a few days.

At that time, it will be the moment for his SSS-level special attribute mission to be completed.

This day, not to mention him, a group of young ladies have also been looking forward to it for a long time.

Finally, it's time!

Just in time for the National Day, you can relax for a few days, and the TV station's programs in these days should be well recorded.

To prepare for the National Day file, there needs to be a new program every day of the holiday, so in Luo Chen's mind, one of the most important programs can finally be released.

"Let Sister Mei come to the office, I have important matters to discuss with her." The phone call from Luo Chen's office gave instructions to another small secretary outside.

Luo Chen's assistant secretary is not only Su Qinger, of course, Su Qinger is the most loyal and intimate, and can handle all his personal affairs.

Of course, you can also do that kind of thing, there is something for the secretary to do, and nothing to do for the secretary's affinity.

But that's a matter for later.

After all, she is the housekeeper of the royal courtyard, and helping Luo Chen deal with the company's affairs is incidental.

And now, Bai Ru and Jiang Yingxue also have some management ability, so Luo Chen assigned some important things to the two of them.

And these secretaries outside really help him do practical things, and some administrative and directives in the company are also completed through these assistant secretaries.

Of course, the relationship between these secretaries and him is a simple working relationship, and there is no such intimacy as Su Qinger.

After this instruction was given, soon Sister Mei walked to Luo Chen's office.

In the past few days, Luo Chen's office has been very busy, and waves of people have come here, like a carp crossing the river.

After all, the achievements that Luo Chen has made these days have already been seen by everyone. Other motivated people in the natural company have new ideas.

They came to communicate with Luo Chen to see if there were any new programs, and it became the norm.

Luo Chen is still very kind to his own people, plus his subordinates have fighting spirit and self-motivation is a good thing.

The more people can grow and rise, the more his TV station can prosper.

So I've been living every day very full lately.

And immediately afterwards, an instruction sent to him above also gave him some new ideas.

Before, there were some instructions for song literature and art, that is, to ask him to make two singing programs composed of amateur guests, which can mobilize the public's attention and love for music.

Two days ago, the above directly issued the order for the TV station to pass the approval, and once again renewed the TV station's business license.

This time, the license is still operated for up to 5 years, and the next review will wait until this time comes.

5 years is enough for Luo Chen to become the most powerful entertainment giant in the East.

Therefore, Luo Chen is not in a hurry at all now, of course, there are some short-term goals to be accomplished.

In addition to the fact that these two amateur music programs can be advanced quickly.

Another blockbuster show he had to hurry up to record, I am a singer already in full swing.

And when all the singers are very nervous to prepare, Luo Chen is the most relaxed one.

Because he himself has a director's halo, plus he also has a very strong singing talent, following some bands, as well as live scheduling, etc., he has his own degree of cooperation, and the run-in is already very good.

And the amazing thing is that when he performs, the cooperation with everyone on the scene flows freely, and there is no need for more rehearsals.

Coupled with his heavenly voice, it is originally an art, and it can quickly make people intoxicated.

So in this regard, he can spend less time than other singers.

Plus now he has found another way to get the reward of me as a singer.

It's about writing songs for these singers and sending songs to them.

As long as he wins the championship by singing his song, he can also get the system reward.

So it doesn't matter if he wins the championship or not, as long as his work wins the first place, the reward will still be in hand.

In this way, he can make good use of this unique advantage of himself.

Especially Tong Yaya, who is closest to him, can push her as a popular candidate for the singer.

Another rock veteran Uncle Liu whom he respects very much, is also something he can launch to be a singer.

As long as these two people win the championship, he is comfortable in his heart, of course, others can also win the championship.

But by then, Luo Chen already had a special preparation.

Anyway, no matter who wins the championship, he will be able to get the reward, so it doesn't matter in the end.

At that time, it depends on the final outcome of the duel between these masters.

On the other hand, some of the new concepts displayed by Luo Chen also quickly spread throughout the TV station.

He pursues fine works, not relying on volume to win.

Even if it is an amateur program, he will make these two amateur programs into ratings champions.

So to such a extent, Luo Chen can already dominate all prime time from Monday to Sunday.

At that time, everyone will know what it is to shivering under the rule of Roselle TV.

At this time, Luo Chen's office also lived in a familiar figure, the leader of outdoor variety shows in the field of oriental TV production: Sister Mei.

Sister Mei is Jiang Yingxue's person, so Luo Chen can use it with confidence.

And now, Sister Mei also walked into Luo Chen's office with a little expectation, and at the same time a little complaining.

After all, Luo Chen had long said to give her a powerful variety show as her trump card to open the situation, but it was delayed until now.

Seeing Luo Chen's program production and planning ability, she has long been unable to hold back her career.

After all, there is already Zhuyu in front, Chen Feng's kid's variety show production ability, she thinks it is not comparable to her own.

If Sister Mei gets a good plan, she can definitely create a phenomenal hit!


The author has something to say:

Hello everyone, I am the author Dynasty Wu Jindao. The second is more sent, there is a burst today! After the three guarantees are completed, it will be up to the readers to perform. The more five-star book reviews, the more gifts, and the more explosions!

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